
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3889 - 3912 of 7438

A Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer May Be in Your Tap Water. Here’s What to Do About It

As a child, I thought anybody who refused to drink tap water was just too picky. But once you learn about the array of potentially harmful chemicals in U.S. tap water, you realize it's smart to...

Five Healthy Meats for Your Holiday Table (Plus Two To Avoid)

We know you want to choose the most humane, good-for-you, good-for-the-environment foods for your family holidays.

Ask EWG: What’s the Best Bug Spray to Buy for My Kids?

Bug spray is easily one of the most confusing products to buy for your kids. There are a lot of ingredients to choose from and a lot of misinformation. Will they work? Are they safe? Knowing which one...

How Much is Too Much?

Can you get too much of a good thing? When it comes to vitamin A, zinc and niacin, yes you can.

A Kardashian’s Appeal for Safer Kids Products

When we first told Kourtney Kardashian that the law which regulates the ingredients in personal care products – which also means children's care products – had not been updated in 80 years, she was...

Ethanol's Broken Promise

Ethanol's Broken Promise: Using Less Corn Ethanol Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions

EPA Seeks Ideas to Gut Clean Water Rules, But Citizens Speak Up for Public Health

The Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting ideas for easing "burdensome" water regulations – Trump administration doublespeak for gutting rules that protect drinking water from toxic chemicals...

World Health Organization Urges Farmers to Stop Overusing Antibiotics in Livestock

The World Health Organization issued new guidelines strongly urging farmers to stop the routine use of antibiotics in animals that aren't sick. WHO, an arm of the United Nations, is concerned that...

Who Will Support Real Cosmetics Reform?

In coming weeks, members of Congress will again introduce bipartisan bills to ensure that the chemicals used in cosmetics and other everyday personal care products are safe

How the EPA Should Act To Protect Americans From Toxic PFAS Chemicals

The toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a national crisis demanding national action.

Study: Elevated Levels of Toxic Chemicals Found in Menstrual Pads and Disposable Diapers

Many brands of menstrual pads and disposable diapers contain elevated levels of chemicals linked to developmental and reproductive harm, according to a recent study published in the journal...

Men's Health

Most men know by now that good lifestyle choices – such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and drinking in moderation – make a big difference in staying healthy. Men may too often ignore these sensible recommendations, but it's not because they're not aware of them.

EWG News Roundup (4/6): Pruitt Keeps Creating Scandals, Coal and Nuclear Plants Seek Bailout and More

Roundup 4/06: Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (4/5): EPA Chief Dodges Questions, Big Pork Will Make Its Own Food Safety Inspections, Why Trump Hates Wind and More

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler made the rounds of Capitol Hill this week, displaying twice his questionable commitment to protecting Americans' public health.

Renewable Fuels Policy “Untethered from Reality”

It's time to face facts: the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) created by Congress in 2005 and expanded in 2007 is producing too many “bad biofuels” that increase greenhouse gas emissions, drive up food...

Trump May Hand Sarah Palin Keys to Nation’s Public Lands, Wildlife

During her failed bid for vice president in 2008, that was Sarah Palin's crowd-pleasing chant promoting her energy policy. Now the pithy catchphrase – and the former Alaska governor herself – could...

Five Kids’ Snacks You Should Always Buy Organic

Did you know that in order to receive organic certification, packaged foods must be free of not only toxic pesticides but also thousands of added chemicals like artificial preservatives, colors and...

Two Big Steps Toward Meeting Our Climate Pledge

A House committee is expected to approve legislation today to require the Trump administration to produce a plan to meet America's international commitments to fighting climate change.

The 100% Renewables Moonshot: We’re Closer Than You Think

Advocates for 100 percent renewable energy often compare the effort needed to meet that goal to efforts to put a person on the moon.

A Bill of Rights To Keep Utilities From Penalizing Solar Customers

Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned electric utility in the U.S., wants to charge customers in South Carolina more for using less energy. Duke is asking state regulators for permission to more...


Cell Phone Radiation Depends On Wireless Carrier

A series of studies quietly published over the last five years show that cell phone network technologies affect radiation exposure as much as the phone design itself.