
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4057 - 4080 of 7438

Report: Scott Pruitt to Testify Before Senate on Scandals, Ethics Violations

According to press reports, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will appear before the full Senate Environment and Public Works Committee sometime in August to answer questions about...


As You Sow

State and private laboratory tests show that fertilizer manufacturers routinely add undisclosed amounts of toxic waste to farm and home fertilizers sold in California. These companies buy toxic waste from industrial facilities to obtain low-cost plant nutrients, such as zinc or iron. Unfortunately, such waste streams are often highly contaminated with persistent toxic chemicals, including heavy

Study: More Than 200 Million Americans Could Have Toxic PFAS in Their Drinking Water

A peer-reviewed study by scientists at the Environmental Working Group estimates that more than 200 million Americans could have the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in their drinking water...

Alert: Tests Find High Levels of Asbestos in Children’s Makeup Kit

The notorious carcinogen asbestos has been found in a talc-containing eye shadow in a children's toy makeup kit, according to laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group.

Trump EPA Fails To Take Tough Action on Industrial Discharges of ‘Forever Chemicals’

The Environmental Protection Agency today released an "interim strategy" for addressing industrial discharges of the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” called PFAS. The strategy document encourages...


Power Plants Caught Cheating

The Justice Department and USEPA announced actions against 32 power plants that they claim are operating in violation of the Clean Air Act.

EWG VERIFIED® Diapers Launches Nationwide With New Healthynest Diapers

Today the Environmental Working Group published a new comprehensive Guide to Safer Diapers, an analysis of the chemicals and materials used in baby diapers, to help parents and caregivers sort through...

EWG Applauds Farm and Food Worker Protection Funds in Covid-19 Relief Package

EWG applauds the inclusion of funds for Covid-19 protections for farm and food workers in the pandemic relief package congressional leaders agreed to on Sunday. The package, which awaits a final vote...

Information Quality Appeal

EWG appeal requesting correction of FDA seafood advisory entitled "What you need to know about mercury in fish and shellfish: 2004 FDA and EPA advice for women who might become pregnant, women who are...

Statement on Human Testing Before NAS Committee

Statement by Richard Wiles, Environmental Working Group, Before the Committee on Use of Third Party Toxicity Research with Human Participants January 8, 2003 Thank you for the opportunity to appear...

EWG joins allies in promoting smart transportation planning for the 21st century

Download PDF. United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator, The 102 undersigned national, regional and local organizations write to request your support for S. 1036, the Federal...

Update to EWG petition to EPA concerning DuPont's response to EPA's inquiry of possible TSCA Section 8(e) substantial risk reporting violations

NOTE: 12 AUGUST 2004 | DuPont is continuing to make the same excuses to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on their violations of federal law. This analysis by EWG of DuPont's 2003 response to...

Water Utilities Urge Caution on Grand Canyon Uranium Mining

Major water utilities in Nevada, Arizona and California have urged the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to weigh carefully the potential risks of contamination of the Colorado River from...

Science Review Reveals West Va. Agency Policy Contradicted by Fed, Industry Research

A review of federal and industry science on the toxic industrial chemical commonly called C8 (perflouroctanoic acid, used to make Teflon) reveals that water pollution policy by the West Virginia...

Modernizing BPA Standards in Food to Protect Public Health

Comments to the Science Board of the Food and Drug Administration Jane Houlihan, MSCE, Senior Vice President for Research Sonya Lunder, MPH, Senior Analyst Summary Nine months ago this Science Board...

Protecting Public Health from Phthalates Will Require Consideration of Cumulative Risks

To the National Research Council Committee on the Health Risks of Phthalates Download PDF December 18, 2007 Thank you for the opportunity to present the views of the Environmental Working Group (EWG)...

EWG supports California proposal to get toxics out of children's products

EWG's Renee Sharp testifies to the California state Senate about the need to remove BPA and lead from children's products.

Letter to JOEM: Retract fraudulent chromium-6 paper

In December, EWG outlined the environmental consulting firm ChemRisk's violated the ethical standards of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM) with their activities surrounding...

Trump Administration Finalizes Repeal of Pollution Rule, Threatening Drinking Water Sources for 117 Million Americans

Today the Trump administration finalized its plan to repeal critical safeguards that prohibit the dumping of industrial and agricultural pollution into sensitive waterways that provide tap water for...

Citing PFAS, Key Senators Oppose Trump’s Consumer Safety Nominee

Pointing to her efforts to limit regulation of PFAS in consumer products, Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) today announced they would oppose President Trump's nominee to...

Study: All PFAS Pose Risk to Public Health, Should Be Treated as a Class

In a study published today in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters, a group of U.S. and international scientists emphasized that the current approach to regulating and managing the...

Three-Fourths of Sunscreen Products Offer Inferior Protection or Contain Worrisome Ingredients

As states reopen and Americans leave their homes to venture outside, it's important for them to remember to protect their skin from the sun's harmful rays. Today the Environmental Working Group...

Good/Bad News: Feds Save Rooftop Solar, Gut Law Boosting Small-Scale Renewables

Federal energy regulators dealt big electric utilities a big blow today, dismissing a bid by an industry front group that could have ended payments from utilities to rooftop solar customers. At the...

EWG and Waterkeeper Alliance: Poultry Factory Farms Disproportionately Threaten Black, Native American and Latino People in North Carolina

The predominantly Black, Native American and Latino residents of three eastern North Carolina counties now live with 30 million more chickens and turkeys than they did eight years ago, according to a...