
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3937 - 3960 of 7438

How Much of Monsanto’s Weed Killer Is In Your Food?

The Food and Drug Administration plans to start testing food for traces of glyphosate, the world's most commonly used pesticide. I know what you're thinking: the federal government wasn't doing that...

Monsanto, GMOs and Cancer Risk

The news from the world's leading cancer experts that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans” provides the smoking gun that should make it simple for the Obama administration to require GMO...

Monsanto’s GMO Weed Killer Damages DNA

One of the world's leading experts on cancer risk, Dr. Christopher Portier, told an international conference in London this week that he is certain that glyphosate, the weed killer most commonly used...

GMOs Haven’t Cut Weedkiller Use

Monsanto marketed its potent weed killer glyphosate – brand name Roundup -- and the corn and soybeans genetically engineered to withstand it by claiming that it would replace other, more toxic weed...

GMO-Linked Herbicide May Doom Monarch Butterflies

A new study (March 21) concludes that monarch butterflies may go extinct within two decades, largely as the result of widespread adoption of herbicides used with genetically modified corn and soybeans...

Fields of Drift: GMO Weed Killer Exposure on Playing Fields and Parks

An EWG survey of athletic fields and parks in a six-state sample of small-town America shows that more than 90 percent of these recreational areas are within 1,000 feet of a corn or soybean field...

On Cosmetics Safety, U.S. Trails More Than 40 Nations

U.S. regulation of chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics is falling behind the rest of the world, according to an EWG analysis.

Report: Boosting Energy Efficiency Would Bring Vast Health Benefits

A new report estimated the sweeping public health benefits that a 15 percent reduction in energy demand would yield in one year.

Pucker Up for a Dose of Lead

On Valentine's Day, sweethearts bestow millions of lipstick-stained kisses. But those smooches could include a dose of lead.

New GE Crops/Weed Killer Combo Puts Foods At Risk

More than 440,000 acres of food crops – including potatoes, peas, grapes and tomatoes – could soon be in the toxic spray zones of a weed-killing chemical linked to Parkinson's disease and reproductive...

Curb Farm-Payment Excesses

Des Moines Register Published July 14, 2007 Work on the 2007 farm bill comes at an exciting time for agriculture in America. Adding energy crops as a third major source of income, along with food and...

Half of Coal Plants Lose Too Much Money to Stay Open on the Free Market

Despite efforts by the Trump administration and some states to prop up the coal industry, its future remains bleak.

Senate Farm Bill Amendment Would Rein in Crop Insurance Subsidies for the Rich

A new amendment to the Senate farm bill that limits crop insurance subsidies for the wealthiest farmers would save taxpayers more than $490 million dollars over the next 10 years.

Study: Fracking Linked to Low Birth Weight in Babies

Babies of mothers who live near fracked natural gas wells are more likely to be born underweight, according to a new study of more than 1.1 million births in Pennsylvania.

EWG and Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals: 20 Years in the Fight Against PFAS

In 2001, attorney Robert Bilott filed a federal class-action suit against DuPont for polluting the drinking water of more than 70,000 people in and around Parkersburg, W.Va., with PFOA, a Teflon...

Frac Sand Mining, Coming to You Soon?

The boom in hydraulic fracking to extract natural gas and oil has created a huge demand for silica sand.

Too Loud To Be Silenced

Before Sunday's climate march in New York City, environmental groups expected a turnout of maybe 100,000. The NY police thought the number would be closer to 30,000. Hardly anyone expected the total...

How Corn Ethanol Is Worse For Climate Change Than The Keystone Pipeline

Do you think the federal government couldn't order something worse for the environment than the Keystone XL oil pipeline? Think again.

Earth to Paris: Corn Ethanol is a Climate Disaster

Corn ethanol, once thought of as a way for the U.S. to cut carbon pollution, is conspicuously absent from the emissions reduction plan the White House submitted ahead of the global climate conference...

Corn Growers Don’t Need the Corn Ethanol Mandate

The corn ethanol mandate requires refiners to blend more and more ethanol into gasoline. But there is already a “natural” marketplace demand for ethanol. If there were no mandate, gasoline refiners...

Clean Energy Jobs in Great Lakes Outnumber Jobs in Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy by More Than 4 to 1

The new clean energy economy provides over four times more jobs in the Great Lakes region than the fossil fuel and nuclear power industries, according to EWG's analysis of recent reports.

Trump’s Coal Bailout, Repeal of Clean Power Plan Would Bring Early Death to Many Americans

The Trump administration's proposals to prop up the coal industry and roll back clean air rules would mean early deaths for tens of thousands of Americans, according to new research.

Is 100 Percent Renewable Energy for the U.S. Possible? Yes.

Across America, devastating hurricanes, hellish wildfires, deadly heat waves and other disasters have brought the climate change crisis close to home. In response, more than 100 cities, counties and...