
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1681 - 1704 of 7441

Caps on Crop Insurance Subsidies Would Not Devastate Growers

If you care about the environment, human health or helping small growers, you should support reform of the federal crop insurance program.

Will Chemical Safety Bill Shortchange EPA?

The best car won't run if you don't put gas in it. Even if Congress modestly improves the federal chemical safety law—and there are lots of reasons to think it won't—the changes won't mean much if the...


EWG Investigates: Pruitt’s Toothless Poultry Law

Scott Pruitt, President Trump's nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, has a penchant for making misleading claims about his record on the environment.

Twisted Fate of 9/11: Heroes and Deadly Dust

On the morning of September 11, 2001, 92 passengers boarded American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles. Around the world, we watched the unthinkable terrorist attacks on our nation as that...

Childhood Cancer: More Evidence Points to Chemical Exposure

September was national Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, reminding Americans of the sobering facts about this terrible disease.

Study: Teflon Chemical Linked to Childhood Obesity

Children born to mothers who were exposed during pregnancy to higher levels of PFOA, the non-stick chemical DuPont formerly used to make Teflon, tend to put on more weight and do so more quickly than...

GMO Salmon Approved for Your Dinner Plate

The Food and Drug Administration today (Nov. 19) approved genetically engineered salmon for human consumption, making it the first genetically engineered animal destined to reach American grocery...

Broad Coalition Opposes Hill Efforts to Deny Consumers the Right to Know

In a letter to Congressional leaders sent this week, nearly 300 environmental advocacy, farming and fishing groups and food companies voiced strong opposition to a plan to tack a provision onto the...

No, Bacon isn’t Greener Than Lettuce

You may have seen the headlines yesterday claiming bacon is better for the environment than lettuce. Bacon cheeseburger lovers may have cheered the news, but a closer look shows the claim has more...

How the Fincher Stole Christmas (for the cotton industry)

What could a member of Congress who has collected more than $3 million in federal cotton subsidies want in his Christmas stocking this year? If you're Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.), the answer is...

Great Lakes Gull Eggs Contaminated by Non-Stick Chemicals

Perfluorinated compounds, or PFCs – the class of chemicals used in DuPont's Teflon, 3M's Scotchgard and many other products – pollute the bodies of people and animals in every corner of the world. In...

In 20 Years Since Landmark Law, Pesticides in Baby Food Drop Dramatically

On Aug. 3, 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Food Quality Protection Act, a landmark law that required the EPA to show that all exposures to pesticides in food were safe for infants and children...

Unregulated Farm Pollution Dirties Calif. Air and Water

A study released this week by the University of California, Davis, found that farming is the biggest source of nitrogen pollution in California, contributing harmful pollutants to the state's air and...

Panera’s Promise to Sell Clean Kids’ Food Could Lead to Healthier Fast Food – Fast

Panera Bread's Kids Meal Promise – a children's menu free of artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners and colors – challenges the rest of the fast and fast-casual food industry to get serious...

Illegal Herbicide Use on Monsanto GMOs Spurs Bitter Complaints

Remember when we told you that some farmers were illegally spraying the herbicide dicamba on Monsanto's new GMO crops? Well, the situation is getting worse.

Soaring Sales Should Spur Congress to Expand Organic Acreage

New data released today by the Organic Trade Association show that total organic product sales in the U.S. for 2015 hit a new record of $43.3 billion, up 11 percent from the previous year's record...

'Erin Brockovich' Chemical in Drinking Water of More than 200 Million Americans

Drinking water supplies for two-thirds of Americans are contaminated with the carcinogenic chemical made notorious by the film "Erin Brockovich," which was based on the real-life poisoning of tap...

Study: Flame Retardant Use in Some Products Declining

When EWG and other environmental health advocates began raising alarms about toxic flame retardants in foam-cushioned furniture and other products, people couldn't find out exactly what chemicals were...

Preventing Cancer is Not a Game of Chance

Today is World Cancer Day, a perfect time to raise awareness and spur action in the fight against cancer. It's a day to reflect on a very important question: What is the main cause of cancer? Is it...

What Congress Doesn’t Want You To Know About Industrial Food Production

Some members of the U.S. Congress don't want you to know how the food you eat strains natural resources. That's the meaning of a statement attached to the omnibus federal spending bill Congress sent...


Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Detected in Drinking Water Supplies Across California

Drinking water sources for 74 community water systems serving 7.5 million Californians are contaminated with the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, according to an Environmental Working Group review of the latest state data.

Corn Ethanol: A Bad Idea Looks Even Worse

Growing corn to make fuel for your car just doesn't work. And reversing government policies that require it would ease a world of problems.

Eating More Veggies: A Recipe for Sustainability

The Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a panel of respected scientific and medical experts who help craft the federal government's official position on nutrition, yesterday...


Report: Up to 110 Million Americans Could Have PFAS-Contaminated Drinking Water

More than 1,500 drinking water systems across the country may be contaminated with the nonstick chemicals PFOA and PFOS, and similar fluorine-based chemicals, a new EWG analysis shows.