
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6001 - 6024 of 7434

EPA Study: Week of Organics Cleans Pesticides from Kids' Blood

A new EPA study fed 23 Seattle children an all-organic diet for a week and saw the pesticide levels in their blood drop to virtually zero. As soon as the kids started back on their conventional diets...

DuPont Employee Union Maps Company's Toxic Legacy

The people who know DuPont best – its workers – have launched a website that pulls no punches about the company's health and safety practices. “Throughout its history, DuPont has ignored scientific...

FDA: We Don't Know What's in Tuna Cans

Apparently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relies on the same sources of information as the general public to learn what's in popular foods: the newspaper.

Canada Bans Hair Dye Ingredient

Lead acetate, an ingredient used in personal care products such as men's hair dye, has been banned in Canada over fears of cancer and reproductive toxicity. The chemical has been banned in Europe, and...

In the news

Bush again pushes 3 nominees seen as pro-industry LA Times. 1 Apr 2007 UPDATE 4/4/07: San Francisco Chronicle's Jon Carroll gives us a more satire-infused critique of Bush's [re]nominees. SF Chronicle...

Ethanol 'not a silver bullet'

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is wary of the President's ethanol plans and warns of increased food costs and the need for a broader approach to our energy crisis, with a greater focus on conservation...

A global warming quick fix?

What do carbon-sucking artificial trees, an ocean floor carpet of iron dust, a man-made sulfur volcano, and a global umbrella all have in common?

Katrina IMAX feature glosses over reality

I left the Smithsonian's IMAX Theater after seeing Hurricane on the Bayou wondering how the film's producers managed to make such a colorfully feel-good movie about the devastation of Katrina. The...

Coal combustion faces controversy

A recently released MIT report found that coal contributes more to global carbon dioxide emissions than any other energy source. Coal's high carbon to hydrogen ratio makes it a larger CO2 polluter per...

Quote of the day

There's one Lord, but not just one issue. I am as much against abortion as Jim Dobson and the others, but I want that baby to live in a healthful environment, inside the womb as well as outside of the...

Glass baby bottle auction to support EWG

By now you've likely seen some of the national attention EWG's recent report about Bisphenol A (BPA), an ingredient used in plastic bottles and in the lining of food cans, has generated. BPA has been...

Buying flowers? Go organic to protect workers & their kids

So you're picking out flowers to mail your loved ones for Valentines Day, but guess what else you'll be sending them—according to the Associated Press, the flowers you send will be “sprayed, rinsed...

Grist spotlights farm bill debate

Like a barnyard sow basking in attention at a county fair, the farm bill -- that monstrously complex five-year plan for federal agriculture policy -- has suddenly gained a high profile.

Society seeks support for "peculiar" animals

The Zoological Society of London highlighted 100 species – ranging from the spiny long beaked echidna to the potentially already extinct Yangtze river dolphins – for their new program EDGE...

Plant a tree for your new PC

Dell has a new program to plant a tree for each computer it sells, saying it could offset CO2 emissions from the machines. I'm not sure who did the math on that, but the program is commendable...

Frog researcher lectures Mayo Clinic docs on widely used weed-killer

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic heard a dire warning on the possible link between a widely used weed-killer and cancer. In a forum usually reserved for medical researchers, amphibian endocrinologist Tyrone...

Activists use research keep pollution out of their neighborhoods

"Neighborhood activists from California to Washington, D.C., are using a growing body of research on how pollutants exacerbate illness to block the building of facilities, relocate residents from...

Organic farmed fish a contradiction in terms

Can fish really be “organic?” Well, that depends how the USDA shapes that definition in the coming years. Currently the agency has no standards for what qualifies a fish as organic and it seems they...

Alternative energy proven cost effective as well as environmentally friendly

The International Energy Agency (IEA) came out with yet another economic report announcing the cost effectiveness of cleaner energy. Through use of energy trends, the World Energy Outlook, a division...

Carpeting linked to adult asthma

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology finds that exposure to carpeting and other materials in the workplace significantly increases adults' risk of developing asthma. Carpet...

EWG president sets record straight on "emergency" subsidies

Are weather-related complications, such as droughts, really 'disasters' if they seem to happen year after year? Many farmers who receive these payments seem to think so, but EWG President and farm...

California rocket fuel standards too weak

California is years behind schedule in setting safety standards for rocket fuel waste in drinking water, and now there's evidence that the proposed standard is too weak to protect pregnant women and...

Kid-powered water pumps

Several years ago, concerned by the time and energy South African women spent fetching water from distant, often polluted sources, Trevor Fields decided to do something. Fields teamed up with an...

In the news: October 19, 2006

Multiple articles from recent news.