
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4849 - 4872 of 7435

EWG News Roundup (5/22): 2020 EWG Guide to Sunscreens, Johnson & Johnson End the Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powder and More

EWG News Roundup (5/22): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Oregon Is a Renewables Leader But Needs Congress’ Help in Wake of Pandemic

Oregon is a national leader in wind and solar development, with strong state policy backing. Oregon's renewable portfolio standard requires that electric utilities get at least half of their power...


Gas Drilling and Fracking

Hydraulic fracturing has been around for decades. But now, natural gas producers are deploying a new gas drilling method called high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing to release gas locked in untapped shale formations.

5 Sunscreen Myths Debunked

Since EWG released its first Guide to Sunscreens more than a decade ago, many things about the products have changed. But myths about sunscreens persist.

Wellness Chat: The Importance of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention

Wellness Chat is a new EWG series bringing you the latest news on cancer prevention through discussions with experts in the field. Today's guest: Jocelyn Weiss, Ph.D.

Another Ethanol Earmark: Bringing Home the Bacon

On Wednesday (Dec 1), 15 senators from Corn Belt states sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell asking them to extend the ethanol tax credits and tariff protection...

World Series of Subsidies

Check out the outrageous stats on their cards below to learn more about America's Subsidy All Stars. And to see which ones are catching subsidies on a field near you, explore EWG's map of subsidy...

Study: Renewables Pay for Themselves in Health Benefits

Doubling the amount of renewable energy in nine Rust Belt and mid-Atlantic states could yield $20 billion in public health benefits, according to a new peer-reviewed study – additional evidence that a...

Conservation Compliance

America's farmers need a safety net, but so do the rich soil and clean water that sustain not just agriculture but the entire fabric of American society.

Costs of White House Bailout of Coal and Nukes: 27,000 Early Deaths, $263 Billion

The Trump administration's scheme to make utility customers subsidize dirty, dangerous and aging coal and nuclear power plants would result in 27,000 premature deaths and a net cost of $263 billion by...

Trump Administration Plans Spin Campaign on Dying Nuclear Energy

“Let it be written that environmentalists didn't kill the nuclear industry, economics did,” Houston Chronicle business columnist Chris Tomlinson wrote last summer.

Unpacking the Beauty Box: Birchbox vs. Ipsy

Each month millions of Americans wait impatiently for curated makeup and beauty boxes to be delivered to their doorsteps.

Calif. Governor Signs Cleaning Product Disclosure Law

In a major victory for consumers' and workers' right to know, Gov. Brown has signed a bill into law that requires manufacturers of a wide array of cleaning products to disclose ingredients.

Report: Suspected Carcinogen from Farm Runoff Fouls Drinking Water Across Rural America

Drinking water supplies for millions of Americans in farm country are contaminated with a suspected cancer-causing chemical from fertilizer, according to a new report by the Environmental Working...

Flouting Senate, EPA Chief Installs Chemical Safety Nominee as Senior Advisor

Defying the Senate's authority to confirm presidential nominees, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has installed Michael Dourson, President Trump's controversial choice to run...

EWG: Mega-Farms Reap Billions from Taxpayers in Farm Subsidies

Farming operations directly received more than $14 billion in taxpayer-funded commodity subsidies in 2015 and 2016, according to the latest analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture data obtained by...


California Water Subsidies

At a time when California water is scarce and expensive, taxpayers guarantee Central Valley farms an abundant and cheap supply through a subsidy worth up to $416 million a year, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) investigation that calculated, for the first time, federal water subsidies to each of more than 6,800 farms in the Central Valley Project (CVP).

Double Dippers: How Big, Rich Farms Get Subsidized Twice For One Loss

Through federal farm programs, American taxpayers are routinely paying thousands of wealthy mega-farms twice for the same "loss," according to a new EWG report.

EWG, American Oversight Demand Answers on Dourson’s Work at EPA

Nonpartisan watchdog American Oversight and the Environmental Working Group today announced a joint investigation to determine if controversial toxicologist Michael Dourson has violated ethics rules...

Pruitt’s $25,000 Phone Booth Under Investigation by EPA Inspector General

The Inspector General for the Environmental Protection Agency announced an investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's use of nearly $25,000 in taxpayer dollars to purchase a customized secure...


MTBE In Drinking Water

An EWG analysis of data from state environmental agencies finds that drinking water supplies for over 15 million Americans are contaminated with MTBE, a suspected carcinogen added to gasoline that even at trace levels renders water undrinkable due to foul taste and odor.

Pruitt Set to Slash EPA Scientists, Public Health Experts by Half

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's mission to decimate the agency he heads is on track, as he works to eliminate roughly 50 percent of its scientists, researchers and others...

170 Million Americans Drink Radioactive Tap Water

Drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that may increase the risk of cancer, according to an EWG investigation released today.

EWG Applauds CVS Move to Ban Airbrushed Photos in Cosmetics Marketing

CVS Pharmacy will work to eliminate airbrushed images of models used to sell cosmetics from its stores, it announced Monday. It is “yet another bold decision” by the company and should be applauded by...