
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4441 - 4464 of 7436

Confirmed: New shower curtain smell is gross

It may not be news to regular Enviroblog readers, but it's official: new shower curtain smell is caused by toxic chemicals. A study commissioned by the Center for Health, Environment, and Justice...

Pet shampoo ingredient linked to autism

The cause of autism spectrum disorder is one big mystery. Lots of people have ideas as to what might cause it, but nothing is certain. That makes treating the disorder more difficult, and preventing...

Welcome to sunscreen season

I'm sure some of you have already been grilling your grass-fed hamburgers and bulghurburgers BBQ-style, but where I'm from, Memorial Day officially kicks off cook-out season. And where there's a...

Mixed Greens 009: Plastic, plastic everywhere

Plastics are in the news, and you want answers! This week we field some of your questions relating to bisphenol A and other plasticky problems. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You...

Graver danger from a common herbicide

This is a post by EWG social media intern Howie, who prefers his greens herbicide-free. New research suggests that atrazine, a possible carcinogen and the second most common herbicide used in America...

EWG's 10 tips for a less toxic pregnancy

Last week we told you about the 232 toxic chemicals we found in umbilical cord blood. This week we tell you how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals to keep them out of your womb.

Needed: Your vote for EWG to win $15,000!

Social media is empowering the people. Right? Even if you're not convinced of that just yet, one thing is for sure: without your votes (yes, that's with an "s"), EWG won't win a $15,000 grant from the...

Climate Change and Health: An M.D. Weighs In

In a new report for Worldwatch Institute, Dr. Samuel Myers outlines the impacts of global environmental change on human health in compelling detail, from the increases in certain infectious diseases...

Not in my cosmetics: The Series

If you love EWG's Skin Deep database, then this series is for you. If you've never even heard of our Skin Deep database, this series is also for you. And for pretty much anyone else on the planet who...

Public Health Assn Calls For Asbestos Ban

By Elaine Shannon People think asbestos, a known carcinogen and cause of lung disease, has been banned - and it has, in about 40 countries. But not here in the United States, where, according to the U...

Tips for safer (face) painting this Halloween... and beyond

It's the Thursday before Halloween and my kids haven't quite decided what to be. Top runners at this point (it changes daily) are pretty standard: witch and princess.

11 Everyday Pollution Solutions

Use cast iron pans instead of nonstick. Read about Teflon health concerns. To avoid chemicals leaching into food, go easy on processed, canned or fast foods and never microwave plastic. Read about...

Something is amiss with our children

Written by Alice Shabecoff, co-author with her husband Philip of Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on our Children As we watched each of our five grandchildren and their friends enter this world and...

Talking Toxics Policy: A Historic stakeholder conversation

As Enviroblog readers know, EWG has been pushing for years to reform the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the nation's chemical "safety" law.

Will EPA regulate rocket fuel in drinking water?

Making good on Administrator Lisa Jackson's confirmation promise, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving ahead with its deliberations on whether to impose the first national limits on...

EWG testifies in Congress about cell phone radiation

After we released our report about cell phone radiation, EWG Senior Scientist Olga Naidenko, PhD. testified in the U.S. Senate about our findings. Here she talks with EWG's Chief of Staff, Heather...

Limit your exposure to cell phone radiation

Most of us have wondered at least once if our cell phones are safe, whether it's OK for our kids to use them, whether we should do something different.

Are you looking for the "9" when you buy produce?

The 4 or 5-digit number that you'll find on the little sticker on your produce is a Price Look-Up, or PLU, code. They've been used by grocery stores for about 20 years to identify produce for pricing...

Last Action Hero 3

A year after he mocked environmentalists as " Prohibitionists at a frat party," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered another big Earth Day speech – this time at Yale – with the same theme: The...

Synthetic chemicals: The unfortunate predicament

Ed. note: This is a post by Howie, EWG's social media intern. Howie's a student at American University here in DC. We’ve discussed the fact that breast cancer rates around the world have...

Phthalate-induced asthma: Gasping for breath

The smell of a new car, that new shower curtain odor, and those off-gassing carpets recently installed in your office have one thing in common: these consumer products contain plastics chemicals that...

Can I have a glass of Placenta 1000 with that?

Ah, it's a great day to be a woman! In fact, every day is a great day to be a woman, especially when it comes to the sacrifices made for beauty. Women are known to make numerous beauty sacrifices...

New toxic toy law not exactly cause for celebration

Ed. note: This post is by EWG's social media intern Akua, who gets to spend most of her time playing around on MySpace and reading blogs -- lucky woman. Last week, Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Plastic inspiration from under the sea

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. On a need-to-know basis.Food and Water Watch reports on USDA's new proposed recall rule -- they may tell you what they know about recalled meat...