
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5377 - 5400 of 7435

Cosmetics Reform Featured in Latest Episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Last night, the reality television show “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” featured Kourtney Kardashian describing her routine use of EWG's Healthy Living app and our consumer databases like Skin Deep®...

White House May Adopt PFAS Cleanup Level 10x Higher Than CDC Deems Safe

In its guidelines for addressing cleanup of groundwater and military and industrial sites contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency is recommending a limit 10...

Bipartisan Congressional Task Force To Take on Growing PFAS Contamination Crisis

EWG today applauded Reps. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) for establishing a new bipartisan task force in the House of Representatives to address the urgent drinking water...

Credibility Gap: Are New Food Packaging Chemicals Any Safer?

DuPont and other chemical companies have promised to phase out a cancer-causing chemical found in grease-resistant coatings for food packaging. But the new, supposedly green chemicals the industry is...

Report: Ex-Koch Executive Put in Key Role Over EPA’s PFAS Plan

A former chemical and fossil fuel industry executive who recently oversaw the anti-environmental agenda of the Koch brothers is now in charge of the Trump administration's plan to address the crisis...

Top Senate Democrats Demand All Trump Administration Documents on PFAS

Senate Democratic leaders today called on the Trump administration to turn over documentation of all communications between key agencies and the White House about plans to address the PFAS...

BREAKING: FDA Finds Asbestos in Claire’s Cosmetics Products, Issues Safety Alert to Consumers

The Food and Drug Administration issued a rare alert today, urging consumers to stop using certain cosmetics products from the national retailer Claire's, after the agency found the deadly carcinogen...

EPA Chief to be Fêted at Chemical Industry Soirée

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt will deliver remarks at the annual board meeting of the American Chemistry Council, the main chemical industry trade and lobby group...

Toyota Asked to Issue Massive Recall On “Partnership” Claimed by EPA Chief

The Environmental Working Group is urging Toyota to reject a partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency, because EPA chief Scott Pruitt's plan to "evaluate management practices" is cover for...

Controversial Trump Nominee for Top Chemical Safety Position at EPA Withdraws from Consideration

Michael Dourson, who President Trump nominated to run the chemical safety division at the Environmental Protection Agency, withdrew his name from consideration after it was clear there were not enough...

Scott Pruitt’s Taxpayer Spending Tab Mounts: $120K For GOP Opposition Research Firm to Track News Media

The Environmental Protection Agency spent $120,000 to hire a Republican opposition research and PR firm – the latest example of Administrator Scott Pruitt's questionable spending, which has already...

Scott Pruitt Axed EPA Center That Helps Protect Babies from Arsenic, Pesticides

In Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's latest blow to children's health, the agency is shutting down a vital office that provides funding to scientists studying the impacts of toxic...

Noted Entrepreneur, Philanthropist Shazi Visram Joins EWG Board of Directors

American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder and CEO of Happy Family Brands Shazi Visram has joined the Environmental Working Group's board of directors.

Italian Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Heart and Brain Tumors

Laboratory animals exposed to cellphone radiation developed heart and brain tumors similar to the types seen in some studies of human cellphone users, according to an Italian study published today

Map: Florence Drenched Thousands of North Carolina CAFOs and Animal Waste Pits

Hurricane Florence's torrential rains pelted areas of North Carolina that are home to more than 1,500 industrial animal operations with more than 1,000 nearby animal waste storage cesspools. These...

Biden-Harris Victory Brings Historic Opportunity for Public Health, Racial Justice, Climate Change and Clean Energy

The election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is not only a repudiation of President Trump, it is also a historic opportunity for the nation to advance the health, safety and equity of all Americans.

DuPont Made Billions Polluting Tap Water With PFAS; Will Now Make More Cleaning It Up

DuPont, whose toxic fluorinated chemicals have contaminated communities nationwide, is buying a company that specializes in removing those same chemicals from tap water.

GM’s U-Turn: From Joining Trump’s Attack on Clean Air to Backing California’s Tough Auto Emissions Standards

General Motors, once a strong supporter of the Trump administration's lawsuit to block California's ambitious clean-car standards, reversed course Monday, announcing it will back the state's efforts...

As Other Automakers Back California Emission Standards, Toyota and Fiat Chrysler Cling to Trump’s Sinking Ship

As President Trump's remaining days in office dwindle, so is automakers' support for his scheme to overturn California's tough emissions and mileage standards, leaving Toyota and Fiat Chrysler as the...

Covid-19 Relief Packages Leave Food and Farm Workers Unprotected

The following is a statement from Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs, on the Covid-19 relief package released today by a bipartisan group of senators.

Amazon To Ban ‘Forever Chemicals’ From Its Amazon Kitchen Brand

Today Amazon announced it will ban the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from its Amazon Kitchen brand products.

California Bill Would Sharply Reduce Lead Leaching From Faucets

State legislation introduced today would set a legally enforceable limit on the amount of lead leaching from drinking water faucets and fixtures, reducing by five times the amount now allowed by a...

EWG to Rep. Bass: Where Is Your Plan For MTBE Relief?

When Rep. Charles Bass (R-NH) voted in favor of lawsuit immunity for drinking water polluters—and against the interests of his own constituents and thousands of communities nationwide — he claimed he...

EWG Letter to EPA

Download PDF file. July 7, 2008 Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P) Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460-0001 Regarding...