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Tell Congress: Ban PFAS from cosmetics

By Helen Lucey | January 20, 2022

Toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS have been found in nearly 200 personal care products and cosmetics, including sunscreens, shampoos and shaving cream.

PFAS chemicals have been linked to serious health problems and have no place lurking in the personal care products we use every day.

Please join EWG in calling on Congress to get PFAS out of cosmetics and personal care products!


EWG analysis: Climate crisis has already cost taxpayers billions in crop insurance payouts to farmers

Farmers received more than $143.5 billion in federal crop insurance payouts from 1995 through 2020, much of it subsidized by taxpayer dollars and most of it linked to extreme weather exacerbated by...

Biden administration launches new federal purchasing policy to spur alternatives to “forever chemicals”

The Biden administration today issued an executive order on sustainable purchasing that directs federal agencies to seek alternatives to the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

EWG news roundup (12/10): Defense funding bill includes over $500 million to clean up ‘forever chemicals,’ holiday gift tips and more

EWG news roundup (12/10): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

State regulators poised to side with PG&E and move to quash California’s rooftop solar program

Millions of California residents could soon no longer be able to afford to install rooftop solar panels and reap the financial and environmental benefits that come with the renewable source of energy...

EWG news roundup (11/19): Congress moves to tackle PFAS in firefighting foam and food packaging, tips for a healthy Thanksgiving and more

EWG news roundup (11/19): Here’s some news you can use going into the weekend.

FDA, not food companies, should decide whether green tea extract is safe

Consuming green tea is associated with several health benefits, such as reduced cancer risk, impacts on weight loss and lower LDL cholesterol. Credit for these effects often goes to a compound...

Tackling food, farming emissions key to avoiding climate catastrophe

Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, greenhouse gas emissions from food and farming could make a climate catastrophe unavoidable.

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in eggs, spotlighting need for action

Chicken eggs from homesteads and farms near Fairfield, Maine, are contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, new testing finds, spotlighting the need for swift regulatory action to...

Sacramento’s lead line removals sidestep drinking water safeguards

To reduce lead levels in drinking water, the city of Sacramento has removed thousands of lead pipes and fittings. But it seems to have sidestepped safeguards that would have ensured residents didn’t...

Decades after Congress’ orders, toxics still contaminate millions of schools

More than 40 years ago, Congress banned harmful polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, from schools. And it’s been 37 years since Congress directed schools to address asbestos. But today, millions of...

More meat means more land use and even more greenhouse gases

Don’t believe the meat industry’s claims of embracing sustainability and using less land to produce more meat. Land use, and its associated greenhouse gas emissions, are rising. Plowing grassland and...

EWG comments to California Department of Pesticide Regulation on the development of a statewide pesticide notification system.

The Environmental Working Group submitted comments to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation in support of the development of a statewide pesticide notification system. EWG emphasized that...

Cleaning Up Chesapeake Bay: One Company Steps Up

Leading lawn care products maker Scotts Miracle-Gro brought smiles to the faces of many Chesapeake Bay advocates last month with its announcement that it will eliminate phosphorus from its fertilizers...

Locking in Corn Ethanol Locks Out Alternatives

Proposals by the corn ethanol industry to have taxpayers subsidize construction of huge pipelines and specialized gasoline pumps and car engines designed to use large amounts of its product could cost...

Eaters Deserve a Place at the Farm Bill Table

Federal nutritional guidelines advise us to eat five-to-nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That's not too difficult if you are lucky enough to have access to the fresh and tasty produce...

Making Illinoise Over Water Pollution

Three leading environmental groups say they're hauling Chicago's sewer system and the Environmental Protection Agency into court over the pollution that pours out of the city, down the Mississippi and...

Farming the Crowd at TEDx Manhattan’s “Changing the Way We Eat” Conference

Attending the TEDx Manhattan event on the future of food and farming was a day-long drink from a fire hose of cutting-edge ideas, sobering realities and sincere enthusiasm about how America can eat...
The widespread adoption of genetically engineered (or “GMO”) crops over the past two decades has led to an explosion in the use of toxic weed killers.

Big Ag’s “Celery Calculator” Lowballs Pesticide Risk

Big agribusiness hates it when we talk dirty. The Dirty Dozen that is, EWG's list of fresh fruits and vegetables that are most likely to carry pesticide residues.

Whose Freedom is Growth Energy Fueling?

A group of corn ethanol producers is mounting an aggressive campaign they call their “Fueling Freedom Plan” that would have taxpayers spend scarce resources on biofuels pipelines, gas station pumps...

Black Farmers Finally See Justice

Yesterday (Nov 19) it was announced that the $1.15 billion awarded black farmers in the Pigford settlement that arose from decades of discriminatory practices at the U.S. Department of Agriculture...

The Corn Ethanol Bridge has Become a Destination

Eight years ago, there were 61 plants producing ethanol to blend with gasoline in the United States; today there are about 200. Eight years ago, 13 percent of those plants used a feedstock other than...

Wealthy Ag Lobbies Cry Poor

Welcome to Kernel Watch, a time-to-time AgMag series looking at the follies, excesses and outright distortions spouted by agribusiness and its PR and lobby arms. Their goal is to keep consumers in the...