
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6073 - 6096 of 7434

EWG to FDA: Current Sunscreen Regulations Aren’t Enough

Environmental Working Group is asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to finish the job of issuing comprehensive and enforceable regulations to ensure that sunscreens on the U.S. market are...

Fincher’s Reform Charade Continues

At some point Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) might just want to stop talking about the farm bill and his support for ending the direct payment program (which doesn't actually end for cotton farmers...

Real Chemical Reform Must Ban Asbestos

What you can't see can be deadly: virtually invisible, yet absolutely lethal asbestos fibers lead to environmental and occupational diseases that claim the lives of 30 Americans every day.

Happy Tax Day! Do You Know How You’re Subsidizing Big Ag This Year?

As Americans finish up their taxes, it's worth reflecting on how those tax dollars are being spent to widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots in farming.

What Others are Saying About the Farm Bill

The farm bill passed by Congress takes food and farm policy in the wrong direction. Here's what others have to say about the bill.

For Clues On Chemical Reform, Just Follow The Money

The Chemicals in Commerce Act discussion draft circulated in the House of Representatives earlier this year claims to advance the public interest. We don't think so.

Reworked Bill Would Still Lead to More Toxic Chemicals in Commerce

A revised draft of legislation to update the failed federal law that regulates toxic chemicals, which was released by Republican Rep. John Shimkus of Illinois following stiff criticism of his initial...

Children’s Cereals Still Too Sweet

What percentage of your child's favorite cereal is sugar? 10 percent? 20 percent? Try 50 percent (by weight), if your child is a fan of cereals like Kellogg's Honey Smacks or Apple Jacks with...

Who’s Really Confused?

EWG's recent report, “Ethanol's Broken Promise,” came under attack last week (June 12) by researchers at the Argonne National Laboratory who challenged our conclusion that reducing the amount of corn...

More Embarrassment For The School Nutrition Association

The School Nutrition Association, which has allied itself with big food companies in an effort to weaken a four-year old federal law requiring healthier school lunches, has suffered the latest in...

What Parents Need to Know About Over-Fortified Foods

Food fortification began decades ago as an effort to reduce the risk of having insufficient vitamins and minerals in Americans' diet, but it has become a marketing tool that could be downright risky...

The Most Environmentally Harmful Thing You Eat

Believe it or not, choosing between a burger and a chicken sandwich can affect more than just your waistline. A new study led by scientists at Bard College in New York shows that going for beef has 10...

House Readies to Advance Sunscreen Innovation Act

EWG applauds Reps. Whitfield and Dingell for their efforts to accelerate FDA's review of the safety and efficacy of sunscreen ingredients and we look forward to working with Congress to enact...

Right to Farm is a Right to Pollute

Next Tuesday (Aug. 5), Missourians will decide if their state constitution should be amended to enshrine a so-called “Right-to-Farm” provision. The vaguely worded and open-ended amendment states, “the...

Reducing Fertilizers Cuts Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When people think about the causes of global warming, the food they eat typically doesn't make the short list. But agriculture is responsible for 80 percent of human-caused emissions of nitrous oxide...

Broken Stream Banks: Too Many Rivers and Streams Go Unprotected

Although Minnesota has a unique policy designed to curb agricultural water pollution by requiring a 50-foot buffer zone between farmland and the state's river and stream banks, less than a fifth of...

Republican Support Continues To Grow For Conservation Compliance

There has long been bipartisan support for conservation compliance by farmers and politicians alike. Now more than ever, those leading the way in reauthorizing the farm bill may hear a growing number...

Crop Insurance Creates "Destructive Incentives" for Farmers: NRDC Study Confirms Fundamental Reform is Needed

A report released today (Aug. 27) by the Natural Resources Defense Council supplies the latest evidence that the federal crop insurance program desperately needs fundamental reform.

Green Slime

We've all heard of pink slime. Now, there's green slime too.

Will Congress Shortchange Obama’s “Champions of Change?”

This week (July 29), the White House released its list of “Champions of Change” in agriculture, 17 people who “are doing extraordinary things to build the bench for the next generation of farming and...

Virgin Prairie Goes Under the Plow

Last month, the National Wildlife Federation reported that more than 398,000 acres – 620 square miles – of grasslands, forests and other land were plowed, cleared or otherwise converted to grow crops...

The Hidden Truth About Peanuts: From Food Allergies to Farm Practices

A peanut butter and jelly sandwich hasn't always been a loaded weapon on a lunchroom table.

Farm Bill Recipe for Financial Ruin?

By including the most costly components of the farm bills that passed the House and Senate, the bill expected to emerge this month from a House-Senate conference committee could cost taxpayers even...