
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 3961 - 3984 of 7438


Timeline: BPA from Invention to Phase-Out

BPA was invented nearly 120 years ago and currently used in enormous amounts to manufacture hard plastic water bottles and to make epoxy linings of metal food cans, like those for canned infant formula. Stuides conducted over the past 20 years now show it to be not only a ubiquitous pollutant in the human body - it contaminates nearly 93% of the population - but also a potent developmental toxin

A Disaster Waiting To Happen…Forever

A bid to establish a dedicated trust fund to compensate farmers and ranchers who suffer weather damage to crops and livestock would direct most of the funds to a handful of states where agricultural...

New Tests Find High Levels of Hazardous Chlorination Byproducts in D.C. Tap Water

In spite of the best efforts of the Washington Aqueduct to provide quality tap water to the District of Columbia, tests conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in May of 2007 revealed toxic...

Down the Drain: Chemicals From Personal Care Products Polluting SF Bay

Hormone-disrupting chemicals from a wide variety of consumer products are polluting San Francisco Bay, posing risks to marine life and challenges for consumers and utility districts.

Ken Cook Statement on National Black Farmers Association President’s Congressional Subcommittee Testimony

Today, Dr. John Boyd, President of the National Black Farmer's Association, testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.

Drilling on Federal Game Habitat Has Doubled This Decade

Oil and gas drilling in big game habitat on Western public lands has more than doubled in the past decade, pushing sportsmen out of their favorite hunting spots, according to an Environmental Working...

Hearing on "Perchlorate: Health and Environmental Impacts of Unregulated Exposure"

A series of critical new studies by scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that the EPA's proposed safe exposure level for the rocket fuel contaminant perchlorate is...

CDC: Americans Carry Body Burden of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical

A new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that 97% of Americans are contaminated with a widely-used sunscreen ingredient called oxybenzone that has been linked to allergies, hormone disruption, and cell damage. A companion study published just one day earlier revealed that this chemical is linked to low birth weight in baby girls whose mothers are exposed during pregnancy

Black Farmers Finally See Justice

Yesterday (Nov 19) it was announced that the $1.15 billion awarded black farmers in the Pigford settlement that arose from decades of discriminatory practices at the U.S. Department of Agriculture...

Calif. Officials Honored for Efforts to Protect Public Health and Environment

Six dedicated public servants will be honored tonight in San Francisco for their shared commitment to protecting the health and environment of Californians.

Throwing Good Money at Bad Land

A new Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis has found that a federal Bureau of Reclamation proposal to continue farming on a vast swath of selenium-tainted acreage in the Central Valley's giant...

EPA poised to send known carcinogen back to the public

On January 19, EPA will decide whether or not to allow unrestricted use of the potent human carcinogen chromium-6 in a wood preservative known as ACC (acid copper chromate), for lumber sold at the...

Asbestos Still A Public Health Tragedy; Congress Taking Action

Asbestos kills an estimated 10,000 people in the United States each year, and the number of deaths is increasing. More people die from asbestos diseases annually than from skin cancer, or from fires, drowning, and Hodgkins disease combined. Asbestos mortality is not expected to peak until around 2020, and will continue for decades as exposures from products in use today as well as deteriorating

Harvard Professor Cleared of Ethics Charges is Million Dollar Donor

A Harvard Medical School professor recently cleared by a Harvard ethics panel of charges that he suppressed critical research findings made a million dollar contribution to the University's Dental...

FDA Finds High Benzene Levels in Limited Test of Drinks

Today FDA announced it found high levels of benzene in several samples in a test of a small number of sodas and juice drinks.

JOEM Retracts Fradulent Chromium Article

In a real-life epilogue to "Erin Brockovich," a peer-reviewed medical journal will retract a fraudulent article written and placed by a science-for-hire consulting firm whose CEO sits on a key federal...

Bonus Subsidy 2006

A new Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis identifies and posts online prospective recipients of a pending $1.5 billion crop subsidy bonus that is contained in an emergency spending bill the...

FDA Data Undercut Public Safety Assurances by Top Agency Official

Letter to the FDA regarding benzene in soft drinks with compilation of data from 1995-2001 study.

Former DuPont Top Expert: Company Knew, Covered Up Pollution of Americans' Blood for 18 Years

Breakdown chemicals from DuPont coatings and related sources are now in the blood of 95 percent of Americans, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has spent the last several years trying to...

BLM Steamrolls Public on Otero Mesa

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) next month will release 250,000-acres for oil and gas development in the heart of New Mexico's Otero Mesa — despite strong local opposition from the governor, the...

EWG Supports Proposed Toxics Legislation

The legislation, entitled the "Kids-Safe Chemicals Act of 2005," contains much-needed fundamental reforms of TSCA, the nation's notoriously weak chemical safety law. TSCA has not been reformed in...

U.S. Reps. Solis and Bishop Propose Ban on EPA Support for Pesticide Experiments on People

As Congress prepares to vote on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) budget for the next year, U.S. Representatives Hilda Solis of California and Tim Bishop of New York will introduce an...

Congress to Chemical Industry: You’re Under Investigation

The powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee today launched a landmark investigation into the chemical industry lobby group, The American Chemistry Council (ACC). In a letter to ACC President Jack...


Pollution from airborne soot and dust causes or contributes to the deaths of more Californians than traffic accidents, homicide and AIDS combined, according to a new report released today by...