
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 6913 - 6936 of 7434

EWG and Associates Back Sensible Loan Guarantee Policies for Energy Industry

Union of Concerned Scientists * SUN DAY Campaign * Southern Alliance for Clean Energy * Sierra Club * Safe Climate Campaign * Public Citizen * Physicians for Social Responsibility * Nuclear...

Letter to Hill: Finish National Workplace Exposure Study for Nurses

Download this letter as a PDF. Read the accompanying news release. January 8, 2008 The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy Chair Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions United States Senate...

EWG Debunks Ethanol Lobby's Push For Clean Air Act Waiver

LINK: Science Analysis - Ethanol Health Risks and Engine Damage The Honorable Lisa Jackson Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460 Subject...

EWG and Allies Urge Congress Not to Weaken Requirements for Renewable Biofuels

Download PDF. Action Aid International USA * Clean Air Task Force * Conservation International * Conservation Law Foundation * Defenders of Wildlife * Ecology Center Environmental Working Group *...

EPA Must Abide by the Law and Assess the Full Climate Impacts of Biofuels

Download PDF. American Rivers * Audubon Society * Clean Air Task Force * Clean Water Action * Earthjustice * Environment America * Environmental Working Group * Defenders of Wildlife * Friends of the...

EWG Comments to EPA on Draft Antimicrobial Rule

Download PDF version. Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20460-0001 Regarding: Proposed Rule for Data Requirements for Antimicrobial...

Comments from EWG on the U.S. FDA's Proposed Amendment of Final Monograph for Sunscreens

November 26, 2007 Docket: Sunscreen Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Proposed Amendment of Final Monograph Docket number: 1978N-0038 RIN: 0910-AF43 Download this document as a PDF The...

New York State Not Prepared to Cope with Fracking Risks

EWG warns that New York state lacks the resources and knowledge to protect public water supplies from hydraulic fracturing. EWG's comments respond to the New York State Department of Environmental...

EWG Urges Ban On Toxic Soft Soap Additive

EWG urges EPA to work with FDA to ban all non-medical uses of triclosan, an antibacterial additive and potent hormone disruptor. In a letter to EPA's pesticide division EWG outlines new evidence that...

EWG Comments to Dioxin Review Panel

EWG agrees with the EPA's Science Advisory Board assessment that dioxin is carcinogenic to humans. It urges the panel to accelerate its scientific review of dioxin toxicity.

EWG President Ken Cook Testifies at Senate Water Contamination Hearing

EWG president Ken Cook testifies that ensuring safe, accessible drinking water is a core responsibility of the U.S. government.

FDA needs to protect people and the environment from triclosan contamination

EWG comments that FDA's assessment of triclosan in over-the-counter antimicrobial products should weigh evidence suggesting that antibacterial hand soaps and dish detergents are no more effective than...

EWG Testifies in Pa. on BPA

EWG's Richard Wiles testifies to the Pennsylvania legislature on the dangers of BPA in children's products.

Comments to EPA request premarket safety testing for nanomaterials

EWG opposes an EPA pesticide office plan for conditional registration of a nanoscale silver chemical known as HeiQ AGS-20 and used as an antimicrobial, pesticide and textile preservative. EWG asks the...

Nation's top food and nutrition experts call on Congress to invest in healthy food

Now is our chance to turn the farm bill into a healthier food bill, but we need you to stand with us.

Nation’s Top Chefs, Food and Nutrition Experts Call on Congress to Fix House Farm Bill

EWG's Kari Hamerschlag and authors Anna Lappé and Dan Imhoff write the House Agriculture Committee to protest cuts of $16 billion from nutrition assistance and $6.1 billion from conservation programs.

Congressional Testimony on Mining Reform

Congressional Testimony by Dusty Horwitt JD, Public Lands Analyst, Environmental Working Group to the oversight hearing on Hardrock Mining on Federal Land Before the Senate Committee on Energy and...

EPA Must Do More to Prevent Diesel in Fracking Fluid from Threatening Water

EWG comments on EPA's on draft guidance for oil and gas companies that use diesel in fracking fluids. The federal Safe Drinking Water Act requires them to obtain an EPA permit before injecting...

EWG's Ken Cook Testifies On Nuclear Waste Transportation

Hearing: Examination of the Licensing Process for the Yucca Mountain Repository Wednesday, October 31, 2007, at 10 am Submitted for the Record Chairman Boxer, Ranking Member Inhofe, distinguished...

Groups Challenge Grant for Pro-Pesticide Campaign

We are writing to express our serious concern about the recent decision of the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to award a Specialty Crop Block...

EWG response to EPA’s Draft Chesapeake Bay Pollution Diet

Download PDF. Read our Bay out of Balance Report November 5, 2010 Water Docket Environmental Protection Agency Mailcode: 28221T 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20460 Re: Draft Chesapeake...

Overview of the Renewable Fuel Standard: Stakeholder Perspectives

Testimony of Scott Fabe, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, Environmental Working Groupb before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on...


Reading, Writing and Risk

More than two million California children attend school in portable classrooms that can be a significant source of exposure to airborne toxic chemicals and molds, according to state and federal data analyzed by Environmental Working Group (EWG).

FTC FOIA Re: Brazilian Blowout

EWG has been monitoring reports from Oregon regarding the discovery of formaldehyde in test samples of Brazilian Blowout – despite claims that the products are “formaldehyde free.” Oregon health...