
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6049 - 6072 of 7434

If you break it, you should pay for it

I wonder what would happen Congress decided it was high time corporate polluters and not the taxpayers should once again pick up the tab for cleaning up the messes they made at the thousands of...

CFL's give better light than incandescents

Popular Mechanics tested seven different CFLs for brightness, color, and other characteristics and all seven stomped out the incandescent 'control' bulb. They only used one incandescent as a control...

Paper or plastic? Never mind

It's a question that may soon be irrelevant in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Automakers construct excuses, not solutions

According to the New York Times, American automakers recently put together a short list of reasons for not cutting carbon dioxide emissions in their vehicle fleets:

Let's build a nuke in our backyard

You've heard of economically depressed towns lobbying to be the site of a new prison. But who wants a nuclear reactor in the neighborhood?

Western drilling claiming more victims?

Well, it’s finally happened. The out-of-control explosion of oil and gas drilling in the Mountain West has started to claim other victims besides the environment. Politicians who were early...

Shifting sex ratio may be caused by PCBs, but how?

More girls than boys are being born in certain Inuit villages in the Arctic, and scientists say man-made chemicals are to blame. Women were tested for the level of PCBs (pervasive hormone mimicking...

EnviroHealth in blogs: Green tea, nurdles, and demystifying the Farm Bill

A little light reading to get you through your Wednesday. In response to a reader comment, Marc at Ethicurean boils the Food and Farm Bill down to a handful of easy to understand talking points. Now...

SMM: City Slickers

So EWG designed a little gadget, ages ago, that allows users to find out who's getting farm subsidies (and how much, and where). We call it the Farm Subsidy Database (creative, I know). The database...

Mossville's dioxin-free dreams

I wonder what health insurance costs are like in Mossville, Louisiana? Sky high, I imagine. Residents of that community have three times as much dioxin in their bodies as the average U.S. population...

How cutting out certain food additives could curb ADHD (and cancer too)

A UK study published today in the Lancet reveals that certain food additives, including sodium benzoate and some colorings, likely play a role in the increasingly frequent diagnosis of ADHD in...

Another Katrina legacy: Arsenic coated playgrounds

It's tricky to write about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent rebuilding of New Orleans. Today's headlines are full of contradictions. New Orleans is reveling "in a new spirit of...

Childhood obesity increases dramatically

Recent reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that currently over 17% of kids in the USA are overweight, and the number has tripled over the past 20 years. Childhood...

Clothing, preserved

Formaldehyde may bring back fragrant memories of dissecting frogs in high school, but you wouldn't want to rub the stuff onto your skin -- or your children's. But a New Zealand study found that...

FOE's nanotech no-no

Sometimes the little stuff makes a big difference.

Outside the Box: Going for gold

We are one summer away from the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, and the host country is trying to win the gold by going green. This week's Outside the Box hurdles organic pork, strict air quality...

Big-box muscles push for greener packaging

When a retailer with $60 billion in annual sales says jump, manufacturers ask how high, and in this case that's great news for the environment.

Millions of children die annually due to environmental hazards

In the poorest parts of the world, one in five children will not live longer than their fifth birthday and this is mainly because of environment-related diseases, according to the World Health...

Green Goodbye

Cremation is a big environmental issue, as well as the choice of most Australians. While the process reduces us to ash, it also produces pollutants and carbon dioxide that goes directly into the...

FEMA trailers on the cheap

Looking for a cheap mobile home? I know some people who are looking to get rid of theirs...

Outside the Box: Show me the money!

Need smart, sound financial tips? Contact a broker. Interested in the bizarre ways people are making money using kegs, beetles, and rats? Read on, because this week's Outside The Box is green in more...

'Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.'

Thanks to Jack Nicholson's Oscar-winning performance in Chinatown, the story of how Los Angeles stole the water from the Owens River may be the best-known environmental crime in U.S. history. (OK, I'm...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: H520 off the hook

This week, in what many would term an unfortunate setback, Vermont's House of Representatives was unable to override the Governor's veto on an energy bill that would have provided incentives for...

Two days left to Grow Organics!

We're almost there! In the past week, more than ten thousand people have signed the petition to Grow Organics. We only need a couple thousand more to meet our goal, and we've got just over two days to...