
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3865 - 3888 of 7438

Open the Window for Fresh Air, Get Lead Instead

Because of the contamination crisis in Flint, Mich., most people know about the health threat of lead in drinking water. But water isn't the chief source of lead poisoning. It's windows. And warm...

Under Udall Proposal, Wind and Solar Would Be Dominant US Energy Source in 15 Years

Congress now has an opportunity to accelerate the urgently needed transition to renewable energy with a nationally coordinated effort. Today Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) filed legislation to require all...

States Stick Ratepayers With $15 Billion To Rescue Nukes

After repeatedly floating specious bailout schemes, Energy Secretary Rick Perry now admits the federal government has no legal authority to prop up aging nuclear power plants. But in the past three...

It’s Time To Designate PFAS a “Hazardous Substance”

Per-and polyfluorinated substances, known as PFAS, are often characterized as “emerging contaminants.” However, ask the residents living in the communities polluted by decades of unregulated...

Federal Energy Subsidies: What Are We Getting for Our Money?

Through tax breaks, funding for research and development, and other federal government programs and policies, American taxpayers subsidize the spectrum of energy sources: oil, natural gas, coal...

Vector-Borne Diseases on the Rise: Protect Yourself With EWG’s Guide to Bug Repellents

Summer is the season for enjoying the outdoors, but as cases of diseases from mosquitoes, ticks and flea bites continue to rise, Americans must remain vigilant about protecting themselves by using an...

To Address PFAS Pollution, Congress Should Report, Reduce and Remediate

When it comes to household waste, we all know the mantra: Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Livestock Feedlot Facts Should be Public

Largely out of the public view, government officials, environmental groups and agricultural interests have been battling over public access to data about the workings of the crowded animal feedlots...

Cuomo Aide’s Oil/Gas Investments Questioned in N.Y. Fracking Debate

As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo nears a decision on whether to lift the state's moratorium on shale gas development, filings with the state ethics commission reveal that one of his top advisors may be in a position to benefit personally from the outcome.

How the Defense Spending Bill Vote Could Impact Children’s Health

This year's defense spending bill – the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA – now being considered by Congress, is an unprecedented chance to regulate the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as...

Lead in Tap Water: What Parents Should Know

Lead-contaminated water is not unique to Flint, Mich., or Newark, N.J., where excessively high levels of lead contaminate drinking water. Millions of Americans may unknowingly be drinking water...

The 100 U.S. Military Sites With the Worst PFAS Contamination

Many of the nation's highest levels of groundwater contamination with PFAS – highly toxic fluorinated chemicals linked to increased risk of cancer and other diseases – have been found at military...

Why EWG Standards for Drinking Water?

When it comes to drinking water, a passing grade from the government does not guarantee the water is safe.


Impact of Scaling Back

View and Download the report here: Impact of Scaling Back Crop Insurance Premium Subsidies

EWG News Roundup (11/8): PFAS Taints N.J. Water, Trump Withdraws From Paris Climate Accord and More

EWG News Roundup (11/8): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Trump’s Farm Bailout Program Continues USDA’s Racist Legacy

President Trump's tariffs are a disaster for American soybean farmers, effectively cutting off access to China, their largest market. The Department of Agriculture's bailout program has not helped...

Groundbreaking Reporting Helped Bring ‘Dark Waters’ to Light

“Dark Waters,” the story of how DuPont dumped a toxic Teflon chemical called PFOA in a small West Virginia town and covered it up for decades, opens nationwide today.

Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer: Is There a Link?

Recent years have seen an increase in the number of aluminum-free antiperspirants and deodorants on the market. The trend has been led by smaller, boutique brands marketed as “natural,” such as Here +...

Five Tips To Protect Kids from Cellphone Radiation During Holiday Travel

If you're traveling this holiday season, chances are your kid will have a device in their lap for at least part of the trip. Don't feel bad. We get it. Traveling with kids requires backup.

2,4-D Herbicide & GMO Crops

A fight is brewing over Dow's Enlist Duo, an extraordinarily potent weed-killer designed to kill the new generation of so-called “superweeds” that have mutated to withstand blasts of Monsanto's popular weed-killer RoundUp.