
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 697 - 720 of 7442

Louisville Becomes Trendsetter on Air Quality

Supported by local health and environmental activists, the Air Pollution Control Board in Louisville, Ky., made admirable history last week with the Strategic Toxic Air Reduction (STAR) program. Three...

Wearing Your Politics on Your Plate

Scott Canon's front-page Kansas City Star story shows many ways our food choices make political, health and environmental statements. EWG's food research has contributed to the debate.

Enviro Programs Get the Budget Ax - Again

A recent news item tells the story of where the environment and public health rank in Washington's priorities -- just about dead last. The Washington Post delivers the bad news in a grim headline...

Federal Court Holds MTBE Polluters Responsible

Despite Tom Delay and his lapdogs recent efforts to protect MTBE polluters, a federal court ruled MTBE producers and manufacturers must pay to clean up their mess.

CA City Protects Infants from Rocket Fuel Contamination

One California city is taking no chances on a toxic rocket fuel in its drinking water. Although neither the EPA nor the state has made a final decision on safe levels of perchlorate, the Associated...

DeLay Targeted Asbestos Firms for Donations

According to The Associated Press, documents show that fundraisers for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) routinely identified legislative actions that would interest possible donors.

New Study Finds Chemical Cocktail in Household Dust

Tests on household dust in seven states show that we're breathing in a hodgepodge of chemicals from consumer products, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. On the shortlist of 35 toxic industrial...

Bush administration, ACC battle EU cosmetic safety laws

Not content to pander to the cosmetics industry by requiring no safety testing on American personal care products, the Bush administration is now working to thwart Europe's attempts at improving...

Fire retardants found in Canadian foods

New tests by Toronto's Globe and Mail and CTV News show some of the world's highest levels of chemical fire retardants in common Canadian foods.

Global Polluter Newmont Has Locked Up Most Acreage of Taxpayers' Lands for Its Mining

The international mining giant, Denver-based Newmont Mining Corp., is under fire for dangerously polluting Indonesian communities in violation of US environmental standards. Now, an Environmental...

Rocket Fuel Polluters Distort Debate as Feinstein Calls for Safety Standards

An investigation by the Riverside Press Enterprise documents how industries that make and use the rocket fuel chemical perchlorate have worked to undermine sound science on its health effects -- even...

Memorial Service for Mary Beth Doyle

EWG joins environmentalists nationwide in mourning the untimely passing of fellow activist Mary Beth Doyle in Ann Arbor, MI. Mary Beth brought warmth, passion and energy to her work on toxics and...

DuPont's 3Q Profits Match Potential Teflon Fine

According to news reports, Teflon maker DuPont reported earning $331 million in the third quarter this year. That amount will just cover the possible $313 million fine it faces for illegally hiding...

The End of Antibiotics?

NPR is running two stories about antibiotics. One about scientists scraping the sea floor in search of new antibiotics that we have yet to develop resistance to. Researchers are finding that drug...

Pesticides in Farmworkers' Children

Environmental Science and Technology reports on a study finding high levels of pesticides in the children of immigrant farmworkers. Of the farmworkers studied, researchers found that "40% of the...

Happy 100th, EWG MySpace!

Exactly one month from first joining, EWG has reached the milestone of making 100 "friends." We've been amazed to see how many individuals and other organizations have found us on MySpace...

links for 8.17.06

Several links for recent news.

The Dirty Secret of Cleaner Cars

On Sunday, the New York Times ran a piece on PZEV's, or Partial Zero Emissions Vehicles. PZEV's are poorly marketed versions of the most popular cars on the road. The difference? They have better...

FDA's 100th Birthday

Check out this FDA Centennial Anthem, written in honor of the big milestone: "One century past, a people's hope fulfilled By an act conceived for safe medicine and food Protecting rights that our...


From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on mercury in dental fillings: "...Mercury in its many forms is poisonous, especially to children and pregnant women. The most heinous problems are neurological ones...

Too Much of a Good Thing

A new report from the World Health Organization reminds us that we can have too much of a good thing. The report states that 60,000 lives are claimed each year from excessive sun exposure, the...

The bottle-versus-the-tap debate

Today, The L.A. Times reveals that consumers spend 10 billion dollars annually on bottled water which undergoes a far less scrupulous testing regimen than big-city tap water systems.

Like Mother, Like Baby

In a new study published in Environmental Science & Technology, researchers watched levels of plasticizing chemicals called phthalates ("THAH-lates") rise and fall in breast milk over a six-month...

The 'Rumble in the Jungle' of Farm Policy Debate

Environmental Working Group president, Ken Cook, has challenged former House Agriculture Committee Chairman, Larry Combest (R-TX), to a series of nationwide debates on 'agriculture policy, including...