
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1537 - 1560 of 7441

Vote for EWG Prez Ken Cook on Huff Post

We get called a lot of names at EWG -- it comes with the territory. Some more flattering than others, but there's one that sums it up -- "Game Changers." So it's no surprise that our very own Ken Cook...

Chesapeake Bay residents are part of the solution

By Lisa Frack and Michelle Perez Earlier this month, EWG released a report about the Chesapeake Bay water quality crisis. The report focuses on agriculture's heavy - if unintended - damage to the Bay...

Dear SIGG, We think you should....

SIGG CEO Steve Wasik called EWG's President, Ken Cook, earlier today to discuss our response to his recent announcement that SIGG water bottles did in fact contain the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA)...

BPA: Can consumer revolt trump K Street?

Don't underestimate the power of a consumer revolt. No hearings. No votes. No PAC money. No lawyers. (Yes!) No lobbying. Advertising -- Facebook and Twitter, virtual and viral. And free.

Are you addicted to plastic?

A few months ago my family undertook - and managed to survive - a week without buying anything plastic. Like not one single thing - including sliced bread bags (just try and buy sandwich bread without...

Make it personal & political on Earth Day

At EWG, we work to provide useful, science-based information to help you safeguard your family from environmental hazards. We also work to reform federal policy on toxic chemicals so that the earth is...

Bottled water exposed - in pictures

Cartoon depicting bottled water issues.

A new target for deadly lead?

Yesterday Janet Raloff of Science News wrote about a new study linking lead levels in older women to an increased risk of mortality. Women whose blood lead levels measure > 8 micrograms per deciliter...

Perchlorate -- Let's Get Serious

Sun! Finally! The kid and husband were at a cycling race, so Saber the Wonder Dog and I drove out to the Shenandoah Valley and hit the trail that runs along the waterfalls. Last week's rains were...

So what products CAN we use?

Every time a report is released that reveals toxics in our consumer products, it's only natural to wonder what you can buy once you've learned what you can't.

Is there PFOA in my butter?

What do popcorn bags, muffin and croissant bags, hamburger and sandwich wrappers, pizza box liners, French fry and hash brown bags and butter boxes have in common? If your guess was "savory food...

When "pure" is not pure or how did our lack of regulations allow cancer-causing chemicals in baby's products

Being a parent should not be a scary thing. It is supposed to be the time of joy, fun and reward. Ok, and a few boo-boos. But trying to keep your child clean and healthy is serious business...

House holds hearing on broken toxic law

Special to Enviroblog by Sandra Schubert, EWG Director of Government Affairs Yesterday's hearing in the House of Representatives clearly showed the need for reform of TSCA. All ten witnesses -...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: Toilet environmentalism

Plenty of companies make water-efficient toilets these days, but replacing your old model with a newer one is an expensive endeavor -- and if you live in an apartment building, it's pretty much...

Problem toys: A personal perspective

This post from one of the Urban Mamas bloggers really drove home the reality of the Mattel recall for me. I don't have babies of my own (yet -- don't worry, Mom, I'll get there!), so while I was busy...

EPA sued over potentially dangerous pesticide

When a CDC website describes the possible medical effect of a pesticide like this ...may produce a variety of effects on the nervous system including headaches, blurred vision, watering of the eyes...

Saturday Morning Multimedia: Nellie gets a makeover is a user-driven directory of green products and business -- think social bookmarking meets the yellow pages. They've got a series of videos about a community of friends, The...

Toxic sludge and treasures in Lake Okeechobee

Thousands of years of history were revealed this summer as drought drained the water from Lake Okeechobee in the Florida Everglades. Native American tools and jewelery, a hundred year old fishing boat...

Breathing easier with Enviro-Paint

When I was little, I loved the smell of house paint. I have asthma, though -- the kind of asthma that lands you in the hospital at two in the morning because your inhaler just isn't cutting it -- so...

EU, U.S. will share safety data on cosmetics

Ever wonder about the safety of your imported cosmetics? Last week, the United States and the European Union agreed to trade information on safety of cosmetics. The agreement is planned in hopes of...

Outside the Box: Ship shape & smelly energy

Enviroblog's new weekly column, Outside The Box, features stories outside the norm and refusing to conform.

McDiesel anyone?

McDonald's has announced today that it will reuse its supply of cooking oil to manufacture biodiesel fuel for its UK delivery trucks. Biodiesel will be created by combining rapeseed oil and cooking...

Sunscreen: what about nanoparticles?

Kate at Grist did a great write-up on EWG's sunscreen investigation -- if you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out.

Envirohealth in Blogs: Warm and toasty

A little light reading for your mid-week enjoyment. Make sure to scroll to the bottom for a call to action, and when you're done with that, be our friend on MySpace! Cold feet? Allie says get a bed...