
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5137 - 5160 of 7435

Toxic Chemicals in Your Child’s Car Seat

Parents do a lot of research before they buy a car seat. They want to know, how does the seat perform in crash tests? What's its safety record? How will it protect my child in case of collision?

FDA-Approved Food Packaging Exposes Babies to Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical

Perchlorate, a toxic component of rocket fuel, may be harming your baby's development – and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is allowing it to happen, even in the face of clear health hazards.

Trump’s EPA Chief Says Polluters Pay To Clean Up Worst Toxic Waste Sites. Wrong: We Do.

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt was recently asked by Fox News how much it will cost to clean up the nation's most severely polluted toxic waste sites. His answer shows that the man...

Another Risk for College Students? Indoor Tanning.

It's summer break on college campuses, which means students across America are packing up their bathing suits and cleaning out their bank accounts for sun, sand and partying. But before they leave...

USDA Chief's School Lunch Menu: White Bread With Extra Salt and Sugar

Last month Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced a rollback of nutrition standards for school lunches that have been successfully implemented for the last five years. The move threatens to...

Trump’s Toxic Turn on Chemical Safety

President Trump has already methodically weakened efforts to protect Americans from toxic chemicals, but things are about to get much worse.

6 Steps Toward the Greenest Farm Bill Ever

What would it take to make the 2018 federal Farm Bill the best ever for public health and the environment?

Dow Courts White House With Donations and Secret Meetings, Brain-Damaging Pesticide Stays on Shelves

The cozy relationship between the Trump administration and the chemical industry is easy to see. But now we're getting details of how Dow courted the president and his top environmental official to...

Congressional Budget Office: Farm Subsidies Costing Taxpayers $7.5 Billion More Than Expected

While many Americans were anxiously awaiting the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill, this week the CBO released another important analysis: that the price tag on...

Using Private Wells: A Drinking Water Safety Guide

If you're one of the 44 million people relying on a private well for drinking water, here's what you should know and do to make sure your water is safe.

Amid Record-Setting Corn Boom, Subsidies Soar

The U.S. is heading toward a record corn crop this year. With farmers growing more corn than ever, farm subsidies should be lower, right? Think again.


Feeding The World

The key to ending world hunger while protecting the environment is to help small farmers in the developing world increase their productivity and income.

Antibiotic Resistance Could Kill More People than Cancer

By 2050, antibiotic resistant bacteria are projected to kill 10 million people a year, more than the current death toll from all cancers globally, which has reached 8.2 million.

Global Effort Aims to Reduce Children’s Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

A new report for the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child contends that protection from toxic pollution should be considered a basic human right.

Does Coffee Cause Cancer? New Studies Say It Could Actually Reduce Risk

Good news, coffee drinkers: A new scientific review finds no conclusive evidence that coffee causes cancer. In fact, coffee may even help protect against certain cancers.

EWG Analysis: Loophole Could Exempt Over 10,000 GMO Foods from Disclosure Law

A loophole proposed by the Trump administration could exempt at least 70 percent of genetically modified foods from a new GMO disclosure law, according to an EWG analysis

Clean Air Regulations Protect Health and Benefit the Economy

The Trump administration is waging war on the laws meant to protect Americans from air pollution, arguing that rolling back regulations on coal-fired power plants, cars and trucks, and other sources...

About EWG’s Jonas Initiative for Children's Environmental Health

With the generous support of the Jonas Philanthropies, in October 2016, EWG launched the Jonas Initiative for Children's Environmental Health.

Many Farmers Seeking Conservation Help Get Turned Away

Two out of every five farmers who seek assistance in reducing water pollution from their fields or the amount of pesticides and antibiotics they use are being turned away because USDA's Natural...

Blue-Green Algae Threaten Human Health and Aquatic Ecosystems Nationwide

From Florida beaches to Lake Erie to the California Delta, algal blooms threaten human health and aquatic ecosystems. Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, produce toxins that can make...

Ethanol Report 2012

Beware of higher ethanol gas. E-15 fuel could void warranties, damage small engines.

Keeping Up With the New Kardashian Beauty Products

I'm a big fan of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," so when Kim Kardashian West launched her new beauty line, I was eager to buy her Crème Contour and Highlight Kit. Expecting the kits to sell out in...

Poverty Grows in Many Counties Alongside Higher Farm Subsidies

Many counties where federal crop insurance subsidies rose between 2008 and 2012 also had an increase in poverty over that period, a finding that undermines the oft-repeated arguments that farm...

As World Rejects Coal, Trump Administration Continues to Back Dying Industry

The rejection of dirty and expensive coal power is accelerating worldwide. Yet the Trump administration continues its desperate attempts to keep a dying industry on life support.