
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1873 - 1896 of 7441


NIH to Review Flawed Report on Impacts of BPA Exposure

After a steady drumbeat of criticism from EWG, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA), outside scientists and mainstream media, the National Institute's of Health's (NIH) National Toxicology Program (NTP) has agreed to launch a top-down investigation into the Center for the Evaluation of Risk to Human Reproduction's (CERHR) flawed, industry-friendly report on the health impacts of the dangerous toxic

CA House Votes BPA Ban in Kids' Food Wares

Oakland, Ca – The health of California's children was the watchword today in Sacramento as the State Assembly voted 43-31 to ban the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from food and...

NC Panel OKs Toxic Teflon Chemical in Drinking Water

North Carolinians could be exposed to much higher concentrations of a notorious Teflon chemical than the rest of the country under a proposed state regulation that would allow unsafe levels of the...

EWG Asks FDA, NTP to Wind Up Study of Vitamin A In Sunscreen

Washington, DC – Environmental Working Group (EWG) president Ken Cook today urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to speed their analysis of a seminal...

BPA Now in EPA’s Crosshairs

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson's commitment to protecting people and the environment from harmful chemicals was on display again yesterday as the agency announced...

EWG Taps David DeGennaro To Lead Farm Bill Advocacy in Washington DC

David DeGennaro, previously Senior Legislative Assistant to Congressman Ron Kind (D-WI), is joining the Environmental Working Group (EWG) as a legislative and policy analyst in the organization's...

The Clock is Ticking on Justice for Black Farmers

Since February, the National Black Farmers Association has been rallying support to persuade Congress to distribute the $1.15 billion promised to black farmers in the 1999 Pigford settlement, which...

Sen. Lincoln’s Nutrition Plan Pits Kids Against Clean Water -- Needlessly

Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark) plans to mark up her Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 on Wednesday, March 24th. The legislation would reauthorize child nutrition...

Wrong Number: Apple Hangs Up on iPhone Radiation App

An Israeli tech startup called Tawkon has developed a mobile application that estimates the level of radiation emitted from cell phones, which a growing body of research – though not definitive –...

FDA Reverses Position, Now Supports Removing BPA from Infant Formula

Today's decision by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reverse its position over the health risks posed by the chemical, bisphenol A (BPA) could be the Waterloo for the ubiquitous...

Industry Will Phase Out Toxic Flame Retardant

Late Thursday, three large chemical companies and officials of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a deal to phase out the toxic flame retardant Decabromodiphenyl ether (Deca)...

EWG's Back-To-School Guide

Buying school supplies is an annual end-of-summer tradition. It's also an opportunity to look for safer products for your children and their classrooms.

FDA to Decide Soon On Move Toward BPA Food Packaging Ban

The federal Food and Drug Administration, faced with a series of legal actions from environmental groups, is poised to decide whether to move toward barring the toxic chemical bisphenol-A from food...

Brazilian Blowout to Pay Workers, Customers

A class action settlement requiring the manufacturer of Brazilian Blowout, a popular chemical hair straightener to pay a small compensation to salon workers and customers who used its formaldehyde...

World's Largest Soup Maker to Remove BPA from Cans

Campbell's Soup, whose iconic red and white label is found in pantries across the country, says it will stop using the notorious chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA, in the linings of its cans.

109 Organizations Take Issue With Obama’s Support for Fracking

More than 100 organizations – including environmental, religious and public health groups – expressed concern about President Obama’s endorsement of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas drilling in his...

New Ethanol Blend Puts Hundreds of Millions of Engine Warranties At Risk

The Environmental Protection Agency's decision today to pave the way for the sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol is likely to prove a nightmare for car owners who improperly fuel...

America’s Conservation Compact is Eroding Despite Farmers’ Support

A new research paper finds that most farmers support the long-standing conservation compact that has helped protect the rich soil and clean water that sustain food, farming and public health.

EPA: Fracking Linked to Groundwater Contamination in Wyoming

According to a report by the Associated Press, the federal Environmental Protection Agency has concluded the natural gas extraction process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, could be responsible...

EPA Moves to Limit Mercury Emissions

The federal Environmental Protection Agency pressed ahead today in its effort to reduce Americans' exposure to hazardous chemicals, announcing a long-awaited new standard to reduce the amount of...

EWG: With Super Committee Dead, Ag Leaders Should Make Public Secret Farm Bill Plan

Late last week, the four top leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees finalized the details of their secret farm bill, slated to be part of the so-called Super Committee's deficit...

BPA Banned in California Baby Bottles

California parents are cheering and letting out a sigh of relief with the news that Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation banning the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles...

FDA Steps Up Pressure on Brazilian Blowout

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement this afternoon in response to the federal Food and Drug Administration's warning to Brazilian Blowout that the company's product containing...

California Senate Approves BPA Ban for Baby Bottles, Sippy Cups

The California State Senate voted today to ban the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A from baby bottles and sippy cups sold in California.