
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 4897 - 4920 of 7435

Conflict at the Canyon

The Obama administration's imminent decision on the future of uranium mining near the Grand Canyon could be swayed by the analysis of a mining industry consultant who stands to reap hundreds of...

New Industry-Friendly Fracking Rules Fall Short

The Obama Administration's new hydraulic fracturing rules, released Friday, leave too much control in the hands of the oil and gas industry, particularly when it comes to public disclosure of the...

Overriding Veto of CAFO Bill Would Dump On Rights of 270,000 North Carolinians

The long-held property rights of hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians are at stake in the latest round of the ongoing battle between state lawmakers and Gov. Roy Cooper.

Two-Thirds of Sunscreen Products Offer Inferior Protection or Contain Worrisome Ingredients

Today EWG released its 13th Annual Guide to Sunscreens, which rates the safety and efficacy of more than 1300 SPF products, including sunscreens, daily moisturizers and lip balms with SPF values. EWG...

Provision Banning Toxic Firefighting Foam on Military Bases Will Get Senate Vote

The Senate will soon consider a must-pass piece of legislation, including a provision to prohibit the use on military installations of firefighting foam containing the toxic fluorinated chemicals...


Another Emergency Bail Out for Agriculture

An emergency farm aid bill to be considered in the House of Representatives today (June 26) will provide an additional $4.6 billion in "Freedom to Farm" payments, but over half of the funds will go to just 20 congressional districts where farmers grow crops that have been subsidized since farm programs were established during the Great Depression. Those districts account for only 23 percent of

Cosmetics Marketed Toward Teens Recalled After Testing Positive for Asbestos, Again

The Food and Drug Administration has once again found talc-based cosmetics marketed to teens contain asbestos.

Trump FDA: Eating Foods with Toxic PFAS Chemicals ‘Not a Concern’

The two top officials with the Food and Drug Administration today dismissed test results by the agency's own scientists that found high levels of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in food.


Tainted Catch

Levels of a little-known class of neurotoxic chemicals found in computers, TV sets, cars and furniture are building up rapidly in key indicator species of San Francisco Bay fish, according to tests by the Environmental Working Group (EWG.)

Top House Investigator Sends Aides to EPA to Comb Through Scott Pruitt’s Travel Records

The chairman of the House oversight committee is sending investigators to the Environmental Protection Agency to review Scott Pruitt's exorbitant travel expenses, according to media reports.

White House Support For EPA Chief Crumbling

President Trump's support for his ethically-challenged EPA administrator Scott Pruitt appears to be crumbling in advance of two come-to-Jesus congressional hearings Thursday. Photo courtesy of Gage...

EWG: Scott Pruitt Should be ‘Under Oath Before Breakfast’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will testify Wednesday before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, his fourth time before a congressional committee this year.


DuPont workers smoke Teflon-laced cigarettes in company experiments

A series of studies published beginning in the 1950s shows that DuPont has known for at least 50 years that Teflon fumes at relatively low temperatures can cause an acute illness known as polymer fume fever. In several studies DuPont recruited human volunteers and intentionally exposed them to Teflon fumes to the point of illness. The results of these studies suggest that people cooking on Teflon

Two-Thirds of Sunscreen Products Offer Poor Protection or Have Worrisome Ingredients

Today, just ahead of Memorial Day weekend, the Environmental Working Group released its 12th annual Guide to Sunscreens, rating the safety and efficacy of more than 1,000 sunscreens, moisturizers and...

HHS Releases ‘Nightmare’ PFAS Chemical Study Suppressed by Scott Pruitt, White House

A government report released today – which was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense and the White House for fear it would cause a “public relations nightmare” –...

National Academy Calls for Lowering Fluoride Limits in Tap Water

National Academy of Sciences report calls for lowering fluoride levels in drinking water.

House Passes Farm Bill That Would Let Billionaires, Non-Farmers Collect Farm Subsidies

House Republicans pushed through their version of the 2018 Farm Bill today, which would waste billions more in taxpayer money with new loopholes. The bill would let the super rich and people who don't...

EWG Analysis: Trump Loophole Would Exempt 1 in 6 GMO Foods from New Disclosure Law

Loopholes proposed by the Trump administration could exempt more than 10,000 – or one out of six – genetically modified foods from a new GMO disclosure law, according to a new analysis by EWG.

Bill to Disclose Ingredients in Cleaning Products Gets Hearing

On Wednesday, March 29 at 9:30 a.m., the California Senate Environmental Quality Committee will consider the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB-258).

Calif. Bill Would Be First to Ban Teflon-Like Chemicals from Fast Food Wrappers

Legislation introduced today would make California the first state to ban perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs, from fast food wrappers and takeout containers.

Award-Winning Chefs Come to D.C., Urge Congress to Create Smarter Food Policy

Plate of the Union, a campaign to shift federal food policy to better serve all Americans, kicked off this week with more than 30 top U.S. chefs convening on Capitol Hill to promote nutrition programs...

Groups Sue FDA to Protect Food Safety

Today, consumer, health, and food safety groups challenged a Food and Drug Administration rule that undermines the integrity of our food safety system.

EWG’s 2017 Guide to Sunscreens

Just in time for summer, EWG released its 2017 Guide to Sunscreens today, which found that almost three-fourths of the products evaluated rate poorly for skin protection, or have ingredients that...

After Industry Protest, EPA Chief Scraps Plan To Cut Discharges of Lead, Arsenic and Other Poisons into Drinking Water Sources

In the face of opposition by the power industry, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt is planning to scrap an Obama-era rule to curb discharges of lead, arsenic and mercury from power...