
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 5497 - 5520 of 7435

Environmental, Health, Business and Public Policy Experts Join EWG Board

Six new members have taken seats on the board of directors of Environmental Working Group, collectively bringing with them decades of experience in environmental activism, grassroots organizing...

Will the Real Ethanol Beneficiaries Please Stand Up?

This month's election is being called a referendum on taxpayer-funded bailouts and wasteful federal spending, but Congress may not have gotten the message. It's poised to approve billions in...

In Farm Country, Democrats’ Bitter Harvest

Just two years ago, Democratic political strategists defended passage of a status-quo farm subsidy bill by claiming it was essential to the survival of freshmen members from farm districts and to the...

EWG Asks FDA Advisors to Back Sunscreen Regulations

Environmental Working Group (EWG) asked a prestigious expert advisory panel to urge the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue long-awaited regulations for sunscreen products.

Environmental Working Group: Rahall Bill Strikes Right Balance Between Mining and Protection of Environment and Public's Health

As new mining claims multiply across the Western United States, Environmental Working Group (EWG) applauds House Natural Resources Committee Chairman, U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) for reintroducing...

Ethanol’s Federal Subsidy Grab

As Congress and the incoming Obama administration plan the nation's next major investments in green energy, they need to take a hard, clear-eyed look at Department of Energy data documenting corn...

Mercury Mischief at FDA

Documents obtained by EWG show that officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are pressing to reverse the agency's current recommendations that pregnant women and children limit their...

Millionaire Farmers Still Receiving Subsides Despite Attempts at Reform

In times of tight budgets and empty federal coffers, millionaires, large profitable farm operations and wealthy absentee landlords are still receiving federal farm subsidies, despite repeated attempts...

Infant Formula Makers and Canned Food Producers Called On To Remove BPA

In the wake of an FDA advisory panel's devastating rebuke of the agency's safety assessment for the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) Environmental Working Group (EWG) has written North...

FDA Panel Breaks With Agency and Chemical Lobby on Toxic Plastics Chemical Safety

In a stinging rebuke to the Food and Drug Administration, a key science advisory panel has broken with Bush FDA officials and the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and embraced the position of public...

Making Chemicals Safe for Kids: Senate Panel Will Examine ‘Broken’ Toxics Law

The nation's toxic chemical regulatory law is broken and fails completely to protect children and other Americans from exposure to dangerous industrial compounds, experts will tell a Senate oversight...

Harvard Study: Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys

Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study...

Children's Drinks Contain Ingredients That Can Form Benzene

Today the Environmental Working Group (EWG) sent a letter to the FDA requesting that the Agency notify the public about the presence of two ingredients in many popular children's drinks that can mix...

Administration Urged to Release New Pesticide Residue Data

For roughly two decades, the US Department of Agriculture has tested various fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues, usually making its findings available to the public in January. More than...

CDC Analyzes Toxics In Humans

With its fourth and most ambitious edition of its National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, released today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) casts the issue of...

Pombo Proposal Amounts to Largest Land Sell-Off in Modern American History (08 Nov 2005)

A little-known provision in the current House budget reconciliation could precipitate one of the largest land giveaways in American history.

State Attorneys General Oppose Shield for MTBE Polluters

In a letter to all U.S. senators, the chief legal officers of 12 states from New York to California are urging lawmakers to vote against the federal energy bill or any legislation that protects oil...


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has come out against a provision in the federal energy bill shielding oil companies from lawsuits over water pollution by the toxic gasoline additive MTBE — a stance at odds...

10 Food Companies Join EWG Glyphosate Petition

10 food manufacturers and retailers have joined EWG's petition to sharply limit glyphosate residues allowed on oats and prohibit the pesticide's use as a pre-harvest drying agent.

EWG: Verdict in Roundup Trial Latest Blow to Bayer-Monsanto’s Claims Glyphosate Doesn’t Cause Cancer

Today's verdict in favor of a California man who said his cancer was caused by exposure to Bayer AG's Roundup weedkiller is further evidence that glyphosate, the herbicide's active ingredient, is...

Dolores Huerta and EWG React to Lawsuit Against Monsanto over Cancer-Causing Weed Killer

A farm worker and a horticultural assistant who both developed cancer after being exposed to Monsanto's glyphosate weed killer have filed separate lawsuits against the company.

Jury Slams Monsanto for Corporate Malfeasance in Roundup Cancer Trial, Awards $80 Million in Damages

Today, a second jury in less that 8 months found Bayer-Monsanto's signature weedkiller Roundup responsible for causing cancer.

EWG Responds to General Mills and Quaker Oats: ‘Legal Is Not the Same as Safe’

The Environmental Working Group is disappointed that General Mills and the Quaker Oats Company have brushed aside consumer health concerns raised by new research that found the cancer-causing weed...