
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 409 - 432 of 7442

EWG Demands Crop Insurance Reform and Stronger Environmental Protections in Farm Bill

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) sent a letter to members of the 2013 Farm Bill conference committee today demanding a farm bill that reforms crop insurance and strengthens environmental...

House Hearing on Chemical Safety Bill Showcases Doubts

A hearing at the House Energy and Commerce environment subcommittee yesterday surfaced deep doubts about a chemical industry-backed bill introduced earlier this year in the Senate to update the nation...

EPA Recognizes Broken Ethanol Mandate Ignores Reality

The Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to lower the amount of corn ethanol blended in gasoline in 2014 acknowledges that the Renewable Fuel Standard program is broken.

New FDA Rule for Antibacterial Soap is Important Step, More Action Needed

Washington, D.C. ­ The Food and Drug Administration's proposal to require manufacturers to prove antibacterial hand soaps are safe and better than plain soap and water is a sign that the agency is...

Consumers Demand Food and Chemical Companies Stay Out of GE Labeling Fight

A petition carrying more than 125,000 signatures was sent to major food and chemical companies demanding they stay out of the corporate campaigns opposing voter initiatives to require labeling of...

National Nonprofits To Collaborate on Promoting Organic Food and GE Labeling

Environmental Working Group and Organic Voices will collaborate to highlight the benefits of organic food and advance the fight for labeling food that contains genetically engineered ingredients, the...

Americans Eat Their Weight in Genetically Engineered Food

Americans are eating their weight and more in genetically engineered food every year, a new Environmental Working Group analysis of recent government data shows. EWG calculates that people eat an...

Forbes Billionaires Reaped Millions in Farm Subsidies

At least 50 billionaires or farm businesses in which they had a financial interest benefited from $11.3 million in traditional farm subsidies between 1995 and 2012, according to a new analysis...

Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline Assessment

EWG Executive Director Heather White released the following statement today on the U.S. Department of State's Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the Keystone XL pipeline permit.

New Farm Law is Bad for Taxpayers and the Environment

President Obama signed into law today a farm bill that is bad for taxpayers and bad for the environment, the Environmental Working Group said in a statement.

“Yoga Mat” Chemical Found in nearly 500 Foods

The controversial “yoga mat” chemical that Vani Hari, creator of, campaigned to remove from Subway sandwich bread has turned up in nearly 500 items and more than 130 brands of bread...

EWG's 2014 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce

EWG charged today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has failed to tell Americans – as required under federal law - tthat they have a right to know about the risks of pesticide exposure and...

World Health Organization Says Antibiotic Resistance Sweeping Globe

In a report released earlier this week, the World Health Organization warned that excessive use of antimicrobials, including in livestock, has generated worldwide drug resistance that threatens a...

Chef Tom Colicchio, Advocates Celebrate Nation’s First GE Labeling Law

Washington, D.C. – Renowned chef Tom Colicchio joined right-to-know advocates today to celebrate Vermont's enactment of the first law in the U.S. that will require food manufacturers to label foods...



Newly uncovered, never-before-released documents from W.R. Grace show that workers in at least 14 W.R. Grace insulation factories around the country labored under inhumane conditions where the amount of lethal asbestos dust in the air was equal to or greater than the deadly levels recorded at the notorious Grace-owned Libby mine [Freeman v. W.R. Grace 1990].

New Bill Aims To Bring More Effective Sunscreens to Market

The Environmental Working Group and other leading public health advocates are urging members of Congress to support a new bill that could bring more effective sunscreens to the U.S. market and help...

House Advances Bill To Bring Better Sunscreens to U.S. Market

The House of Representatives today advanced a bill that could bring more effective sunscreens to the U.S. market and help reduce the risk of skin cancer, EWG said in a statement today.

Toxic Chemicals Found in Minority Cord Blood

Laboratory tests commissioned by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Rachel's Network have detected bisphenol A (BPA) for the first time in the umbilical cord blood of U.S. newborns.

New Audit Finds EPA’s Approach to Reduce Nutrient Pollution is Ineffective

A new audit from Office of the Inspector General at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency finds the agency's strategy to reduce nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico...

EWG’s Food Scores Helps People Find Out What’s Really In Their Food

Today, Environmental Working Group released Food Scores: Rate Your Plate, an easy-to-use food database and mobile app that will house ratings and a vast array of other information for more than 80,000...

Obama Administration Punts On Ethanol Mandate Until 2015

The Obama administration today delayed its decision to finalize the 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard until next year.

Prominent Chefs Serve Up a Message to Congress: Label GMOs

More than 700 chefs – including Tom Colicchio, José Andrés, Art Smith and Sam Talbot – are urging members of Congress to support legislation to mandate labeling of genetically modified foods and to...

FDA Should Reject Food Industry’s Efforts to Allow “Natural” Food to Contain GE ingredients

Statement of EWG's Scott Faber, senior vice-president of government affairs, on the food industry's petition to the Food and Drug Administration to permit foods labeled as “natural” to contain...

Above the Law: How California's Big Air Polluters Get Away With It

Refineries, power plants and other large industrial facilities in California that violate clean air laws typically pay penalties lower than what an SUV driver may legally be fined for a smog violation...