
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7225 - 7248 of 7434

EWG comments to CDPR calling for an immediate end to imidacloprid pollution of California groundwater

Attached are EWG comments to the California Department of Pesticide Registration calling for an immediate end to imidacloprid pollution of California groundwater.
Consumer Guides

Effects of radiofrequency radiation on the nervous system: An EWG fact sheet

EWG’s scientists reviewed the most recent research on the effects of radiofrequency radiation. In our fact sheet, we’ve summarized these effects and some of the ways radiofrequency radiation can harm the nervous system.

Unwanted guests: Avoid chemicals, bacteria and pesticides at your Memorial Day cookout

Memorial Day weekend, the gateway to summer, is almost here – pools are opening, and people are grilling, hosting barbecues and enjoying picnics. If you’re planning an event with tasty food, make sure...

Why I decided to cut back on processed meat, go green and eat organic

As a kid, I was taught that a decent meal has carbs, veggies and meat. Tacos and burgers were my favorites. I have absolutely no interest in becoming a vegetarian.

High levels of ‘forever chemicals’ detected in Dept. of Defense community drinking water

WASHINGTON – Dangerously high levels of the toxic forever chemicals known as PFAS have been detected in the drinking water of communities near Department of Defense installations. Data released last...

Always Faithful: President Signs Bill Expanding Health Care for Vets Exposed to Toxic Water

We walked up to the White House Appointments Desk at 17th Street and State Place NW, headed for the West Wing. The security officer examined Jerry Ensminger's military identification card and then...

MEDIA ADVISORY: Former CPUC president, clean energy advocates to call for fundamental reform of PG&E business model

Pacific Gas & Electric, the monopoly California utility with a long and sordid history of wasteful spending, fleecing ratepayers, hindering clean energy equity and rampant negligence that has...

Study: Communities of color at greatest risk of pesticide exposure in Ventura County, Calif.

In California’s Ventura County, increased agricultural pesticide use and related toxicity risks for humans occur the most in areas with more people of color and limited resources, according to a new...

EWG testimonty to the House Agriculture Committee on soil health practices

Attached is EWG’s testimony to the House Agriculture Committee in support of soil health practices and programs that support regenerative agriculture.

How the White House can make digital assets more energy efficient

Digital assets that rely upon a process known as “proof of work” use a lot of electricity.

En el condado de Ventura en California, el aumento en el uso de pesticidas agrícolas y los riesgos de toxicidad para los seres humanos ocurren más en áreas con más personas de color y en áreas con recursos limitados, según un nuevo estudio publicado por científicos del Grupo de Trabajo Ambiental (Environmental Working Group, EWG).

FDA tests find U.S. food supply awash in pesticide residues

More than 50 percent of thousands of domestic and imported foods tested by the Food and Drug Administration had detectable levels of at least one pesticide, according to results the agency released...

Congress sends historic $369 billion climate, clean energy legislation to President Biden’s desk

The House of Representatives has passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that includes a landmark $369 billion to fight the climate crisis through incentives for developing clean energy like solar...

Leading industry consumer health expert joins EWG to head Healthy Living Science team

Homer Swei, Ph.D., a leading private sector research and development expert who most recently led Johnson & Johnson’s product stewardship program, has joined EWG as Senior Vice President of the...

Safety investigation faults PG&E’s failure to maintain aging infrastructure against wildfire risks

Pacific Gas & Electric’s aging and unmaintained infrastructure is a driving factor in the threat of California wildfires, an independent investigator found.

EWG applauds Maine lawmakers in Congress for helping farmers tackle ‘forever chemicals’

The Environmental Working Group applauds Maine’s congressional delegation for introducing bipartisan bills that would support American farmers whose crops and livestock have been contaminated by the...

Will agriculture be America’s leading source of greenhouse gas emissions?

Agriculture could produce more than a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Here’s why: Every other sector of the economy, especially transportation and energy, is expected to reduce...

Roses are red, candy is sweet, avoid these additives in your Valentine’s Day treat

Chocolates and heart-shaped pastilles with cutesy phrases like “QT Pie” are sweet. What isn’t sweet are the potentially harmful food chemicals that may be hiding in your Valentine’s Day candies. This...

Nearly 20,000 farmers received farm subsidies for 37 consecutive years

Nearly 20,000 farmers received taxpayer-funded federal farm subsidies or disaster relief payments for 37 consecutive years, according to a new EWG analysis.

California lawmaker introduces bill to eliminate fiberglass from mattresses and other upholstered furniture

Today California Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) introduced Assembly Bill 1059, which would ban the sale of mattresses and upholstered furniture that contain fiberglass in the state.

Farm subsidies, not anti-hunger programs, should be focus of budget cuts

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released “baseline” projections for mandatory Department of Agriculture farm and food programs in the 2023 Farm Bill, which members of Congress will use to...
Tax breaks and other financial incentives for bitcoin mines using proof of work have created what one opponent calls a “Wild West” of operations flooding Kentucky, with unfulfilled promises that the mines would create jobs and reduce electricity rates.

EWG to FDA: Step It Up on Formaldehyde-Laced Hair Straighteners

The maker of Brazilian Blowout -- one of numerous hair straighteners on the market containing formaldehyde, a known carcinogen -- is now required to provide health warnings on its product's packaging...

EPA draft review finds ‘Erin Brockovich’ chemical likely carcinogenic in drinking water

On Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency published a draft toxicology assessment of hexavalent chromium – the cancer-causing chemical made notorious by the film “Erin Brockovich” – finding it...