
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6745 - 6768 of 7434

California Moves to Remove First in a Series of Toxic Chemicals from Consumer Products

The state of California has launched an important initiative to protect its residents from exposures to toxic substances by calling on industry to find safer alternatives for three widely used...

House ‘Chemical Reform’ Bill Would Erode Protections for Health, Environment

Legislation proposed by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) to reform federal chemicals management law would leave the public at even greater risk of exposure to toxic substances than under the outdated...

Senate Bill Would Limit Crop Insurance Subsidies

A new bill introduced Wednesday by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) aims to cap crop insurance subsidies, a reform that Environmental Working Group has long advocated.

EWG’s Ken Cook Announces New Landmark Food Project at TEDxManhattan

Environmental Working Group (EWG) plans to launch a new food database and mobile app that aims to change the way Americans eat and shop for foods.


Dead in the Water

It is one of the toughest environmental problems facing America. For over 20 years, scientists have documented the appearance of a summertime "Dead Zone" that all but obliterates marine life in what is arguably the nation's most important fishery, the Gulf of Mexico. Each year the Dead Zone grows to an area that is roughly the size of New Jersey - ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 square miles.

Erin Brockovich, Veterans Rally Against Government’s Position in Supreme Court Pollution Case

Consumer advocate Erin Brockovich, dozens of military veterans, and watchdog groups rallied today to voice frustration over the federal government's support of a known polluter in a landmark U.S...

Sales of Organic Produce Surge

Sales of organic food topped $32 billion in 2013 – up 11.5 percent from the year before – and organic fruits and vegetables now account for more than 10 percent of all produce sold in the United...

High Demand for EWG Sunscreen Sampler Box Reflects Consumer Calls for Safer Sun Protection

EWG's top-rated sunscreen samples, offered to promote the EWG Sun Safety Campaign and 2014 Guide to Sunscreens, sold out in less than two hours.

New York State Ruling is a Huge Victory Against Fracking Industry

A new ruling by New York's highest court protecting local communities' right to ban oil and gas drilling in their backyards is a “big win for every town across the state fighting to safeguard the...

Clorox to Disclose Fragrance Allergens in Cleaning Products

The Clorox Company's decision to disclose fragrance allergens in its household cleaning products is an important step in increasing transparency and improving awareness around the potentially harmful...

EWG Welcomes Boxer Proposal To Reform Weak Federal Chemical Controls

EWG applauds Senator Boxer's leadership in fighting for reform of our broken toxics laws and protecting public health.

Suspect Salads: Toxic Rocket Fuel Found in Samples of Winter Lettuce

Lettuce grown in the fall and winter months in Southern California or Arizona may contain higher levels of toxic rocket fuel than is considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency...

EWG President Ken Cook On What The 2014 Election Results Mean For Environmental Health

Ken Cook, the president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group, says that EWG's commitment to protecting public health and the environment from toxic pollution will not waver, “no matter...

How Big Ag Taps Into Taxpayers' Pockets -- Twice

Some of America's richest agribusinesses are double dipping from U.S. taxpayers' pockets at a rate of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, according to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) computer...

News Release (21 Apr 2005)

The ARB meets Thursday, April 28 in El Monte to consider recommendations from state scientists for adopting tougher ozone standards.

Lead Poisoning Among Ohio Children

As a state law goes into effect requiring lead testing for all children in high-risk areas, a new investigation from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) estimates that 19,000 Ohio children are lead...

Soaking Uncle Sam

Courtesy of U.S. taxpayers, a few hundred farms in Fresno and Kings counties annually get enough water to supply every household in Los Angeles, at pennies on the dollar of the price paid by urban water users. Now they're about to gain control of still more — even though they will need less in the future.

Press Release - Tests Show Notorious Carcinogen is Widespread in US Tap Water

Millions of Americans are drinking water contaminated with the carcinogenic chemical that came to national attention in the 2000 feature film Erin Brockovich. Laboratory tests commissioned by EWG...

EWG Action Fund: New Congress Aligns with Asbestos Industry

World Cancer Day should serve as a reminder that asbestos can cause cancer and kill. Instead, the new Congress today underscored how tone deaf it is when it comes to the plight of real Americans by...

Latest Train Derailment Demonstrates Renewable Energy Needed to Protect Water and Environment

EWG Executive Director Heather White said today that Monday's West Virginia oil spill and explosion shows that it's absolutely critical for the U.S. to reduce its dependence on oil and base our future...

Industry Chemical Bill Fails Americans

Americans expect the chemicals used in everyday products to be safe. But a chemical industry-supported bill introduced today by Sens. Tom Udall, D-N.M., and David Vitter, R-La., falls far short of...

Coalition of NGOs Releases Nanotech Recommendation Reflecting Concern About Use of Nanotech In Foods

Responding to rising concern about manufacturers using unregulated nanomaterials in food, a coalition of advocacy groups in the U.S. and abroad has released a policy recommendation for companies in...

DARK Act Blocks States From Mandating GMO Labeling

A bill expected to be introduced today by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) would block states from requiring labeling on genetically modified food, and also hamper any U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

Ten Most Dangerous Cities

Pedestrians are nearly twice as likely to be killed by a stranger with a car as a stranger with a gun, according to a new report released jointly by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the...