
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1513 - 1536 of 7441

No, no, our asbestos is the safe kind

Over two decades, W.R. Grace & Co. slowly killed hundreds of workers at its Libby, Mont. asbestos mine. It's one of the most notorious cases in the annals of environmental crime – but Grace may escape...

So what's the beef with climate?

Carbon is the primary culprit, contributing 70 percent of global greenhouse gases. But let's not forget that ever-so-sly methane molecule (CH4) that boasts 21 times more global warming potential per...

Call 911-SMOG

If a deadly strain of an exotic disease were ravaging Los Angeles, the state and federal governments would waste no time declaring a public health emergency. The Department of Health Services and the...

Diplomas and nose jobs

The number of cosmetic surgeries performed on teenagers has nearly doubled in the last five years. Teenagers still account for just about 2 percent of cosmetic surgery patients in the US, but this...

An environmental organization disguised as a clothing company

This morning, NPR launched a series on how Americans are adapting to global warming with a feature on Patagonia, the Ventura outdoor clothing manufacturer.

Rocket fuel in your drinking water? We got just the man

This post is written by Enviroblogger Alex Formuzis. He is away from his computer today so I've posted it on his behalf.

Ask EWG: What is new carpet treated with? What can I do?

Question: I've heard nasty rumors regarding the treatment of carpet before it's sold and put into a house. I've heard that it's treated with some really bad chemicals, then rolled up and stored until...

Parts is parts

Big Oil is getting into the biodiesel game. On the surface that's good news. Last week I wrote about oil companies and how through their gas station franchises they are not allowing competing products...

Earth Day... again?

We used to call them MEGO stories: My Eyes Glaze Over.

Women's health conference in Pittsburgh

Teresa Heinz—in collaboration with the Heinz Foundation and the Magee-Women's Hospital of UMPC—sponsored a Women's Health and the Environment Conference on Friday, April 20, at the David L. Lawrence...

Real green heroes

For a respite from the mainstream media's celebrity-focused environmental coverage, check out the Earth Day edition of Quest from KQED-TV, San Francisco's PBS station.

Last Action Hero

Our governor, who was oiling his quads for the camera when Lois Gibbs was fighting a chemical catastrophe at Love Canal, is suddenly being hailed as an environmental hero.

Got MCS?

Awareness about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is increasing nationwide. Cities and states are implementing some form of awareness programs and numerous institutions nationwide are making their...

CA bill would ban fire retardants from some baby products

Jessica Webb of Healthy Child, Healthy World blogs about an important bill to change to California fire safety standards for baby products, and the chemical industry's efforts to uncut these...

My friend neoprene, allergen of the year

In 2009, the dubious distinction of the "allergen of the year" was awarded to a group of chemicals most of us have never heard of: mixed dialkyl thioureas. Mixed who?

Sunscreen series: About those mineral sunscreens...

So you've read our 2009 sunscreen report cover to cover, right? OK, probably not - we're all too busy to handle that much information in the middle of summer - no matter how useful and scintillating...

Buying our way to utopia? Not so much.

Hi, my name is Lisa and I spend more time reading labels than ballots. There, I said it. Why do I spend so much time reading labels?

Because pesticides on your food aren't bad enough

Worried about your cantaloupe catching fire? You might not have to anymore! Your fruits and veggies may be doused in Deca, a flame retardant chemical and known neurotoxin.

When breast cancer has 'No Family History'

A while back, EWG staff scientist Olga Naidenko wrote here about the need to focus breast cancer research on prevention - with an emphasis on the role of carcinogens.

Puberty is tough enough without BPA

Every child's journey through puberty is different, but you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone describe the experience as "wonderful," "awesome" or "let's play two!"

EWG's Tips to avoid BPA exposure

EWG is working hard to pass laws that limit or ban the dangerous chemical BPA. But until they pass, we think you should have the latest info on sources of exposure and our tips to avoid them on your...

FRAC Act Gains House Supporters

A bill to establish federal oversight for a controversial oil and natural gas extraction technique called hydraulic fracturing has gained six more House supporters, four of them from New York City...

BPA Invades the Womb

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the outcry over Rachel Carson's path-breaking Silent Spring and global mobilization around the first Earth Day spurred scientists to attempt to quantify how much pollution...

State of the Rockies Project Studies Big Ag

If you're a Westerner - and what American isn't, really? -- Colorado College's State of the Rockies Project is a must-read, must-bookmark web destination.