
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1417 - 1440 of 7441

Preventing Cancer: 9 Practical Tips for Consumers

By Jane Houlihan, EWG Senior V-P for Research Four of every 10 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes, and two of every 10 will die of it. But there are some things you can do to...

Have a Coke and a Smile? Maybe Not.

Do big corporations care about what large blocks of their shareholders have to say about company practices? I don't know. I've never worked for one.

On Propaganda: Fracking Fun for the Very Young

The natural gas industry has lost much support among adults who live in communities where fracking has left the water undrinkable and home values plummeting, but all is not lost.

Fracking Hearing: Standing room only and plenty contentious

Following up on last week's contentious hearing in Washington, Pa., the U.S. Energy department has scheduled two all-day sessions for Tuesday, June 28, and Wednesday, July 13, to listen to people...

Arsenic Found in... Chicken

Did you think you were eating a carcinogen along with your favorite chicken sandwich last week? Probably not, but a new Food and Drug Administration study has found arsenic in chickens treated with 3...

U.S. Pediatricians to Congress: Reform Chemical Policy Now

U.S. pediatricians are putting their considerable muscle behind the calls for Congress to overhaul the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), a failed federal law that has exposed millions of children...

Common cosmetics ingredient can harm sperm

Exposure to butylparaben, an ingredient common in personal care products, has been associated with DNA damage in men's sperm, according to an important new study led by John Meeker of the University...

TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch: 11.6.10

EWG President Ken Cook is in Los Angeles on Saturday, November 6th to talk about plastic at the TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch event.

Breast Cancer: One in Eight

The stats are stark: according to the National Cancer Institute, at some point in her life, one in eight American women will be told she has breast cancer.

FCC Softpedals Cell Phone Radiation

Battle lines are being drawn. Alliances formed. And as the cell phone industry wages war against San Francisco over its cell phone-labeling ordinance, many are looking east to see if the Federal...

Keeping You in the Dark on Tap Water Contaminants

More than 300 pollutants contaminate the water Americans drink, an EWG analysis of almost 20 million public records found.

EWG's Healthy Home Checklist: Assess your house

The good news is that there's a lot of information available these days about how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals at home. The bad news, of course, is exactly that: there's a lot of...

Greening your family: One woman's inspiration

My public health ethics class began with the intense, young professor asking a simple question: What do you value the most?

Healthy Home Tip: Green cleaning this spring

Spring has sprung, so here at EWG our "to do" list now includes a little spring cleaning. Green cleaning, of course. Why green?

CNN on cell phone safety

When we released our cell phone radiation report in Fall 2009, we heightened a national conversation about the issue. Our consumer database is helping people choose lower-radiation phones and our 8...

I don't like the smell of this...

Driving the ladies wild just became more expensive.

Blue Vinyl: Good movie. Bad plastic.

As you might imagine, I've seen my share of movies about toxic chemicals. There are a bunch, many of them excellent.

EPA should start where chemical contamination begins: In utero

By Alex Formuzis, EWG Director of Communications A comprehensive plan to reform the nation's primary law responsible for regulating the use of industrial chemicals is about to be introduced in...

CNN's Sanjay Gupta, MD on federal chemicals policy

EWG has long known the Toxic Substances Control Act (aka "TSCA") needs to be overhauled. Most Enviroblog readers likely do, too - because we talk about it a lot.

The new crop of eco-films: Which should you see?

With green being the new black, there are more than a few environmental documentaries to choose from when popping that (not-in-the-microwave) popcorn.

Top 10 Environment Stories of the Decade -- That You Might Have Missed

EWG staffers put our heads together to come up with this list of bad news environmental stories of the last decade that people might have missed. But there were plenty of big stories that hardly...

Louisiana Bucket Brigade...

A group of Lousiana residents who track the air quality in the vacinity of refineries. Their website can be found here:

Colorful conundrum: Concerning food dyes in jelly beans

Spring has sprung, and so have store shelves with seasonal sweets. But don’t let the allure of their bright colors fool you – these treats come with health hazards that aren’t so sweet, prompting an...

Anemic EPA announcement warning farmworkers of health risks of pesticide DCPA doesn’t go far enough

Today the Environmental Protection Agency publicly warned farmworkers of the “serious, permanent, and irreversible health risks” posed by the pesticide DCPA – in what is likely a final step before the...