
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 1993 - 2016 of 7441

EWG: GAO Report Confirms Trump EPA Slow-Walking Chemical Safety

Under the direction of top political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency, career scientists were told to “limit” chemical safety assessments, according to a report by the nonpartisan...

Report: Organic Packaged Foods Only ‘Clean’ Option for Consumers

Unlike organic packaged foods, conventional packaged food contains thousands of poorly regulated food chemicals, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group.

Bipartisan Senate Bill Would Help Protect Consumers From Toxic Chemicals in Personal Care Products

A bipartisan bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) would give the Food and Drug Administration the power to ensure that the chemicals used in cosmetics and...

Tests Find PFAS Chemicals in Cosmetics at ‘Elevated Levels’

A new study from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency found toxic fluorinated, or PFAS, chemicals at high levels in nearly one-third of the cosmetics products it tested.

Calif. Bill Would Ban Cosmetics With Chemicals Linked to Cancer or Reproductive Harm

Landmark legislation introduced today would ban the use in cosmetics sold in California of 20 highly toxic chemicals known to cause cancer, reproductive harm or hormone disruption.

Landmark Federal Study: ‘Clear Evidence’ Linking Cellphone Radiation to Cancer

The largest-ever animal study of cellphone radiation effects, released today by the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, confirms earlier evidence from human studies that cellphone radiation increases...

Army Backs Down on FOIA, Waives $300K Fee for PFAS Contamination Data

Under pressure from Environmental Working Group and Capitol Hill lawmakers, the Army today agreed to waive its fee of almost $300,000 to process a public records request seeking information about...

Bipartisan PFAS Monitoring Bills Introduced in Congress

Today Sens. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), and Reps. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) and Jack Bergman (R-Mich.) introduced bipartisan legislation to sample water for contamination with the...

Two Years and 10 Million Pounds Since Trump EPA Blocked Ban of Brain-Damaging Pesticide

On Thursday, Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and a dozen of his fellow senators introduced legislation to ban chlorpyrifos, an insecticide that can harm children's brains and nervous systems. But if the Trump...

Trump’s USDA Wants To Kick 750,000 Americans Off Food Stamps, While Many Farmers Have Gotten Subsidies for Decades

A Trump administration proposal could force 750,000 low-income Americans to lose their meager federal food assistance – a cruel contrast to federal farm subsidies, which tens of thousands of farmers...

Michigan Legislators Introduce Legislation To Ensure Health Care for Veterans Exposed to PFAS Chemicals

Today Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.), with members of the bipartisan Congressional PFAS Task Force, introduced the Veterans Exposed to Toxic PFAS Act. This legislation...

EPA’s Proposed PFAS Guidance Falls Far Short on Public Health Protection and Cleanup

The draft interim recommendations for cleanup of the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS, announced today by Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler, are a woefully inadequate...

Federal Data: In a First, Renewable Energy Passes Coal as Source of Electricity

In a historic tipping point, renewable energy sources this month will generate more electricity in the U.S. than coal-fired power plants for the first time, new federal data show.

White House Drops Scheme to Bail Out Coal, Nukes

The White House has reportedly shelved a plan by Energy Secretary Rick Perry to prop up the failing coal and nuclear industries by making operators of regional electric grids buy power from aging coal...

Grand Canyon and Colorado River Temporarily Protected from Uranium Mining

The Obama administration today took an emergency measure to bar new mining claims on a 1-million-acre area around the Grand Canyon until December. At that time, administration officials indicated they...

California’s Fracking Wastewater Full of Toxic Chemicals

The recent discovery of high levels of benzene in wastewater from oil and gas fracking operations in California turns out to be just the tip of the iceberg. An extensive review of a year-old state...

Congress Needs to Reform the Broken Renewable Fuel Standard

The Obama administration today released proposals for the amount of biofuels required to be blended into gasoline for 2014, 2015, and 2016 under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

EWG Lauds Rep. Welch as Champion of Green Biofuels

The corn ethanol industry's attacks on Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) over his efforts to reform federal biofuels policies are “completely outrageous and smack of desperation,” says Scott Faber, EWG's...

Obama Administration Ethanol Proposal A “Missed Opportunity” for Climate

The Obama Administration's unprecedented decision today, lowering the amount of corn ethanol that refiners must add to gasoline, misses an opportunity to go even further and pave the way for second...

Boost in Corn Ethanol is Wrong Choice for Clean Air and Land Use

The Obama Administration's proposal to increase the mandate for dirty corn ethanol in gasoline will make air pollution worse and push farmers to grow corn for fuel instead of food, EWG said.

Study: Fecal Bacteria from N.C. Hog Farms Infects Nearby Homes

Scientific tests found abundant hog feces on homes and lawns, and in the air of private properties near big hog farms in North Carolina – proof that factory farms are exposing nearby communities to...

Bipartisan Senate Bill Would Set Legal Limit for PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water

A bipartisan group of senators, led by Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Shelley Capito (R-W.V.), introduced legislation today to require the Environmental Protection Agency to set a health-protective...

Pressure Mounts on NC Lawmakers To Reject Duke Energy Rate Increase Bill

Calls grew today for North Carolina lawmakers to reject a bill backed by Duke Energy that would allow the utility to increase rates on consumers and move forward with expensive infrastructure projects...

Trump EPA Sets Tap Water Limit for Rocket Fuel Chemical 3X Higher Than Agency Scientists Recommend

The Trump administration's Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to set a drinking limit for a toxic rocket fuel chemical three times higher than agency scientists recommended during the Obama...