
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4153 - 4176 of 7438

EWG’s 2018 Guide to Bug Repellents Can Help Fend off Disease-Carrying Ticks, Mosquitoes

A number of factors should come into play when you're choosing a bug repellent: what part of the country you live in, where you plan to travel, whether you're pregnant and whether you are planning to...

More Than 40 Percent of U.S. Schools Fail to Test for Lead in Drinking Water

Despite heightened concern in recent years about lead in drinking water, a troubling new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that more than 40 percent of the nation's schools...

Even the Trump Administration Predicts Catastrophic Rise in Global Temperatures by 2100 – and Says It’s Useless to Try to Stop It

The Trump administration, led by a president who called climate change a hoax and is gutting efforts to cut carbon emissions, predicts global temperatures will rise catastrophically by the end of the...

White House Strikes Discussion of Impacts of Climate Change on Children’s Health from Draft EPA Rule

The White House removed key language documenting the heightened risks climate change presents to children from a draft EPA proposal to repeal a rule to reduce heat-trapping chemicals leaking into the...

EPA Watchdog Investigating Potential Enforcement Failure of Critical Pollution Monitoring Program

The Environmental Protection Agency's internal watchdog is launching an investigation over whether the agency has failed to enforce a critical program that tracks toxic spills into the environment.

FDA Bans 7 Cancer-Causing Food Additives Found in Popular Foods

Under pressure from EWG and other environmental and public health groups, the Food and Drug Administration has banned seven substances used in artificial flavors that have been linked to cancer in...

DuPont Hid Teflon Pollution For Decades

Secret tests conducted in 1984 by the DuPont chemical company found a Teflon-related contaminant (C8) in the tap water of the Little Hocking Water Association in Ohio, just across the river from the company's Teflon plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia. But the company never told the community, its water utility or state regulators about the tap water testing program, which continued through at

Senate Approves Trump Climate Skeptic To Run Environmental Enforcement at Justice Dept.

A climate change skeptic who once labeled President Obama's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions a communist plot is now the nation's top environmental enforcement official.

California Baby® Creates New Plant-Based Preservative

California Baby®, a global skincare leader, is advancing the marketplace with a plant-based solution for preservatives in personal care products.

In Rebuke of Trump Administration, Voters Deliver Strong Backing for Public Health and Environmental Protection

The results of the mid-term elections are a repudiation of President Trump's pro-polluter agenda that could not have come at a more critical time for the health and well-being of every American, said...

Exposed: Rick Perry's Coal Bailout Scheme Was Murray Energy's Idea

The CEO of one of the nation's largest coal companies claimed last month he had nothing to do with the Trump administration's scheme to make utility customers pay above-market rates for electricity...

EWG: Pruitt’s War on Kids’ Health Continues With Repeal of Clean Power Plan

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's decision to scrap the Clean Power Plan is not only a complete collapse of U.S. leadership on climate change, but a direct attack on public health...

Top Coal Lobbyist, Climate Skeptic Poised to Become No. 2 at EPA

A leading lobbyist for the coal and oil industries, who is a staunch climate change skeptic, is a step away from being second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency.

Actor and Advocate Mark Ruffalo Applauds $75 Billion Water Cleanup Proposal in COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

Actor and environmental advocate Mark Ruffalo applauded House leaders for proposing to spend $75 billion in the next COVID-19 stimulus bill to upgrade our drinking water infrastructure.

News Release: Gas Price Calculator Puts Price Tag to Consumer Anger Over Gas Prices

Americans in 50 metro areas will pay $83 billion more for gasoline this year at $3 per gallon, compared to the prices they paid in February 2003 — and even more if prices continue to rise as expected...

Report: Toxins From Algae Outbreaks Plague Hundreds of Lakes in 48 States

Federal and state tests have found dangerous toxins, common in outbreaks of blue-green algae, in hundreds of lakes, rivers and other bodies of water nationwide – yet authorities are doing little to...

In Water Rule Repeal, Trump Imperils Drinking Water Sources Serving 117 Million People

Today the Trump administration will release its long-awaited plan to repeal critical safeguards that prohibit the dumping of pollution into sensitive waterways which provide tap water for more than...

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Tap Water for Millions in Corn Belt

Seasonal spikes of atrazine – a weed killer that can disrupt hormones and harm developing fetuses – contaminate drinking water in corn-growing areas of the Midwest and beyond, according to an analysis...

Dramatic Satellite Photos Reveal Impact of Hurricane Florence on North Carolina CAFOs

Newly released satellite images show the devastating flooding contaminated by pollution from Hurricane Florence's pounding of the Carolinas, including waste from the hundreds of industrial-scale hog...

Will Hurricane Florence Flood N.C. Factory Farms and Manure Pits?

When Hurricane Matthew hit North Carolina in 2016, it flooded more than 140 feces-strewn industrial-scale swine and poultry barns, more than a dozen open pits brimming with liquid hog waste and...

EPA Chief: Environmental and Public Health Rollbacks ‘Make Things Better’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler told a Senate oversight committee today that the scores of rollbacks of environmental and public health regulations under the Trump administration...

EWG urges Biden to reject electric utility executives’ call for more nuclear power subsidies in clean energy agenda

President Joe Biden is meeting today with top executives from several investor-owned electric utilities who want Congress to approve vital clean energy tax credits as part of Biden’s Build Back Better...

New EWG map highlights Mississippi River region crop insurance payout ‘hot spots’

A new interactive EWG map highlights county “hot spots” that received disproportionately large and frequent crop insurance payments in the Mississippi River Critical Conservation Area, or MRCCA. The area encompasses more than 387 million acres across 13 states and 2,300 miles of the Mississippi River.

Race, Class, and Climate Change in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy ravaged much of the eastern seaboard, leaving some dead, many without shelter, and all of us wondering how such an event could happen. What we realized, though, is that we can no...