
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6697 - 6720 of 7434

Secret Farm Bill from Secret Santa?

Congressional leaders in search of a compromise to avert the “fiscal cliff” are under growing pressure from advocates for subsidized agriculture to attach a $1 trillion farm bill to legislation...

Another View: Congress should pass a fiscally responsible farm bill extension

The following op-ed appeared in the Des Moines Register on Monday, November 12, 2012. It's too late for Congress to pass a good farm bill this year. The coming lame duck session of the 112th Congress...

Rate Your Plate Series: EWG's Food Scores Gives Snapshot of America's Food Landscape

As EWG's Food Scores: Rate Your Plate reveals in detail, popular brands in many categories are not so much food as they are conveyances for excessive amounts of sugar, salt and preservatives.

Rate Your Plate Series: EWG's Food Scores Gives Snapshot of America's Food Landscape

As EWG's Food Scores: Rate Your Plate reveals in detail, popular brands in many categories are not so much food as they are conveyances for excessive amounts of sugar, salt and preservatives.

Rate Your Plate Series: Are low-calorie sweeteners better or worse for you than sugar?

So should consumers choose low-calorie sweeteners or should they opt for sugar?

Agricultural Pollution Drives Up Water Costs

Clean, cheap water from your tap might soon be a thing of the past.

A Bitter Harvest for Democrats

Many of the Democrats who lost their seats this week voted for the 2014 farm bill – only to see farm groups donate to their Republican opponents.

Getting the True Picture of Cropland Expansion

Critics of EWG research that highlights the runaway conversion of pasture, forest and rangeland to grow row crops like to claim that our findings are contradicted by the Census of Agriculture...

Sneaky Sugars & Chemical Junk: Skip the Boxed Stuffing

EWG's Food Scores shows that 100 percent of stuffing mixes have added sugar in them. Not only that, but nearly half of them have ingredients I'd rather avoid because they raise potentially “higher”...

GE Labeling Won’t Raise Food Prices

Contrary to the claims of food industry giants and biotechnology companies, requiring labels on genetically engineered food won't drive up food prices. Labeling would not ban the technology or force...

Corn Ethanol: A Lump of Coal in Your Christmas Stocking

In 2007, corn ethanol was offered up as an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline. But nearly seven years to the day since Congress put it in play, we're still not seeing the benefits. In...

A Lost Opportunity for Americans’ Health and the Environment

Around the world, food production occupies more land than any other human activity (about 40 times the area of all cities and suburbs combined), uses more freshwater than anything else people do and...

Laurie David Does Meatless Monday With Quinoa Cakes

Join Laurie David, activist, producer and cook, in creating dishes that are simple, fast, “low in the bad stuff and high in the good stuff.”

Vitter Pressures EPA Inspector General To Halt Fracking Inquiry

It's no secret that Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) disparages much of what the Environmental Protection Agency does, and his frequent attacks have garnered him quite the reputation in the environmental...

Plastic Microbeads: The Newest Threat to the Great Lakes

Nearly 3 million of these tiny plastic particles were found per square mile in parts of Lake Erie. And many of my favorite products were major offenders.

ChiTrib Finds Toxic Fire Retardant in Crib Mattresses

The Chicago Tribune reports it has detected cancer-causing chemicals known as chlorinated tris in 11 crib mattresses made in China and sold by Babies R Us, Foundations and Angeles brands. None of the...

Inconvenient Corn Ethanol Truths

Michael Wang can't handle the truth. Apparently he was none too pleased to read “Ethanol's Broken Promise,” Environmental Working Group's recent report that showed that reducing corn ethanol...

Ending Hunger: The Problem is Poverty

If we're going to succeed in feeding the world, it will be because we educate and train farmers in countries with persistent hunger and develop innovative and strategic ways to lift people out of...

Federal Antibiotic Regulations Aren’t Cutting It

The staggering amount of antibiotics used in raising industrial livestock continues to rise, according to a recent (Oct. 2) Food and Drug Administration report. And most (70 percent) of those drugs...

New Duke Study Finds that Reducing Air Pollution Saves Lives

Want the secret to a longer life? It may be as simple as breathing – not meditation, but the quality of the air you breathe.

Dirty Drinking Water in Farm Country

A new study from the University of Minnesota confirms what we've been saying – big agriculture is contaminating your drinking water.

Subsidies and Ethanol Mandate Fuel Massive Dust Storms

Dust storms have re-emerged across much of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas, fueled by the same combination of persistent drought, plowing up fragile land and poor public policy that led to the...

EPA Study Points to Ag for Pervasive River Pollution

A March 26 report by the Environmental Protection Agency has found that 55 percent of the nation's stream and river miles are in poor condition, mainly because of industrial agriculture.

It’s Time to Regulate Farm Runoff

Simple, well-understood conservation measures would go a long way toward saving Lake Erie and hundreds of other water bodies afflicted with periodic algal blooms.