
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4777 - 4800 of 7435

Seasoned Capitol Hill Reporter Joins EWG Public Affairs Staff

The Environmental Working Group is pleased to announce the arrival of Sara Sciammacco as the newest member of its public affairs team as a press secretary.

Utilities Knew Of Chrome-6 Contamination For Years

Some water utility representatives have protested Environmental Working Group's report of laboratory tests that found worrisome levels of chromium-6, a suspected carcinogen, in the drinking water of...

GOP Proposes To Cut Farm Payments

In a time of robust farm income and tight budgets, the House Republican budget resolution takes a small but welcome step toward a more equitable and sensible support structure for American farmers.

Minn. Study Is First To Show Cause-and-Effect Link Between ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water and Reproductive Harms

A study of almost 50,000 births in Minnesota is reportedly the first to establish a cause-and-effect link between high levels of the fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in drinking water and...


Chromium-6 in U.S. Tap Water

Laboratory tests commissioned by EWG have detected hexavalent chromium, the carcinogenic “Erin Brockovich chemical,” in tap water from 31 of 35 American cities. The highest levels were in Norman, Okla.; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Riverside, Calif. In all, water samples from 25 cities contained the toxic metal at concentrations above the safe maximum recently proposed by California regulators.

New USDA Records Show Trade Bailout and Coronavirus Payments Went to the Largest Farms

The largest and wealthiest U.S. farm businesses received the biggest share of almost $33 billion in payments from two subsidy programs – one created by the Trump administration to respond to the...

Study: More Than 125,000 Farmworkers Have Contracted Covid-19

The Covid-19 virus has infected more than 125,000 U.S. farmworkers, according to the latest estimates in an ongoing study by Purdue University.

The Smoking Spud: Documents Prove Potato Giant Is Behind Irrigation Scheme in Pineland Sands

For decades, R.D. Offutt – one of the largest agriculture conglomerates in the U.S. – has proudly evaded meaningful environmental review in Minnesota. Offutt has played a shell game using land swaps...

EWG News Roundup (10/2): California Cosmetics Bill Signed Into Law, Algae Beach Closures and More

EWG News Roundup (10/2): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG News Roundup (10/9): Nitrate Contaminates Water in California’s Majority-Latino Communities, Members of Congress Rake in Farm Subsidies and More

This week EWG released an analysis showing that in California's majority-Latino communities, 5.25 million people drink tap water contaminated with nitrate at levels at or above the federal limit.

CDC: Americans Carry Body Burden of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical

EWG's review of scientific evidence and biomonitoring data for the common sunscreen ingredient oxybenzone.

Court Case Highlights Children's Vulnerability to Exposures Linked to Autism

Federal health officials have acknowledged that childhood vaccines contributed to a young girl developing a brain disorder "with features of autism spectrum disorder.”

Interior Secretary, Congressional VIPs Attend Junket at Lavish Resort -- Who's Paying?

Interior Secretary Gale Norton and other officials in the Bush administration, along with numerous members of Congress, plan to participate in a conference this week at one of the most exclusive...

10 Common Mistakes When Applying Sunscreen

Summer is in full swing. Finding a safe and effective sunscreen for you and your family is one component of your sun safety toolbox. And right in time for the Fourth of July holiday, EWG just updated...


EWG Updates Sunscreen Guide | 50+ New Products

Since releasing our 2011 Sunscreen Guide in May, Environmental Working Group has received dozens of requests from supporters and companies asking us to add more of their favorite products.

EWG News Roundup (7/23): House Passes PFAS Reforms in Military Spending Bill, Bodies of Water Infested With E. Coli and More

EWG News Roundup (7/23): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Cheatsheet: Phthalates

Phthalates are a common industrial chemical used in PVC plastics, solvents, and synthetic fragrances.

Investigation: Counties With Meatpacking Plants Report Twice the National Average Rate of COVID-19 Infections

Counties with or near meatpacking plants have almost twice the rate of known COVID-19 infections as the national average, according to a geospatial analysis by the Environmental Working Group.

Even More Billions in U.S. Farm Bailouts Risk Violating Trade Agreements

If Congress provides another $20 billion in aid to farmers in the next COVID-19 spending bill, total federal farm spending this year could top $50 billion, setting a new record – and once again...

EWG News Roundup (8/13): Schools’ Tap Water in the Time of COVID-19, Nitrate Pollution in Minnesota, a Twitter Battle with BP and More

On Monday, EWG released an article on government officials' inadequate guidance about reopening schools safely as the coronavirus pandemic seems to worsen.

Feeding the Waste Cycle: How PFAS ‘Disposal’ Perpetuates Contamination

Current methods of managing waste from toxic “forever chemicals” don't work – and in fact, perpetuate the cycle of contamination, according to peer-reviewed research by scientists from the...

BPA Update: Tracking the Canned Food Phaseout

For decades, most canned food manufacturers used can linings made of epoxy resin based on bisphenol A, or BPA, making food the primary route of our exposure to this toxic chemical. A robust body of...

How Will the Biden Administration Tackle ‘Forever Chemicals’?

No candidate for president has ever pledged to make the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS a priority – until now.

PFAS Chemicals Harm the Immune System, Decrease Response to Vaccines, New EWG Review Finds

Toxic PFAS chemicals, notorious for contaminating drinking water supplies across the U.S., are harmful to nearly every human organ, and the immune system is particularly vulnerable. PFAS mixtures...