
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6193 - 6216 of 7434


The Pollution in People

More than 1,400 chemicals and chemical groups are known or likely carcinogens. Through industrial applications, consumer products and food, water and air, Americans are exposed daily to these cancer-causing compounds, which invade the body and build up in blood and urine.

Childhood Cancer: More Evidence Points to Chemical Exposure

September was national Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, reminding Americans of the sobering facts about this terrible disease

The Scariest Trump Appointee You’ve Never Heard Of

The Trump administration just appointed a chemical industry bigwig to a high-level chemical safety position at the Environmental Protection Agency as Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of...

Buyer Beware: What’s Really in That 'Healthy' Cereal?

Take our quiz to find out which foods are currently allowed by the FDA to be branded as “healthy” and which are forbidden from using the claim.

EWG’s News Roundup (11/3): Greener Homes, Taxpayer Dollars Flow to Industrial Farms and More

EWG's News Roundup (11/3): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

EWG’s News Roundup (10/13): Feds Imperil Children’s Health, Seek Bailout for Coal and Nuke Industries

EWG's News Roundup (10/13): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

Six Questions About Cellphone Radiation and Your Health

In April, the city of Berkeley, Calif., won a major decision in a federal appeals court, allowing the city to go forward with its ordinance requiring cellphone retailers to provide consumers with...

Federal Lawmakers Harvest $15 Million in Farm Subsidies

Thirty-two members of Congress and their immediate family members collected at least $14.3 million in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2016, according to data from EWG's Farm Subsidy Database.

Beyond Ag Policy: Farm Bureau Favors Confederate Statues, Opposes Gun-Free Zones and Gay Marriage

Surrounded by lobbyists for corporate agribusiness, Trump will find kindred spirits on a wide-range of policy positions.

Trump’s Toxic Wake: 8 Ways the President Made Chemicals Less Safe in 2017

In his first year in office, President Trump has wreaked devastating damage on public health protections against hazardous chemicals Photo credit:

Scott Pruitt Is Turning the EPA into the KGB

Scott Pruitt, polluters' puppet and head of the Environmental Protection Agency, knows most Americans are strongly opposed to his anti-public health, anti-kids, anti-science agenda. That's why he does...

Amid Nationwide Water Quality Concerns, Americans Flock to New Tap Water Database

It has been roughly three weeks since we released EWG's new national drinking water database, and the response from consumers and media outlets has been sweeping and sustained.

Nearly 100 Cancer-Causing Contaminants Found in U.S. Drinking Water

EWG's just-released Tap Water Database shows that a startling number of cancer-causing chemicals contaminate the nation's drinking water. Of 250 different contaminants detected in tests by local...

The Ugly Truth: How Trump’s EPA Nominee Greenwashed a Carcinogen in Cosmetics

Before he became President Trump's nominee to oversee the nation's chemical safety, Michael Dourson sought to dramatically weaken the safety standard for 1,4-dioxane, a chemical linked to cancer that...
Consumer Guides

EWG's Dirty Dozen: Cancer Prevention Edition

Scientists are only beginning to investigate how certain chemicals may interact to contribute to cancer development. But given that we live in a sea of chemicals, it makes sense to begin reducing exposures to ones we know are bad actors.

Top 10 Reasons to Reject Trump’s Chemical Safety Nominee

Next week, a key Senate committee will consider the nomination of Michael Dourson to oversee chemical safety at the Environmental Protection Agency. Here are the top 10 reasons senators should reject...

Nutrition Facts Delay: Latest Salvo in Trump’s War on Food

The Trump administration delayed a long-awaited update to nutrition labels on packaged food Friday, launching yet another assault in its war on good food policy.

Melanoma Rates Dropping Among Children and Teens

Melanoma, characterized by mole-like cancerous growths, is on the rise in the U.S. The most serious form of skin cancer, it's particularly rising among women and seniors. But what about kids?

Strawberries Top the List of Worst Fruits and Veggies for Pesticide Residues

One of your kid's favorite fruits is hiding a dirty secret. Of all the fresh fruits and vegetables available for sale in the United States, sweet, sun-kissed strawberries are the most likely to be...

Skip the most toxic fabric softeners

Using fabric softeners sounds like a no-brainer. These popular laundry products promise soft, fresh-smelling clothes, free of static and wrinkles, along with less stretching, fading and pilling.

Worst-Scoring Sunscreens for Kids

Applying a safe, effective sunscreen to children is one key to protecting them from sun damage. Sunscreen should never be your child's first line of defense against the sun, of course, and the reality...

The Trouble with Disinfecting Wipes

They're cheap, appealing and easy to find. They even smell nice. It's no wonder that disinfecting and antibacterial cleaning wipes are so popular. Last year Clorox executives reported that about half...