
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6553 - 6576 of 7434

Asbestos Is No Joke

The full-page ad on the back of this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is supposed to be funny.

Study: Eating Highly Processed Foods Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

The more highly processed foods you eat, the higher your risk of cancer.

Washington Is First State to Ban Fluorinated Chemicals in Food Packaging

On Wednesday, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed the first state law to ban toxic fluorinated chemicals in food packaging, such as microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and fast-food wrappers.

Busting Cosmetic Safety Myths

Chemicals in cosmetics are largely unregulated, so it's no surprise that some irresponsible companies and their hired-gun lobbyists are fighting the Personal Care Products Safety Act, bipartisan...

6 Strikes Against the House Farm Bill

Every federal farm bill is a chance to feed hungry Americans, build healthier diets, support family farmers and reduce farm pollution

Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Healthy for Kids?

EWG recommends breastfeeding if possible for at least the first 12 months of life.

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Child’s School

When choosing the right school for their children, many parents ask about class sizes, the community, learning objectives and schedules.

California Lawmakers Move to Ensure Lead-Free Water in Child Care Centers

California lawmakers are moving toward ensuring that lead-free drinking water is required in all child care centers, catching up with Oregon, Washington and four other states.

You Can Find Hundreds (!) of Couches Without Toxic Flame Retardants

Many companies across the nation have complied with California's 2014 flammability standard that allows furniture manufacturers not to use flame retardant chemicals in polyurethane foam.

Thank You for (Subsidizing) Smoking

Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year, including more than 41,000 deaths from secondhand smoke. So why are American taxpayers still subsidizing farmers to grow tobacco...

The U.S. Must Ban Asbestos – With No Exemptions

More than 60 nations have banned all uses of asbestos. Shockingly, the U.S. isn't one of them. The nation's new toxics law gives the Environmental Protection Agency the power to completely ban the...

In a First, San Francisco May Require Disclosure of Antibiotics in Meat

The overuse of antibiotics to raise livestock is creating superbugs, bacteria resistant to antibiotic drugs such as penicillin. San Francisco could soon become the first U.S. city to require major...

Consumer Guides

EWG’s Consumer Guide to Seafood

Which fish are richest in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, lowest in mercury contamination and sustainably produced?

2 Years After Reformed TSCA, Pruitt’s EPA Has Failed to Protect Us from Toxic Chemicals

On June 22, 2016, President Obama signed into law a significant overhaul of the Toxic Substances Control Act, or TSCA, the nation's primary chemical safety law. It was the first update to the law...

These Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Are Getting into Your Meals

On a busy weeknight, takeout and fast food are easy dinner time solutions. But your family's favorite on-the-go meal may come with a side of toxic fluorinated chemicals.

To Rebuild Trust After Pruitt, EPA Should Ban These Toxic Chemicals

Thanks to President Donald Trump, Americans' confidence in the Environmental Protection Agency has never been lower.

How Trump’s EPA is Keeping Asbestos Legal

A Russian asbestos company is lavishing praise on Donald Trump and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Vitter Pressures EPA Inspector General

For Sen. David L. Vitter (R-La.), there's no more appealing target than the Environmental Protection Agency.

EPA Data: Tap Water in More Than 1,000 Communities Tainted With Lead Above Action Level

Tests by drinking water utilities serving 1.8 million Americans in 45 states detected lead above the Environmental Protection Agency's action level, according to EWG's analysis of the latest available...

5 Ways to Reduce Toxic Exposures in Your Home

If you have small children in the house, are pregnant or are trying to conceive – or simply want to stay healthy – you are probably looking for ways to avoid toxic chemicals at home and outdoors...