
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5017 - 5040 of 7435

Defense Department delayed PFAS cleanup, ignored health risks, Inspector General says

The Defense Department responded too slowly to the threats posed to military service members by the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS and is failing to track the health risks facing military...

California protects kids with lead testing for child care drinking water

California regulators today launched their most health-protective program to test drinking water for lead in licensed child care facilities, issuing new guidelines that also require significant...

On protecting consumers from toxics in cosmetics, U.S. lags at least 80 countries

U.S. efforts to promote consumer safety by regulating chemicals and contaminants in cosmetics are falling further behind the rest of the world, according to a new EWG analysis.

Why food prices are rising – and how to save money on groceries

If you suspect your grocery bill is getting pricier, it’s not your imagination.

Congressional defense bill tackles 'forever chemicals' with funding boost, policy reforms

The final version of Congress’ National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2022 includes $517 million in funding to clean up the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, and critical policy...

Chemical Industry to Parents: Avoid Lead, Tail Pipes and Choking

This is rich. The chemical industry has produced a new "health information" website titled Kids + Chemical Safety that mentions hardly any chemicals or any of the voluminous body of peer-reviewed...

Shell Games and Paper Farms

The leaders of Congress' Agriculture Committees continue to deliberate the next farm bill in secret, and the conventional wisdom now is that direct payments may see cuts or be entirely banished in the...
Algae blooms occur when blue-green algae – which are actually microscopic organisms called cyanobacteria – feed on the chemicals in fertilizer and animal manure that have run off farm fields into water and mixed with sunlight and heat.

Our Soil and Water Needs a Safety Net Too

For just a little while, it looked like a great day for Iowa agriculture and the environment. On Aug. 30, delegates to the Iowa Farm Bureau annual policy conference in Des Moines passed a historic...

We Already Gave at the (Insurance) Office

At a time when the agriculture economy is white-hot, sending government checks to mega-farms that don't need the money is indefensible. But that hasn't kept leaders of the agricultural community from...

Corn Lobby Gets Darwinian on Advanced Biofuels

By Craig Cox and Sheila Karpf The corn lobby has persistently sold misguided subsidies and mandates for corn ethanol as a bridge to the "next generation" of so-called "advanced" biofuels. The...
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has proposed that the nation's water utilities sharply reduce the amount of fluoride in tap water, to protect Americans, especially children, from tooth and bone damage caused by overexposure to this chemical.

Biofuels policy is on the wrong road

For almost two decades, the Environmental Working Group has advocated for protecting vulnerable people from toxic contaminants, ending crop subsidies that encourage environmental harm and investing...

Once Again, Obama’s USDA Less Transparent than Bush’s

The ballooning national debt and Tea Party pressure has members of Congress running in the halls with their budget-cutting scissors in hand. The Senate Agriculture Committee is no exception.

Having a Gas with Corn Ethanol

With Congress's appetite for ethanol souring, the corn ethanol lobby is digging deep for reasons to continue lavish government support for the environmentally damaging fuel. The Renewable Fuels...

Turning the Farm Bill into a Healthy Food Bill

It is the only important piece of environmental legislation that Congress is almost certain to enact over the next 18 months. And it's our best chance to fix major flaws in America's badly broken food...

Improving School Food: Do It Now or Pay the Price Later

Last week (May 30), the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee voted to cripple the nation's budding effort to do something about the woeful quality of school food and make America's...

Spending Votes: The Good, the Bad and the Missing

Tuesday's (May 31) votes by the House Appropriations Committee represented one such baby step. For the first time in years, the committee in charge of setting federal spending levels decided that...

Judge Grants Preliminary Approval of Black Farmers Settlement

A federal judge granted preliminary approval on May 13th of the $1.25 billion settlement for black farmers for decades of discrimination at the hands of the US Department of Agriculture. President...

You Could Be On Your Own If Ethanol Messes up Your Engine

For thirty years, the corn ethanol industry has relied on the federal government's muscle to force expanded production and availability of its fuel. The most recent favor handed to the industry was...

Keep Food from Becoming the New Oil

Food prices and food scarcity are quickly becoming the hidden driver in world politics, says pioneering environmental analyst Lester Brown, sparking political upheaval in the Middle East and...
If you have verifiable information on government or corporate policies, programs or decisions you believe Americans have the right to know, EWG wants to hear from you.

Factory Food: You’re Welcome, America

Coalitions often help bring about real change for the public good. Not this one though.

Gingrich for Free Markets (Except for Corn Ethanol)

The Iowa caucuses are more than a year away but potential 2012 presidential hopefuls are already parachuting into corn country to pander to Big Ag. Perennially coy Newt Gingrich is only the latest to...