
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1633 - 1656 of 7441

Do you filter your tapwater? Should you?

When people ask what kind of water filter to use for their tapwater, we reply, "It depends on what contaminants are present in your tap water, since different filters are effective at removing...
PBS' To The Contrary and EWG will host an interactive online screening and live chat on the dangers of toxic fire retardants in your home and why it's important to reduce your exposure to these chemicals.

New Study Warns Pregnant Women Millions Drink Contaminated Water

Women's Health Weekly Published January 31, 2002 Millions of Americans have been drinking tap water contaminated with chemical chlorine byproducts that are far more than what studies suggest may be...

Report: Fertilizer is killing Gulf fish

Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Nancy Cole Published April 10, 2006 Farmers in 15 northeast Arkansas counties are among the top contributors of fertilizer pollution that creates a "dead zone" of more than...

Will Chemical Safety Law Be Better?

In the coming months, congressional negotiators will try to reconcile two bills aimed at fixing the nation's broken and outdated chemical safety law, the Toxic Substances Control Act. As we've made...

Cock-a-doodle-do! Crowing About False Farm Bill Savings

The House Committee on Agriculture, in a recent letter to the budget committee, boasts of being “proud to have made a significant contribution to deficit reduction with the passage of the (2014) farm...


Organic Within Reach

With a little planning, cooking organic food can save money and time, help you eat better, cut down on waste and help protect the environment.

Maryland County Bans Lawn Pesticides — or Does It?

The Montgomery County, Maryland, Council has passed an ordinance banning what it calls “cosmetic pesticides” on private lawns. The devil, however, is in the details. The term “cosmetic” means...

UC Berkeley Scientist Developing Method to Identify Chemicals That May Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Megan Schwarzman, an environmental health researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, has come up with a novel approach to screening synthetic chemicals and pollutants for their potential to...

In Chemical Reform Law A Hidden Bailout for Monsanto’s Pollution

As the New York Times reported today, federal lawmakers may be about to give Monsanto a multi billion-dollar break. H.R. 2576, The TSCA Modernization Act, is a bill designed to update our nation's...

Nationwide Poll Finds Overwhelming Support for Stronger Cosmetics Regulation

Americans overwhelmingly want the government to ensure the safety of the personal care products they buy, according to a new national poll released today by the Mellman Group and American Viewpoint.

The Crop Insurance Industry’s Top Seven Whoppers

The crop insurance industry must be getting desperate. The federal crop insurance program from which this industry profits handsomely is coming under increasing scrutiny. The industry's claims to...

Looking For Healthier Cosmetics? Shop EWG VERIFIED®!

The shampoo you buy at your local drug store must be free of toxic chemicals and safe to use, right? Wrong.


Growing Organic

In less than two decades, sales in the organic sector have grown from $3.7 billion in 1997 to more than $43 billion in 2015.

Case Study: Corn Belt Communities Plagued by Nitrate in Tap Water

In December 2015, the 1,500 residents of Erie, Ill., received a warning that the community's tap water should not be given to babies under 6 months old, or used to mix formula or juice for those infants.

Industry Chemical Bill Worse Than Current Law

Consumers rightly expect that the chemicals used in everyday products are safe.


Update: Mapping the Expanding PFAS Crisis

The latest update of an interactive map by EWG and the Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute at Northeastern University documents publicly known PFAS pollution from 94 sites in 22 states, including industrial plants and dumps, military air bases, civilian airports and fire training sites. It also shows PFAS pollution of tap water for 16 million people in 33 states and Puerto Rico.

Toxic Cadmium in Jewelry: States Lead in Protecting Kids

In the absence of adequate federal regulation of hazardous chemicals, the states have stepped up to protect public health and the environment.

How American Industry Skips Some Chemical Safety Checks

American industry often avoids the federal government's chemical safety checks in an unexpected way, by relying on chemicals “grandfathered” by the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act, according to a...

EWG’s #FightForChemicalSafety Campaign

The fight for chemical safety is on! It's time for Congress to hear from you – that you're fighting for real reform and your family's health. Take a stand today and join EWG's #FightForChemicalSafety...

Double Dipping: How Taxpayers Subsidize Farmers Twice for Crop Losses

After a decline in crop prices in 2014 and 2015, the U.S. Department of Agriculture boosted farmers' income by more than $13 billion through two newly enacted subsidy programs. But during the same period, another USDA program paid out nearly as much to “compensate” the same farmers for the same decline in prices. In all, this double-dipping cost American taxpayers almost $23.9 billion.

Another Reason To Label Genetically Engineered Food: 2,4-D

Now that government agencies have given the green light to Dow AgroSciences to sell 2,4-D-tolerant, genetically engineered corn and soybeans and OK'd dousing them in Enlist Duo weed killer, there's...

EPA Disregards Toxic Weed Killer’s Risks to Children

The Environmental Protection Agency appears poised to approve Dow Chemical's bid to market a new toxic weed killer based on an agency analysis that failed to consider its danger to children's health...

Rep. Davis Doesn’t Think You Can Handle Knowing Whether Your Food Is Genetically Engineered

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) and some of his colleagues are telling American consumers they can't handle the truth.