
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6217 - 6240 of 7434

Five Kid-Approved Tips for Healthier Valentine’s Day Parties

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and let's face it: your kids will eat a lot of sugary treats come February 14. Thanks to school, team and neighborhood parties, many kids spend Valentine's...

What’s an “Organic” Mattress, Anyway?

Shoppers searching for a mattress want the safest option they can afford. Attracted by labels claiming that products are “eco-friendly,” “natural,” “certified” or “organic,” many are willing to pay...

Five Things You Don’t Know Your Kids Are Eating

As parents, we do the best we can to give our children a healthy diet. We read ingredient lists, shop conscientiously, pack healthy lunches and cook meals at home whenever possible. But big holes in...

Organic Imports Continue to Rise Alongside Organic Demand, Research Shows

Organic farming remains a bright spot in American agriculture. The price premiums enjoyed by organic farmers for many staple commodities like soybeans and corn remain higher than conventional prices.

EPA Chief Backs Another Pesticide Harmful to Kids

A pesticide called dicamba has become a poster child for the arms race between ever-stronger weeds and ever-stronger weed killers.

Planting Trees Helped End the Dust Bowl. Crop Subsidies Reward Farmers Who Rip Them Out.

During the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, the federal government planted 220 million trees to stop the blowing soil that devastated the Great Plains.

Six Reasons to be Concerned About a Pruitt EPA

President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency is Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt. The nomination, which must be approved by the Senate, brings real concerns...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Dec. 9)

President-elect Donald Trump's posture and plans for the nation's environmental and public health laws took their most ominous turn yet with the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to...

News from Ground Control: Planet Trump (Jan. 20)

Now that President Donald Trump has been sworn in, the focus can now shift fully to his incoming cabinet and first presidential actions. Here are several of this week's deep dives into the new...

EPA Nominee Again a Know-Nothing on the Dangers of Lead

In 1973, the Environmental Protection Agency ordered a phaseout of lead in gasoline. Since then, lead levels in the blood of American children have dropped dramatically, making the ban on leaded...

Did Scott Pruitt Lie to the Senate?

Did President Trump's nominee to run the Environmental Protection Agency mislead members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee during his confirmation hearing?

EPA Nominee Pruitt Refused to Promise Asbestos Ban

Last year, former President Barack Obama signed an update to the federal Toxic Substances Control Act into law, finally giving the EPA authority to ban asbestos use and importation. The agency is...

Cancer Prevention Month: Poor Air Quality May Increase Children’s Cancer Risks

We've all choked on the billowing smoke of a passing truck. But poor air quality can have more serious effects that results in chronic disease, hospital admissions and even death.


Five Things FDA and EPA Didn’t Tell You About Seafood Safety

Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released updated consumer guidelines on fish consumption. The two agencies said that because of the important developmental and health benefits, pregnant and breastfeeding women, those who might become pregnant and young children should eat 8-to-12 ounces (2-3 servings) a week of fish varieties that

Bed Bugs? Chemical Pesticides Aren’t the Answer

The fact is that not only can chemical pesticides harm kids, both during and after application, but they're also not the best answer to bed bug infestation.

Coming Soon to a Store Near You: EWG VERIFIED® Hair Care

You'd love to keep harmful chemicals out of your family's bodies and home, but that can turn your shopping trips into even more of a production. It can be a tough decision for busy parents: Make the...

A Year’s Worth of (Achievable) Resolutions To Protect Your Family’s Health

“Lose weight.” “Exercise.” “Save money.” Those annual post-holiday, guilt-fueled mantras aren't only tiresome but are also usually doomed to fail. Eighty percent of resolutions fail just weeks into...


After nearly 30 years of delays caused by pressure from chemicals and defense industries, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving forward on setting a safety limit for exposure to dioxin, a ubiquitous, highly toxic and carcinogenic chemical that people of all ages ingest daily with their food – starting at a mother's breast.

EWG News Roundup (1/17): Asbestos in Children’s Toys, Nitrate in Minnesota’s Drinking Water, Cosmetic Safety Reform in California and More

EWG News Roundup (1/17): Here's some news you can use going into the weekend.

6 Ways the Biden Administration Should Protect Food and Farm Workers From Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic – worsened by the Trump administration's woefully anemic response – has taken the lives of more than 300 food and farm workers and sickened tens of thousands more, turning the...

Minnesota Legislator Who Believes ‘Water Cleans Itself’ Defends Potato Giant’s Irrigation Expansion in Fragile Pineland Sands

From November 2019 to February 2020, Minnesota environmental regulators met several times behind closed doors to fabricate a rationale for not holding the nation's largest potato grower accountable...

Farm Subsidies in California:

Although cotton and rice constitute a tiny portion of California's nation-leading farm production, those two crops – rather than the state's vast harvest of fruits and vegetables – continue to get the lion's share of federal farm subsidies in the state, according to the latest update of the Environmental Working Group's Farm Subsidy Database.