
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4465 - 4488 of 7436

Chickadee is the new canary

No one seems quite sure what's happening to birds in the Pacific Northwest, but whatever it is, it's tragic -- and it makes Bud Anderson of the Falcon Research Group want to puke. Birds began...

Hot enough for you? Just wait

On any given day, the hottest spot in the United States is likely to be somewhere in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts that straddle the borders of California, Arizona and Nevada. Last Fourth of July it...

Mixed Greens 006: Water, water everywhere

Between pharmaceuticals and fluorocilicic acid, this edition of Mixed Greens is all wet. Mixed Greens is EWG's environmental health podcast. You can subscribe in iTunes or in a reader, or listen right...

Dangerous industrial chemical or drinking water additive?

BRAITHWAITE, La. – A highly corrosive acid that leaked from a storage facility at a chemical plant could have eaten through adjacent storage tanks to cause a "catastrophic" mix of toxic chemicals....

Enviroblogroll, updated!

Ladies and gents, it is high time for a blogroll update 'round these parts. Over there on the left you'll see our revised blogroll, filled with titles that we think will be of interest to you, our...

"Natural" products contain carcinogenic contaminant

Let this be a lesson to us all: Just because a product is labeled natural or organic doesn't mean that there's nothing in it you want to avoid. The Organic Consumers Association released a report...

Your BPA questions, answered

When we posted a little analysis of the new research on the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) leaching from polycarbonate bottles, we had no idea how many questions it would inspire. This...

Speaking of gadgetry. . .

I received a perfectly-timed email from Beth of Fake Plastic Fish this morning -- if you're sick and tired of gadgets that break and can't be fixed, and especially if you've got a story to share, you...

The future of green gadgetry

Without a doubt, the best way to buy "green" is to buy less. And in most cases, that's sufficient advice (although it doesn't hurt to be an informed consumer). But when it comes to the gadgets in our...

The art and science of smells

The creation and use of fragrances and cosmetics is one of most ancient arts known to humans. Just think of the diverse tribal cultures that use facial and body painting, or recall the stories of the...

Want PFCs with that?

Your french-fry container or pizza box may be delivering a dose of toxic chemicals with your meal. Those and many other types of food packages have stain-proof or grease-proof linings made with...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Organic growth. . . kind of.

A little pre-vacay light reading. Enjoy! You may not know Phil Howard by name, but you probably know his work -- and if you don't, Ethicurean can help. Once again, the market steps in where government...

California may add BPA, caffeine to Prop. 65

A new prioritization process has bumped caffeine and bisphenol A to the front of the list of toxic chemicals for review in California this year. Under the state's Proposition 65 law, the governor must...

My CNN hero

For a while now, CNN has been running CNN heroes series, where people had the chance to nominate outstanding leaders in their communities. Over 7,000 of people from 93 countries were nominated by the...

Ah, for the toys of my childhood. . .

First lead, now asbestos: Holiday toy shopping is tougher than ever. When I was a kid, the dangerous toys didn’t come in a box you opened to play with on your bedroom floor. They were BB guns, skate...

In Neodesha, BP stands for Big Problems

In Neodesha, Kansas, BP is a dirty word. Residents of that city, along with the county, the school district, and a pair of private landowners, are suing the corporation for $423 million. They allege...

"Um, thanks, but I don't generally print my email. . ."

Last week the LA Times ran an article about a trend in which email senders add a tag line to their outgoing messages, encouraging the recipient to “consider the impact on the environment before...

SMM: Holiday shopping edition

Well, here we go folks -- the holiday shopping season is in full swing. If you're the type that spends the post-Thanksgiving break shopping 'til you drop, I wish you the best of luck. Me, I'm hanging...

EnviroHealth in Blogs: Cold coffee blues got you down?

A little light reading for your pre-holiday perusal. . . Siel's got some tips for greening your computer use -- and even though you've probably heard them all before, I bet you could use a refresher...

Monsanto thinks they've got you fooled

If you live in Pennsylvania, you should know that your state's Secretary of Agriculture thinks you're stupid. Actually, he seems to think all consumers are stupid, but his reach only extends to those...

SMM: Food for faith

The documentary Renewal is the first feature-length documentary to capture the breadth and vitality of America's religious-environmental movement. In rural communities, suburbs and cities, people of...

Fishy facts on seafood imports

Sometimes, all it takes to get a point across is a clear statement of the facts. Let's have a look at some startling ones, shall we? Most of the seafood we eat in America is imported. Only one percent...

Ask EWG: Should I use iodized salt?

Question: Is there a reason why my table salt is iodized? I’m not even really sure what that means, but it sounds a little scary, and unnecessary. Should I switch to kosher salt or sea salt? Answer...

Chemical Index: Find the information you're looking for

We quietly added a new feature to the EWG homepage this week, and it's one I think Enviroblog readers might find very useful. The Chemical Index (which you'll find on the lefthand navigation)...