
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 601 - 624 of 7442

After the Pipeline’s Death, Will Duke Energy Shift From Gas to Renewables?

Last month, the soaring costs and dim future of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline forced Duke Energy and Dominion Energy to cancel the $8 billion project.

Report: Duke Energy Has Squandered Billions in Failed Natural Gas and Nuclear Projects

Since 2013, Duke Energy and its partners have scrapped natural gas pipelines and nuclear power plants totaling $11.6 billion, according to a new report by the Environmental Working Group.

California Bill To Ban Toxic PFAS From Firefighting Foam Heads to Governor

The California legislature approved a measure to address the growing contamination crisis of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. The bill would ban the chemicals in PFAS-based firefighting...

EWG’s Comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on 1,2-DCE in Drinking Water

Below and attached are EWG’s comments to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in support of a proposed update of the public health goals for Cis-/Trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene...

EWG, Other Groups’ Letter Supports San Francisco Ordinance Requiring Disclosure of Antibiotics in Meat

Attached is a letter signed by EWG in support of proposed legislation that would require large grocery chains in San Francisco to report antibiotic use policies associated with their fresh meat and...

EWG Comments on Scoping of First 10 Chemicals Under TSCA Review

Attached are EWG’s comments on how the EPA should scope the first 10 chemicals it will review under the revised Toxic Substances Control Act.

Senate Committee Narrowly Approves Notorious Industry Apologist to Run EPA Chemical Safety Office

WASHINGTON – In a vote along party lines, President Trump’s nominee Michael Dourson was approved by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to be the head of the Office of Chemical Safety...

North Carolina Senators Won’t Vote to Confirm Trump’s Nominee for EPA’s Top Chemical Safety Post

North Carolina's two Republican senators, Richard Burr and Thom Tillis, will not support President Trump's nomination of Michael Dourson to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection...


Factory Farming

Every year, polluting industries send millions of pounds of waste materials to fertilizer companies, presumably for use as raw materials in fertilizer production. Even though these wastes are often laden with toxic metal and chemical impurities, fertilizer manufacturers use steel mill smokestack ash and air pollution scrubber brine, and other industrial byproducts as the raw materials for a

Letter to ATSDR Director re: omissions from PFAS website

The Environmental Working Group is writing to urge ATSDR, an agency on the front lines of the fight to protect public health from PFAS pollution, to provide on its website the most robust, easily...

For Top White House Environment Job, Trump Taps Carbon Dioxide Fan

WASHINGTON – President Trump’s nomination of Kathleen Hartnett-White to chair the Council on Environmental Quality is his latest move to give polluters unfettered, unprecedented power inside the White...


Particle Pollution and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the United States

A recently published peer-reviewed study (Woodruff et al. 1997) found a statistically significant relationship between particulate air pollution in the United States and postneonatal infant mortality. Postneonatal mortality was defined as infant death that occurred between the age of 28 to 364 days. The study analyzed the relationship between PM10 levels and post- neonatal mortality within a

EWG Comments to FCC on Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Rule

Environmental Working Group objects to the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to apply the outdated, insufficiently protective radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure limits to 5G technology...

COVID-19 Bill Fails To Protect Workers and Hungry Families

Here is a statement by Scott Faber, senior vice president for the Environmental Working Group, on the $484 billion COVID-19 bill currently under consideration by Congress: The bill passed Tuesday by...

DuPont sent this letter to a bird owner who put up a website about the danger of Teflon to birds

----- Original Message ----- From: "Cheryl L Mitchell" To: [NAME REMOVED] Subject: Use of DuPont trademark To Whom It May Concern: It has come to our attention...

EWG Challenges Paustenbach to Come Clean

Dear Dr. Paustenbach: We were stunned to read in The Scientist your rationale for hiding the funding source of the chromium-6 article under the names of JianDong Zhang and ShuKun Li in the April 1997...

California officials confirm PG&E responsible for devastating Dixie Fire

California’s fire management agency has confirmed that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) was responsible for last summer’s Dixie Fire, which burned nearly 1 million acres and destroyed more than 1,300...

EWG news roundup (1/7): Calif. finds PG&E responsible for Dixie Fire, harmful ingredients in breakfast cereals and more

EWG news roundup (1/7): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.


Crop losses from climate crisis cost billions of dollars in insurance payouts

Farmers received more than $143.5 billion in federal crop insurance payments from 1995 through 2020, and just under two-thirds of it was for crop damage from drought and excess moisture exacerbated by the climate crisis, according to EWG’s new crop insurance database.

EWG news roundup (12/3): The risks with green tea extract, meat’s math problem, healthier face masks and more

Last week, EWG published an analysis of epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, an extract of green tea that’s both added to food and used as a supplement. Though credited with several health benefits, it...

EWG’s 2021 gift guide

It’s hard enough to figure out the perfect gift for some people on your holiday shopping list. It can be more difficult when you factor in a desire to protect the health of your family and the...

EWG comments in response to the California Public Utilities Commission Proposed Decision that would gut the state’s rooftop solar program

California’s rooftop solar program has allowed for more one million rooftop solar installations in California. The regulators’ proposal imposes egregiously high monthly fees on solar customers...

USDA releases new round of pesticide residue tests on produce showing conventional agriculture’s continued heavy reliance on toxic crop chemicals

The Department of Agriculture today published its latest round of pesticide residue tests for thousands of samples of domestic and imported fruits and vegetables.