
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4537 - 4560 of 7435

More health problems for asbestos victims?

Researchers at the University of Missouri have discovered a possible link between asbestos and autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

What I Learned From Being an EWG Guinea Pig

Last summer I was taking my one-year-old daughter to the pediatrician when a sign in the lobby caught my eye: Want to participate in a study on flame retardants?

GAO Faults EPA Program To Protect Water From Fracking

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has challenged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's capabilities to safeguard underground drinking water sources from hydraulic fracturing for oil and...

EWG Celebrates 2nd Annual Chris Campbell Award Reception

Hollie Russon Gilman, the former White House advisor on open government and innovation, is this year's recipient of EWG's Chris Campbell Award for public service and technological creativity.

Study finds levels of toxic flame retardants 5 times higher in toddlers

Tests published earlier this month by myself and other scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Duke University detected a biomarker indicating that all 26 children in our study had been...


EWG’s Healthy Living: Guide to Safer Diapers

Babies and young children typically spend the majority of their first years in diapers. But many disposable diapers contain hazardous chemicals that can harm their health. Scientific assessments of disposable diapers have detected pesticides and chemicals linked to cancer, impaired reproductive development and dermatitis, among other harms.

Farm Bureau on Toledo Water Crisis: Who, Me?

What's actually troubling is that big agriculture continues to shamelessly attempt to shift blame rather than take responsibility.

Raised to Farm

Working with nature is not simple. But you can make a good living at it when you get your business model and growing system in place.

California Takes Aim at Fire Retardants in Furniture

It's getting more likely that in the near future, when you go shopping for a couch or chair, it will no longer be saturated with pounds of toxic chemical fire retardants.

Cutting Crop Insurance Subsidies Won't Scare Away Farmers

From 2003 through 2012, crop insurance premium subsidies cost taxpayers $42.1 billion – 72 percent of the federal crop insurance program's total costs. If Congress had paid attention when it had the...

Feeding the world or failing to yield?

Advocates of genetically engineered crops claim they will help us “feed the world” by improving crop yields. But is there any actual evidence that GE crops have actually delivered better yields than...

EWG’s Women of Courage: A Celebration of Fearless & Compassionate Leadership

In June of 2003, Linda Reinstein found out that her husband Alan had a type of lung cancer called mesothelioma, caused by breathing asbestos. “I can treat it,” the surgeon told her, “but I can't cure...

A Little Ground Truth on World Food Day

Today is World Food Day, so many farm leaders will be recycling the canard that American farmers feed the world. Do they?

Just When You Thought it Was Safe To Drink The Water

Policy makers seem to freeze with fear when confronted with terrifying algae. Regulatory and voluntary programs still haven't produced a comprehensive and effective effort to stem nutrient pollution...


UPDATE: Exposing Fields of Filth

In the past eight years, three predominantly Black, Native American and Latino counties in North Carolina – already home to most of the state's industrial hog operations – added 30 million chickens and turkeys, according to a new geospatial analysis by the Environmental Working Group and Waterkeeper Alliance.

Tea For Me, Not For You

A day after the Senate Agriculture committee passed its version of the 2013 farm bill, the House committee did the same.

Conservation Success Story: The Grotberg Farm

Dick and Linda Grotberg began their transition to sustainable farming largely by accident.

Satellite Study Documents Vast Loss of Midwest Grasslands

The South Dakota researchers, Christopher K. Wright and Michael C. Wimberley, focused on grassland conversion in areas close to wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region – a critical Midwest flyway for...

Sediment Study Shows More Soil Conservation Needed

Faster is better, right? So is it a good thing that it now takes only 59 days for an Iowa lake to undergo a change that once took 631 days? No. Not when we're talking about how long it takes for a...

Secret Farm Bill Threatens an “Environmental Cliff”

Congressional leaders in search of a compromise to avoid plunging off the “fiscal cliff” are under growing pressure from the agriculture subsidy lobby and its friends in Congress to attach a subsidy...

Congress Should Not Pass a Lame Duck Farm Bill

With the elections finally behind us, Congress has returned to Washington to try to wrap up a slew of unfinished business. Among other things, lawmakers are grappling with how to revive the expired...

Farm Bill: More for Millionaire Farmers, Less for Poor Kids

With high crop prices, high land prices and guaranteed business income thanks to federal crop insurance, farm businesses are doing very well, thank you very much. The Bloomberg news service reports...

Farm Bill Extension: Support Stewards, Not Insurance Subsidies

With only five legislative weeks left, Congress must vote to extend the farm bill, but it must do it in a way that reflects the nation's spending priorities, supports family farmers and protects the...

Can Obama Depend on Dependent Farmers?

By now, every American is familiar with Mitt Romney's suggestion that 47 percent of Americans are “victims” who are “dependent” on government assistance.