
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3793 - 3816 of 7438

Senate Environmental Champions: Making the Best of Bad Chemistry

Much more than a long memory is needed these days to recall the golden age of GOP environmentalism. A feat of imagination is required.

Chemicals in Food Wrappers and Outdoor Clothing Linked to Spike in Miscarriages

More bad news about the nonstick, greaseproof and waterproof chemicals in cookware, food wrappers, outdoor clothing and even cosmetics: In a Danish study, women whose blood had high levels of these...

Voluntary Programs to Reduce Farm Run-off Still Aren’t Working

A new analysis in Choices Magazine shows that voluntary agricultural pollution programs still aren't working.


Less Farm Pollution, More Clean Water

The federal farm bill is scheduled for reauthorization in 2018. The conservation title of a new farm bill is a remarkable opportunity to jump-start progress toward clean water, clean air and a better quality of life for both rural and urban Americans – but only if we are ambitious and reach for fundamental changes in the title.

10 Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend is all about fun in the sun. Whether you're heading to the beach, a lake or a backyard picnic, be sure to cover up to protect your skin against sunburn and pesky bug bites.

Colleges To Promote Sun Safety

Last year, our 25-year-old classmate was diagnosed with melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Her illness came as a shock. “Isn't melanoma a disease of older people?” we said to ourselves.

How To Head Off Another Elk River Crisis

The Elk River chemical disaster, which unfolded a year and four days ago, is one of those crises too terrible to waste. Here are five surprising lessons we need to learn from the spill, which...

Big Ag: Cheaper to Pollute

The American Farm Bureau Federation believes that it's simply cheaper to pollute America's rivers and streams – and pass the cost on to water utilities like the Des Moines Water Works – than it is to...

Cleaner Iowa Water: Ripe for the Picking

Nitrate and phosphorus runoff from farm fields is a major reason why water quality is notoriously poor in Iowa's rivers, streams and lakes.

So-called 'Clean Energy Standard' Protects Polluters

Putting “clean coal,” gas, nuclear, and unsustainable biomass under the “clean” umbrella is a triumph of rhetoric over reality. Nowhere does the "Clean Energy Standard" under discussion in Washington...

GMO Labels Don’t Scare Away Shoppers

Food and biotechnology giants fighting against mandatory labeling of genetically engineered food (commonly known as GMOs) claim that it would have consumers fleeing their products. But the evidence...

Chemical Industry Spending Surges to Support Sham Reform

Updated data from the Center for Responsive Politics and lobbying disclosure forms filed with Congress show that the American Chemistry Council, along with chemical giants Dow, Dupont, BASF, 3M...

Stock Up On Sunscreen With Your FSA Dollars

With much of the country buried beneath snow and battling frigid temperatures, most Americans are focused on scarves and shovels, not sun safety and skin cancer. While sunscreen is likely not at the...


Polluted Runoff: A Broken Promise Threatens Drinking Water in the Heartland

The 1985 federal farm bill created a conservation compact between farmers and taxpayers. In return for generous farm subsidies, farmers agreed to take steps to cut erosion and polluted runoff from their most vulnerable cropland, and to not drain wetlands unless they mitigated the loss.

States Lead the Way on Dangerous Chemicals

States are leading the way when it comes to protecting people from dangerous chemicals.

Unlike Industry Bill, Boxer-Markey Bill Protects Health, Families

The two chemical safety “reform” bills introduced this week provide a clear choice for members of Congress.

Groups Join Voices Against Industry Chemicals Bill

A growing chorus is speaking out against legislation to update federal chemical safety law that was introduced last week by Sens. Tom Udall, D-N.M., and David Vitter, R-La. The industry-backed bill...

Is TSCA Rewrite Better than Current Law?

For months we've watched to see if the chemical safety bills moving through Congress would be better than current law. It's a low bar, because the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, or TSCA, is...

Organic “Hotspots” Boost Local Economies

The nutritional and environmental benefits of organic agriculture are two of the main reasons that shoppers seek out organic foods and other products. But did you know organic is also good for the...

Is Your Drinking Water Contaminated with Toxic Non-stick Chemicals?

When you drink a glass of water, you expect it to be clean and pure, not contaminated with invisible toxic chemicals. But nationwide testing has found that 6.5 million Americans in 27 states are...

Organic Industry Fights For Better Animal Welfare

Great news! The organic industry is fighting to strengthen its animal welfare standards to ensure the health and well-being of livestock and poultry throughout their lives.

Voluntary Farm Conservation is Woefully Inadequate

A new study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Geological Survey estimates that farm conservation practices in some parts of the Midwest have reduced farm pollution by 5-to-34 percent...


Under New Safety Law, EPA Picks First 10 Chemicals for Review

The safety reviews could lead to bans or restrictions on a number of hazardous chemicals in consumer products and workplaces, including asbestos, paint strippers

Drinking Water for 5.2 Million People Tainted by Unsafe Levels of PFCs

Drinking water supplies serving more than 5.2 million Americans may be contaminated with two perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs, at levels higher than the Environmental Protection Agency now deems safe...