
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4633 - 4656 of 7435


Drinking Water and Children’s Health

Toxic pollutants in drinking water are particularly hazardous for children. Compared to adults, children drink more water per pound of body weight, resulting in greater exposure and greater risk. They're also more vulnerable to harmful contaminants because their bodies are still growing and toxic chemicals cause more harm to developing organs and tissues.

Hawaiians At Increased Risk Of Pesticide Exposure From GMO Crops

Hawaiians have seen firsthand that people near agrichemical companies' test plots of genetically engineered (GMO) crops are at increased risk of being exposed to toxic chemicals that drift off the...

How GMO Labeling Will Benefit Food Companies

Labeling food that contains genetically engineered ingredients, or GMOs, can help a company's bottom line, reduce risk and build trust with consumers, an MIT researcher says.

Chemical Agriculture Goes to the Mattresses

The U.S. Department of Agriculture began testing fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues in 1991 after the public became concerned about their potential risks to children.

Toxic Contamination Begins in the Womb

National media outlets, public health officials and Congress have all focused recently on lead contamination in drinking water, as they should be. The tainted water in Flint, Mich., Newark, N.J. and...

Would Chemical Safety Bill be “Gold Standard” or “Fool’s Gold?”

Cal Dooley, the top lobbyist for the chemical industry, likes to say he is optimistic that the proposed chemical safety law being developed in Congress would be the “gold standard” on which other...

Organic Success Is No “Fantasy”

Demand for organic food is soaring – so much so that Costco is running out of it.


Trump Plan to Gut Stream Protections Imperils Tap Water of 117 Million Americans

Trump signed an executive order requiring the Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA to overhaul the Waters of the United States rule – also known as the Clean Water Rule. In 2015, President Obama signed it to protect the drinking water sources of roughly 100 million Americans from industrial and agricultural pollution.

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Drinking Water for Millions of Americans

Seasonal spikes of atrazine, a weed killer that disrupts hormones and harms the developing fetus, contaminate the drinking water of millions of Americans at potentially hazardous levels as run-off from corn-growing areas finds its way into source waters and reservoirs.

Super snacks for the Super Bowl, Oscars and more!

EWG's research team uses Food Scores database to bring you a February Food Scores Challenge featuring tortilla chips and salsa.

Rate Your Plate Series: Fat: Do I Really Have to Watch It?

Depending on who you talk to, the seven grams of saturated fat in that tablespoon of butter may be a significant contributor to heart disease – the number one cause of death in the United States – or...

Another Reason To Eat Organic

A study published last week (Feb. 5) has confirmed once again that a good way to eat fewer pesticides is to choose organically grown fruits and veggies whenever possible.

Arctic ® Apples leaves Sour Taste for Consumers

Last Friday the 13th was unlucky for more than 90 percent of Americans who favor of labeling genetically modified organisms.

Eight Key Questions on Chemical Safety Reform

Chemicals used in everyday products should be safe – right? States should have a role in regulating potentially toxic chemicals – right?

Corn Ethanol Clips Your Car's MPG

According to a new study from the Department of Energy, corn ethanol has helped drive down the energy content in a gallon of gasoline by 3 percent since 1993. And less energy per gallon means fewer...

Brazil strikes back at junk food

In an unprecedented step for a developing country, the Brazilian government is officially urging its citizens to avoid ultra-processed foods in favor of raw and minimally processed foods in order to...

Shedding Light On The DARK Act

America needs a national labeling law for genetically engineered foods. That was the consensus of a majority of the members of Congress from both sides of the aisle during a well-attended subcommittee...

Feeding Holiday Revelers? Let EWG’s Food Scores Help

Between entertaining, shuttling kids and visiting elderly parents and other family members most of us don't have the time and energy to whip up from-scratch meals several times a day. Yet everybody...

Coming Soon to a Store Near You: Better Sunscreens

Partisan gridlock has been rising almost as fast as the staggering rates of skin cancer diagnoses and deaths. That's why EWG is so pleased that Congress was able to come together to pass the Sunscreen...

Organic can feed the world

Organic farming isn't just a niche for a privileged elite. A new study, published today (Dec 10th) in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London shows that organic farmers can achieve yields...

AgMag’s Top 10 Stories of the Year

Every year, EWG's editors ask our colleagues on the EWG staff to tell us what they consider the Top 10 environmental stories of the year in each of the two topic areas covered by the two blogs on EWG...

The Empty Promise of Farm Subsidy 'Reform' Savings

In 2014, Congress eliminated direct payments to farmers, replacing them with two new subsidy programs known as Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC County) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). The Congressional...

Preventing Cancer is Not A Game of Chance

Today is World Cancer Day, a perfect time to raise awareness and spur action in the fight against cancer. It's a day to reflect on a very important question: What is the main cause of cancer? Is it...

More Than 60 EWG VERIFIED® Products – and Counting!

Our verification program was created to help shoppers quickly and easily identify products that meet our strictest health and transparency standards. The program is gaining momentum and awareness, and...