
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6481 - 6504 of 7434

Drake Professor Takes Farm Bureau to the Climate Change Woodshed

Law professor Neil Hamilton penned a harsh critique of the Farm Bureau's dangerously shortsighed opposition to climate change legislation in a guest column in yesterday's Des Moines Register. Hamilton...

Good Magazine's Cornography

All corn, all the time. Good Magazine's YouTube channel has had this punchy, short video up since January, illustrating how corn permeates American life. EWG's work tracking the billions of dollars in...

Delta Farm Press Climate Change Q and A

Delta Farm Press reporter David Bennett posted his Q and A with EWG Midwest VP Craig Cox on Friday. Their discussion centered on points raised by Cox's recent report on the cost of climate change to...

Taxpayers Funding Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign

The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), a California trade association, wants you to have less information about pesticide residues on the fruits and vegetables you buy. That's not too surprising...

Study: Organic Berries Trump Others on Taste, Nutrition and More

Recent government-sponsored tests at more than a dozen California farms found that organic strawberries were tastier and more nutritious than conventionally grown berries. On top of that, the organic...

Hold the Mayo, Extra Pesticides

Over the past decade, organic produce sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to surveys by the...

Aim Chesapeake "Pollution Diet" at the Worst Gluttons

On the first of the July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a plan to put everyone who lives or works in the Chesapeake Bay watershed on a "rigorous pollution diet" intended to cut...

Clearcut Disaster: Carbon Loophole Threatens U.S. Forests

At least 30 million acres of America's forests could be cut down and used for fuel at US power plants if renewable fuels and biomass provisions of current Congressional climate and energy proposals...

Quickly, a "Lie" Becomes an "Overstatement"

Since the May release of the Environmental Working Group's update of its farm subsidy database, the media have paid a lot of attention to Tea Party candidates for Congress who paradoxically receive...

Farm Subsidy Recipients Say the Darndest Things

In the month since EWG's 2010 update of our Farm Subsidy Database, subsidy recipients and program defenders have been reacting in interesting ways to the new data. Here's a roundup: Tennessee...

Obama's USDA Less Transparent Than Bush's

The Environmental Working Group has worked hard to track the billions lavished on the wealthiest and largest farm operations in the country, in the hope that releasing the information would spur...

Government's Continuing Bailout of Corporate Agriculture

By Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook Washington paid out a quarter of a trillion dollars in federal farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009, but to characterize the programs as either a "big...

Perdue Chicken Out to Pluck Public Interest Lawyers

Perdue Chicken Chairman Jim Perdue is retaliating against environmentalists -- and their lawyers -- who filed filed suit against the poultry giant and one of its contract chicken farms on March 2 for...

A Climate Bill Halliburton Will Love

Finally, our climate change champions in the U.S. Senate are defending the long-suffering natural gas industry from the latest round of ridiculously burdensome drinking water protections. From what we...

America Needs a True Renewable Energy Policy

Finding ways to reduce fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions while producing enough energy to support economic development worldwide is this century's preeminent challenge. We must meet this...

New Law Lets Black Farmers Seek Claims

Gannett News Service (Detroit Free Press), Doug Abrahms Published June 4, 2008 Robert Harrold missed the 2000 deadline for filing a benefit discrimination claim against the U.S. Department of...

House Farm Bill: A Missed Opportunity for Leadership and Real Reform

Statement of Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson, Ranking Member Bob Goodlatte, members of their committee, and their staffs, are to be...

Follow The Money

CBS News, Sharyl Attkisson Published November 16, 2007

New Light Shed on Farm Subsidy Payments

Associated Press (+ over 200 outlets), Sam Hananel and Mary Clare Jalonick Published June 11, 2007 From Texas billionaires to Washington lobbyists, it's no secret that wealthy people can get federal...

Environmental group: Target U.S. aid at most polluted waters in Iowa

Des Moines Register , PHILIP BRASHER Published May 29, 2009 Washington, D.C. - Government conservation money in Iowa should be targeted to farms in areas that pollute the Mississippi River basin and...

Toxic runoff disposal could imperil water

U.S. agency offers 3 options; critics prefer retiring farmland San Francisco Chronicle, Glen Martin Published November 1, 2005 A pending decision on the disposal of contaminated wastewater produced by...

Congress Not Done With Farm Bill

The 2008 Farm Bill has barely left the lot and Congress has pulled it back into the garage for some tinkering. The U.S. Senate has proposed $331 million in cuts to a series of conservation programs...

Obama Faces Key Decisions About Ethanol

President-elect Obama's support for biofuels faces a few early tests, including a decision on whether to provide more aid to the corn ethanol industry, which critics say already gets too big a piece...

S. Dakota’s energy boom: Is it too much too soon?

Mitchell Daily Republic, Austin Kaus Excerpts: But some people have concerns about the state's rapid progress of energy development.