
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 505 - 528 of 7442

EWG-Duke Study Finds Five Times As Much Cancer-Causing Fire Retardant in Children As Mothers

Scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Duke University have found evidence that the average level of a cancer-causing fire retardant chemical in the bodies of children tested was nearly...

Growing Crops Too Close to Stream Banks Pollutes Minnesota Waterways

Nearly 170 waterways in southern Minnesota get a grade of D or F because they lack the required protective strips of vegetation that prevent farm runoff from polluting nearby rivers and streams...


Trouble in The Air

The U.S. Senate's latest scheme to limit the liability of asbestos makers would cut benefits dramatically to people dying of the fatal asbestos cancer, mesothelioma, and pre-empt laws in 12 states, and court customs in at least 8 more, that guarantee a speedy trial to terminally ill plaintiffs. Younger victims, who are more likely to have dependent children, huge medical bills, and substantial

Voters in Six Key States Overwhelmingly Favor Mandatory GMO Food Labeling

New surveys show that citizens in six key states overwhelmingly support mandatory labeling for foods containing genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs.

Historic Conference: The Future of U.S. Chemicals Policy

Organizations representing chemical manufacturers, environmental and public health advocates, environmental justice leaders and consumer product goods companies will host an historic conference to...

It’s Déjà vu all over again with FDA’s review of BPA

This week, Mitchell Cheeseman, the point person for the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) safety review of bisphenol A (BPA), strongly suggested that the agency is not taking the “fresh look” at...

FDA Must Ban BPA in Baby Bottles and Infant Formula

For the first time under the Obama administration's leadership, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is scheduled on Monday, August 17th, to update the public on its new scientific review of...

EWG’s ’09 Sunscreen Consumer Guide

In an affirmation of Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) three-year campaign for more effective sunscreens, 70 percent of sunscreens offered for the 2009 beach season contain strong UVA filters...

Closing the “Halliburton Loophole” in the Safe Drinking Water Act

Hydraulic fracturing, the process pioneered by Halliburton in which water and toxic chemicals are injected into the ground to force out oil and natural gas may finally lose its exemption from basic...

Coca-Cola and Del Monte Caught in Plot to Deceive Moms and Minorities Over Dangers of BPA

Environmental Working Group (EWG) called on its growing list of supporters to demand both Coca-Cola and Del Monte stop the use of Bisphenol A (BPA) in the food and beverage containers of each company...

Free Pass for Oil and Gas: Environmental Protections Rolled Back as Western Drilling Surges

Oil and natural gas companies have drilled almost 120,000 wells in the West since 2000, mostly for natural gas, and nearly 270,000 since 1980, according to industry records analyzed by Environmental...

For Senator Conrad, Millionaire Subsidy Recipients Trump the Environment

Senate Budget committee chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) announced yesterday he would reject President Obama's plan to cut billions in crop subsidy payments that flow mostly to large profitable farm...

Allow the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit to Expire

EWG joins a diverse group of business associations, hunger and development organizations, taxpayer advocates, agricultural groups, religious organizations, environmental groups, budget hawks and...

EWG Urges FDA to Focus on Cosmetics in 5-Year Plan

EWG comments on FDA's 5-year plan urge the agency to give priority to cosmetics safety, particularly nanotechnology in cosmetics, surveillance of adverse reactions and consumer education of...

EWG Lauds Proposed Curbs on Chemical Industry Secrecy

EWG applauds EPA's proposal to strengthen regulations on chemical production and use data under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

Comments on EPA's Nanomaterial Case Study: Nanoscale Silver in Disinfectant Spray

EWG comments to EPA's National Center for Environmental Assessment question a case study's failure to clearly present conclusions about the possible effects on people and the environment of nanoscale...

EWG Testifies Before NYC Council on Fracking

Dusty Horwitt, EWG senior counsel, testifies on gas drilling and fracking before the New York City Council Committee on Environmental Protection Oct. 23, 2009.

EWG Testimony before NYC City Council on Natural Gas Drilling

Dusty Horwitt, EWG senior counsel, testifies before the New York City Council Committee on Environmental Protection about potential hazards of fracking in New York state.

Dead Zone Action Needed: EWG Remarks to Hypoxia Task Force

EWG testifies before the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force that farm run-off in the Mississippi River Basin expands the Gulf of Mexico “dead zone.”

EWG letter to FDA Commissioner Hamburg

EWG writes FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to express concern that the agency's assessment of the plastics chemical BPA has not advanced, and data gaps remain.

Cosmetics With Banned and Unsafe Ingredients

Download this letter and its attachments as a PDF. September 26, 2007 Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs U.S. Food and Drug Administration 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD...

Request to Withdraw Draft Regulations for Green Chemistry by DTSC

Doctors Reject Schwarzenegger's Flawed Green Chemistry Proposal

Letter to the West Virginia DEP Regarding PFOA

"Contamination of drinking water supplies by the toxic industrial chemical perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, or C8) is a continuing concern to the residents of Parkersburg and surrounding areas of Wood...

EWG TSCA 8(e) Petition to US EPA

EWG asks EPA administrator Whitman to investigation apparent reporting violations by DuPont Chemical. EWG submits documentation that DuPont had determined that 2 of 7 babies born to Teflon-exposed...