
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5281 - 5304 of 7435


After Two Decades of Agricultural Disaster Aid A Chronic Dependency Takes Root

The $6.55 billion omnibus measure (The Emergency Farm Relief Act of 2006, S. 3855)provides hundreds of millions of dollars for projects and programs completely unrelated to crop and livestock losses associated with drought and hurricanes. Among these extras, there is a subsidy bonus of $1.5 billion in "energy assistance" directed exclusively to subsidized crop farmers who collected over $22

Some BB and CC Creams Can Reduce Toxic Exposures

A new analysis by Environmental Working Group of 100 BB (beauty balm) and CC (color corrector or complexion corrector) creams concludes that they may expose users to fewer toxic chemicals than the...

EWG Testifies on Environmental Impacts of Corn Ethanol

The Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to lower the amount of corn ethanol in gasoline is an acknowledgement that the biofuel blending program known as the Renewable Fuel Standard “isn't...

Federal Crop Insurance Over-compensates Farmers and Insurance Companies

A new report commissioned by Environmental Working Group finds that the heavily subsidized crop insurance program over-compensated Corn Belt farmers by $7.8 billion during the 2012 drought and lays...

Big Food Lobbying Group Spends Millions to Keep Consumers in the Dark

Environmental Working Group (EWG) today called out the big food lobbying group, Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), for dropping an additional $5 million into a campaign to defeat a popular...

Scores of Baked Goods Contain Possible Cancer-Causing Additive

A new analysis by Environmental Working Group has found potassium bromate, a possible cancer-causing food additive, in more than 86 breads and other baked goods, including such well-known products as...

EWG VERIFIED® Takes Aim At Toxic Ingredients In Consumer Products

The EWG VERIFIED: For Your Health™ mark will help shoppers quickly and easily identify personal care products, including cosmetics, that meet EWG's strictest standards while shopping in stores and...

Crop Insurance Companies “Crying Wolf” on Budget Deal

The decision by Congress to cut the government-guaranteed profits of crop insurance giants will not “cripple” the industry, as some crop insurance companies claim. Contrary to industry complaints, the...

GMO Salmon Approval Leaves Consumers In The Dark

The Food and Drug Administration's decision to approve genetically modified salmon will still leave consumers in the dark about what's in their food, underscoring the need for a mandatory, national...

Senate’s Toxic Chemicals Bill “Will Not Protect America’s Families”

If Frank Lautenberg, Jim Jeffords, Barbara Boxer and Henry Waxman had summoned support for this version of toxic chemical reform 10 years ago, only the chemical industry would have rallied to their...

Voluntary Conservation Practices Are a Fool’s Errand

A new EWG report reveals the fatal flaw in the voluntary approach to cutting pollution from farm fields: Farmers who voluntarily start pollution control practices can just as easily stop.

Budget Proposal Would Reform Broken Crop Insurance Program

Proposed cuts to crop insurance and other expensive farm subsidy programs in the Obama administration's 2017 budget would be good for taxpayers and the environment, EWG said in a statement today.

The Defeat of the DARK Act is a Win for Consumers

In a major win for consumers, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) failed to earn the votes he needed to stop debate on a bill known to opponents as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK Act.

Shop Smarter, Choose EWG VERIFIED® Products

The EWG VERIFIED® program now features 118 products, allowing shoppers to quickly and easily identify cosmetics and personal care items that meet our strictest health and transparency standards.

For Spring 2016, EWG Updates Guide to Healthy Cleaning

The Environmental Working Group today released a new edition of its Guide to Healthy Cleaning, an online database detailing the health hazards and environmental concerns for more than 2,500 household...

Hundreds of Cancer-Causing Chemicals Pollute Americans’ Bodies

Hundreds of cancer-causing chemicals are building up in the bodies of Americans, according to the first comprehensive inventory of the carcinogens that have been measured in people. EWG released...

Americans Have Right to Know About GMOs

"Americans should have the right to know what's in their food and how its' produced, just like consumers on 64 other nations. If Congress acts to craft a GMO labeling system, Congress should ensure...

Feinstein-Collins Bill Would Improve Cosmetics Safety

A bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, would help the federal Food and Drug Administration ensure that cosmetics and other personal care products are safer.

New Bill Marks Disgraceful Setback In the Fight For Chemical Safety

New legislation endorsed today by a Senate committee to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 is a shameful victory for the chemical industry that wrote the underlying bill and has fought...

BPA Designation is a Huge Victory For Californians

The decision of a scientific advisory committee to add bisphenol A, or BPA, to California's Proposition 65 list of toxic chemicals is a huge victory in the fight to protect people from this harmful...

Food and Chemical Companies Spent Big in 2014 to Defeat GMO Labeling

Food and biotechnology companies spent $63.6 million in 2014 alone to oppose mandatory labeling of genetically modified food ingredients, or GMOs, according to a new analysis by EWG.

Claims that GMOs Will “Feed the World” Don’t Hold Up

A report released today by Environmental Working Group delivers a stinging rebuke to conventional agribusiness' argument that genetically modified crops are the answer to future global food shortages...

Government Gives Flawed Advice for Eating Fish, Ignores New Science

A federal advisory encouraging pregnant women, nursing mothers and children to eat more seafood fails to protect them from methylmercury exposure and guide them to better fish choices, according to a...

Revised Anti-Consumer “DARK Act” Doubles Down on Blocking State Labeling, Regulation of GMOs

A new draft of the “Deny Americans the Right to Know” (DARK) Act being circulated in the House of Representatives would not only preempt state laws that require labeling of food containing genetically...