
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3841 - 3864 of 7438


EWG Proposes PFAS Standards That Fully Protect Children’s Health

In the almost 20 years since water pollution with toxic fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, erupted as a public health issue, research has found impacts from exposure to ever-lower levels. Yet there are still no national, legally enforceable drinking water standards for any of the hundreds of PFAS compounds currently in use.

Another Environmentalist Apologizes Over GMOs

I need to start by publicly apologizing for not engaging in the debate over genetically engineered crops, technically, genetically modified organisms or GMOs, until two years ago.

Top Economists Say Crop Insurance Reform is a No-Brainer

Two of the nation's leading agricultural economists say federal crop insurance is greatly over-subsidized, adding yet another authoritative voice to those calling for reform.


And Manure for All

North Carolina's dense concentration of approximately 6,500 confined animal feeding operations, often called CAFOs, annually generate two million tons of dry chicken waste and 10 billion gallons of liquified hog waste, enough to fill more than 15,000 Olympic-size swimming pools.

Mars Pledges To Drop Artificial Coloring

Mars Inc., the multinational corporation that produces iconic candies such as M&Ms, Milky Way and Snickers, announced last week that it will phase out artificial colors from its products over the next...

S.C. Johnson To Disclose Fragrance Ingredients

Do you wonder whether your air freshener's formulation is safe? Are you tired of reading product labels with the catch-all terms “fragrance” or “natural fragrance” but no specific ingredients?

Got Organic Milk?

Many people buy organic food because of the humane animal care requirements and environmental benefits, but is it actually better for you?

How Big Food Secretly Spent $11 million to Beat Washington State GMO Labeling Measure

The Grocery Manufacturers Association covered up $11 million in corporate payments for an aggressive ad campaign that helped defeat a Washington State GMO labeling ballot initiative, according to...

Consumers Want Simple Labels, Not Codes

Busy consumers want ingredients disclosed on food labels – not embedded in electronic codes that must be scanned with a smart phone.

GMO Labeling Won’t Increase Food Prices

William James, the father of modern psychology, once said, “There's nothing so absurd, that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it.” This must be the strategy of genetically engineered...

Purdue's GMO Study: Biased Data, Bogus Findings

A new study by Purdue University claims that if all American farmers switch to growing non-GMO crops, food will cost more, crop yields will be lower and more land will be needed to grow our food.

UPDATE: Is Toxic Teflon Chemical in Your Drinking Water?

The bad news about a toxic chemical used to make Teflon keeps getting worse.

New DARK Act Would Keep American Consumers on Hold

The new version of the DARK Act introduced by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) would allow companies to voluntarily rely on toll-free numbers and websites instead of labels to inform American consumers...

New Studies Trace PFC Pollution from Sources to the Next Generation

Fluorine-based chemicals that can cause cancer, developmental toxicity and numerous other detrimental health effects have contaminated the drinking water of millions of Americans, and the blood of...

Flame Retardants: Why They’re in Our Homes and How To Avoid Them

Americans have been exposed to potentially harmful flame retardant chemicals for decades.

Rocket Fuel and the Not-So-Safe Drinking Water Act

In a remarkable moment of courtroom candor, an attorney representing the Environmental Protection Agency admitted last week the EPA "blew it" in botched efforts to regulate a hazardous chemical in the...

Maryland County Bans Lawn Pesticides - or Does it?

The Montgomery County, Maryland, Council has passed an ordinance banning what it calls “cosmetic pesticides” on private lawns. The devil, however, is in the details. The term “cosmetic” means...

Survivorship and prevention - Cancer Survivors Day

National Cancer Survivors Day - June 5 -- is a day for celebrating and supporting the 14 million Americans whose lives have been touched by cancer.

“Extreme levels” of Herbicide Roundup Found in Food

A new study led by scientists from the Arctic University of Norway has detected “extreme levels” of Roundup, the agricultural herbicide manufactured by Monsanto, in genetically engineered soy.



Media attention has understandably focused on flooding, especially given the devastating floods that have repeatedly struck the region in recent years.This year, it looks as if the Midwest will dodge the bullet – flooding has been damaging and heart-breaking for those affected, but nothing yet has resembled the scope and devastation of the 1993 and 2008 floods. But the Corn Belt's rich soil and

Eating an Organic Diet May Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Frequently eating a variety of organic foods may significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer, according to a groundbreaking study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association...


Price Supports

The House and Senate versions of the pending farm bill are supposed to save $47 billion by repealing three subsidy programs: direct payments, counter-cyclical payments and the average crop revenue election. But both bills would then use almost three-quarters of those savings – about $35 billion – to fund a suite of new farm income support programs designed to put a higher floor under crop prices

PFAS Chemicals Harm the Immune System, Decrease Response to Vaccines, New EWG Review Finds

Toxic PFAS chemicals, notorious for contaminating drinking water supplies across the U.S., are harmful to nearly every human organ, and the immune system is particularly vulnerable. PFAS mixtures...