
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7393 - 7416 of 7455

California Assembly Health Committee advances first-in-U.S. ban on toxic chemicals in processed food

On Tuesday, the California Assembly’s Committee on Health approved a landmark bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food. If the bill is enacted, California would...

EPA considers more ‘forever chemicals’ for future hazardous substance designation

The Environmental Working Group applauds the Environmental Protection Agency for announcing today a chance for the public to provide feedback about the agency's possible future designation of at least...

EWG: 30 years of environmental progress

Every day, consumers are presented with choices about how we protect ourselves and those we love. For the past 30 years, EWG has fought to make it easier for us to seize those opportunities.

Hundreds of city slickers and beach bums received farm subsidies for 37 straight years

EWG has found 138 people who have received taxpayer-funded farm subsidies or disaster payments for 37 consecutive years – even though they live in some of the nation’s 50 largest cities or wealthy...

EWG applauds Biden EPA’s climate rule for power plants

In a major boost to the fight against the climate crisis, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency today proposed new rules to slash greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. electricity sector by 2040...

North Carolina Senate passes bill to waste billions on nuclear power plants over vital renewables

On Wednesday, North Carolina’s Senate approved a bill that would allow Duke Energy to spend potentially billions on more unneeded nuclear power plants, including hundreds of millions on technology...

Public health groups urge FDA to cancel approval of titanium dioxide in food

A coalition of five public health advocacy organizations – the Environmental Working Group, Environmental Defense Fund, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Center for Food Safety and Center for...
Hoy, el estado de California ha presentado los resultados de los análisis realizados para detectar la presencia de plomo en el agua. Estos revelan que cerca de 1,700 centros autorizados de cuidado infantil en todo el estado superan el límite máximo permitido de concentración de plomo en el agua que se les suministra diariamente a bebés y niños en edad preescolar. Es posible que este número aumente a medida que se revelen más resultados.

California Assembly passes first-in-the-nation ban on chemicals in processed food

On May 15th, the California Assembly approved a landmark bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food.

Maine data unveils troubling trend: 55 PFAS-related chemicals in over 1,400 pesticides

More than 1,400 pesticides contain active ingredients that meet Maine’s definition for the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to a new analysis of data from the state by Environmental...

Advocacy groups call on the FDA to address radiation exposures from electronic products

The Food and Drug Administration is failing its duty to protect the public from unnecessary exposure to harmful radiation from smartphones and other electronic products, says an advocacy group...

Brain-eating bacteria aren’t as threatening as toxic algae blooms

As summer heats up, news of fatalities from brain-eating amoeba seems to be everywhere – and people planning to spend time in and near local rivers and lakes might be concerned about contracting the...

California Senate Health Committee advances revolutionary food chemical bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – On June 28, the California Senate Committee on Health approved a first-in-the-nation bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food. Assembly Bill...

EWG applauds Biden EPA’s historic $7B investment in low-income residential solar

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced a $7 billion Solar for All competitive grant program to help low-income communities across the U.S. install residential solar panels.

EWG: USDA should prohibit ‘climate-friendly’ claims on beef products

Today the Environmental Working Group petitioned the Department of Agriculture to prohibit beef producers like Tyson Foods’ Brazen Beef from claiming their products are “climate-friendly” and to...

The Conservation Reserve Program is failing. Congress should fix it.

Everyone agrees: Permanently restoring hard-to-farm crop lands with trees and grasses that can act as carbon sinks is a good way to build soil carbon.

EWG applauds climate and agriculture research investments by USDA

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the Department of Agriculture will invest $300 million through President Joe Biden’s Investing in America agenda to improve measurement, monitoring...

Increasing price guarantees primarily benefits Southern states, analysis shows

Increasing price guarantees for major crops would primarily benefit farmers growing peanuts, cotton and rice in Southern states, not corn and soybean farmers.

Detections of 'forever chemicals' in water coast to coast strengthen call for stringent EPA regulations

New laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group have found the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in the drinking water of dozens of U.S. cities, including major metropolitan...

Sticky situation: Harmful food chemicals in chewing gum

Chewing gum has long been popular among people of all ages. It’s a convenient way to freshen your breath, curb cravings and relieve stress. But before you reach for that stick of gum, you may want to...

What are parabens?

Parabens are a group of chemicals that preserve our personal care products. But their extensive use in these everyday items puts people at repeated risk of exposure.

EWG’s fight against PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” reaches back 20 years.

Over 30 years, EWG has developed multiple audiences it considers when trying to reach the public. The science teams are thinking about the regulatory process and how to influence the EPA and other regulatory agencies to make moves that improve public health.

Updated map: Toxic 'forever chemicals' confirmed to contaminate 455 military sites

More than 700 military installations are likely contaminated with the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to an updated comprehensive review of Defense Department records by the Environmental...