
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4753 - 4776 of 7435

EWG Praises Crop Insurance Reform Amendments

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., today introduced amendments that would save taxpayers billions of dollars and take...

FDA Bows to Industry Pressure, Delays Sunscreen Rules

Under pressure from two cosmetic industry groups, the Food and Drug Administration has decided to delay for six months implementation of pending regulations on how sunscreens are labeled and marketed.

Autism Rate Surges Among US Children

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported today that 1 in 88 American children have an autism spectrum disorder, a 23 percent increase since the agency's 2009 review.

California Drinking Water Pollution Traced to Fertilizers and Animal Waste

Animal waste and fertilizer from farming operations in California's Salinas Valley and Tulare Lake Basin are the source of 96 percent of the nitrate contamination in the area's groundwater, a new...

New School Lunch Standards Will Improve Diets for 31 Million Children

More whole grains, leafy greens, and fruits and vegetables will be on the menu for 31 million children who participate in the federally-supported National School Lunch Program under new nutrition...

California Issues Early Draft of Fracking Regulations

The California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources has released a preliminary draft of regulations that for the first time would require oil and gas drilling companies in the state to report...

Market Shift: Hundreds of Cosmetics Companies Fulfill Safe Products Pledge

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics announced today that 321 cosmetics companies have met the goals of the Compact for Safe Cosmetics, the Campaign's voluntary pledge to avoid chemicals banned by health...

New Farm Subsidy Database Reveals Individuals Cashing Big Ag’s Federal Checks

The Environmental Working Group released a new Direct Payment Database today, giving taxpayers a look inside the complex agriculture partnerships and corporations that got the lion's share of $4.7...

Taxpayer Costs Balloon to $8 Billion under Farm Insurance Program

A newly released report on subsidized federal revenue insurance for industrial crop farmers shows that the government has failed to control its costs and big insurance companies and agents continue to...


Pollution in 5 Extraordinary Women

An unprecedented two-year study commissioned by the Environmental Working Group and conducted by four independent research laboratories in the United States, Canada and the Netherlands has documented up to 481 toxic chemicals in the blood of five minority women leaders in the environmental justice movement.

Shortchanging Human Health and the Environment Won’t Trim Swollen Deficit

The Congressional Super Committee formed to break the political gridlock over the federal deficit will fail in its goal of balancing the budget if it heeds calls to slash programs that protect...

California Deserves Disclosure on Fracking Chemicals and Water Use

Few Californians realize that the highly controversial shale gas and oil extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” has been taking place in their state for more than 50 years.

EWG Seeks Energy Department Records About Fracking Panel Composition

Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the U.S. Department of Energy today to uncover why the Obama Administration stacked a panel investigating oil and gas...

Broad Coalition Condemns Unbalanced Gas Drilling Panel

Community leaders, environmental organizations, faith-based groups and health advocates are calling on Secretary of Energy Steven Chu to reform the industry-dominated Natural Gas Subcommittee he set...

Health Care Bill for Camp Lejeune Vets, Families Moves Forward

Today's Senate committee vote to provide medical care for veterans and families made ill by contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune marks an important advance in the effort to address...


Free Pass for Oil and Gas

Oil and natural gas companies have drilled almost 120,000 wells in the West since 2000, mostly for natural gas, and nearly 270,000 since 1980, according to industry records analyzed by Environmental Working Group. Yet drilling companies enjoy exemptions under most major federal environmental laws.

Senators Target Ethanol Tax Credit

A deal brokered by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), John Thune (R-S.D.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) to end tax credits and tariffs that subsidize the U.S. ethanol industry is a step in the right...

California Issues Standard for Erin Brockovich Chemical

The California Environmental Protection Agency has set a public health goal of 0.02 parts per billion for drinking water contamination with the carcinogenic compound hexavalent chromium, or chromium-6...

Health and Environment Advocates to Congress: Support National Children’s Study

In a letter to the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations, national and state environmental and health organizations called for full funding of the National Children's Study.

Toxic Chemicals in Kids' Bath Products

Children's bath products are often marketed as safe and gentle. However, laboratory tests commissioned by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found these products are commonly contaminated with formaldehyde or 1,4-dioxane – and, in many cases, both. These two chemicals, linked to cancer and skin allergies, are anything but safe and gentle and are completely unregulated in children's bath products.

EWG Gives Skin Deep a Makeover

Skin Deep boasts a new look today, featuring smoother navigation, easier search functions and additional tips for consumers looking for information on the ingredients in their soap, deodorant...

Nation’s Pediatricians Call on Congress to Protect Kids from Toxic Chemicals

U.S. pediatricians are putting their considerable muscle behind the calls for Congress to overhaul a failed federal law that has exposed millions of children, beginning in the womb, to an untold...

WHO finds cell phone radiation possible carcinogen to humans

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer announced today it has classified cell phone radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on an increased risk for...

House Republican Plan for EPA would Hurt Public Health

Environmental Working Group (EWG) reaction to both the House Republican and Obama administration budget proposals for the Environmental Protection Agency.