
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3769 - 3792 of 7438

The Story of Skin Deep

It started with a simple question – how many personal care products do people use every day?

Phthalates Are Out of Children’s Toys, But In Your Food

Just when you thought that phthalates, chemicals added to plastics to make them more flexible, were off your radar, think again.

Germany Proposes Seven-Year Fracking Ban

Environmentalists in Germany have more to celebrate this week than a World Cup championship title.

Pizza and French Fry Lobbyists Also Speak For Lunch Ladies?

School lunch ladies and frozen pizza and french fry companies have more in common than the food they serve: they have also been represented by the same lobbyists.

Teen Body Burden – Where Are They Now?

Six years ago, EWG tested the blood and urine of 20 young adults. We wanted to know whether teens would show higher levels of chemicals associated with cosmetics and other personal care products...

Land Conversion’s Emissions Likely Worse than Keystone’s

Building and operating the Keystone XL Pipeline would pump millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And as EWG's Heather White has said, approving the pipeline would overlook a better...

It’s Time to End Secret Subsidies

How many members of Congress receive farm subsidies? If the House adopts an amendment to the farm bill requiring disclosure of subsidy recipients, including those who get crop insurance subsidies, we...

Grasslands Go Under the Plow in the Prairie Pothole Region

An article in the May 27 edition of Harvest Public Media, an online news outlet devoted to news about agriculture, amounts to first-hand evidence of the destruction of the iconic Prairie Pothole...

The Case for Crop Insurance Reform

The Senate is expected to start debate this week on adoption of common sense reforms to the federal crop insurance program. This issue could not be more important. Crop insurance has quietly become...

New Herbicide Would Bring Hollywood's “Terminator” to Life

A New York Times article last week (Aug. 11) explained the problem of “superweeds” but failed to connect the dots between increasing use of the toxic defoliant known as 2,4-D and the serious health...

Don’t get burned with a high SPF sunscreen

As a research intern at EWG, I've investigated sunscreens to learn more about how they work and the claims that companies make. I wondered why I'd been told to put sunscreen on a sunburn, even after I...


EWG Investigates: Mr. Pay to Spray, Michael Dourson

President Trump has nominated Michael Dourson to oversee chemical safety for the EPA, even though Dourson has repeatedly sought to weaken chemical safety standards on behalf of polluters for a price.

Do we need to rethink what we call carcinogens?

More than one in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes.


Hidden Carcinogen Taints Tap Water, Consumer Products Nationwide

An industrial solvent classified as a likely carcinogen, which is also a common impurity in cosmetics and household cleaners, was detected in samples of drinking water supplies for nearly 90 million Americans in 45 states, according to testing data from local utilities analyzed by EWG.

Try EWG’s Food Scores App at the Grocery Store

This summer as an EWG research intern, I've helped develop EWG's Food Scores. The database and mobile app help consumers make healthier, cleaner grocery store purchases by rating food on a scale with...

Respiratory Risk Before the First Breath? Household cleaning products may affect health in the womb

We know there is a link between exposure to cleaning products and respiratory problems. But could unborn babies be at risk from their mothers' exposures even before they've taken their first breaths?

Brazilian-style Blowouts: Still Poisonous, Still in Salons

Hair straightening sessions are injuring clients and making stylists sick, so why are they still offered in salons across the country?

Claims of GMO Yield Increases Don’t Hold Up

At a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee this week, opponents of mandatory labeling of GMO foods trotted out the now familiar argument that genetically engineered crops are the key to feeding...

No Doubt About it: Price Tag Gets Ever Higher for New Gold-Plated Farm Subsidies

In a recent article in Politico, reporter David Rogers took issue with estimates of per-acre subsidy payments that growers could receive under the Agriculture Risk Coverage farm subsidy program...

At Stake in the Senate TSCA Fight: The Fate of Asbestos

Many Americans probably believe asbestos was banned years ago, consigned to the trash bin of history, never to be seen again. Not so. This notorious human carcinogen is still legal for use in the U.S.

What The Washington Post and Rep. Pompeo Got Wrong

A Washington Post editorial this week (March 30) came out in support of legislation introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) that would block states from requiring that genetically engineered foods...

There is Nano-WHAT in My Food?

Are intentionally engineered nanoparticles being added to our food? We don't know for sure – and federal food regulators aren't helping us find out the truth.

Food Multinationals Behind Attacks on Dr. Oz and Consumer Rights

The front group of all front groups, the American Council on Science and Health, has not disclosed its donor list since the early 1990's.

Boondoggle: “Prevented Planting” Insurance Plows Up Wetlands, Wastes $Billions

A new EWG report released this week pulls back the curtain on the billions of taxpayer dollars that get wasted every year through the “prevented planting” federal crop insurance program that...