
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2017 - 2040 of 7441

3M Study Found PFAS in Food Nearly 20 Years Ago

Laboratory tests conducted nearly 20 years ago that have gone largely unreported found high levels of the toxic fluorinated chemical known as PFAS a number of popular supermarket foods.

Defense Bill Heading to House Floor Includes Provision Banning Toxic Firefighting Foam on Military Bases

The House of Representatives will soon consider a must-pass piece of legislation that includes a provision to prohibit the use on military installations of firefighting foam containing the toxic...

FDA Glyphosate Testing Conspicuously Skips Oats, Wheat Products

The Food and Drug Administration failed to include oats and wheat products in its glyphosate testing program, leaving Americans largely in the dark about their exposure through food to the active...

Analysis: EPA Ignored Scientific Research Showing Monsanto’s Glyphosate Causes Cancer

A new analysis from the peer-reviewed scientific journal Environmental Sciences Europe documents the diametrically different approaches the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health...

Cheap With His Own Money, Not Ours: Pruitt Had Sweetheart Rental Deal With Energy Lobbyist’s Wife

According to press reports, for the first six months of 2017, Pruitt paid $50 a night to rent space in a Capitol Hill condo, paying only for the nights he actually slept there. The condo is co-owned...

GAO: Pruitt Broke Law in Buying $43K Private Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's use of $43,000 in taxpayer funds for a private phone booth broke federal law, according to a report today from the federal Government...

At Pruitt’s EPA, Stricter Limits to Protect Americans from Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals are ‘Nightmare’

The federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry is preparing to propose safe levels for fluorinated chemicals in drinking water nearly six times more stringent than the Environmental...

EWG Applauds Lowe’s for Protecting Public from Dangerous Paint Stripping Chemicals

The national home improvement chain Lowe's announced this week it will begin removing two highly toxic chemicals from its paint stripping products, with the phaseout to be completed by the end of this...

Ahead of Farm Bill Markup, EWG Urges Senate to Back Grassley’s Subsidy Reform Efforts

On Wednesday, Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, will offer an amendment to the Senate farm bill that would tighten requirements for farm subsidies. The Environmental Working Group urged support for...

Chair of Senate Environment Panel to Call Scott Pruitt to Testify on Scandals

Republican chairman of the Senate committee with oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency plans to call the agency's embattled chief Scott Pruitt to testify over scandals.

Senate Committee Moves to Force Release of Water Contamination Study Blocked by Scott Pruitt, White House

The Senate Appropriations Committee passed a key spending bill today that includes report language requiring the Trump administration to release a key chemical contamination study it buried.


Suspect Salads

In the first-ever tests of perchlorate in supermarket produce, 18 percent of lettuce samples contained detectable levels of perchlorate, and an average serving of these contaminated samples contained 4 times more than the EPA says is safe in drinking water. EWG estimates that by eating lettuce, 1.6 million American women of childbearing age are exposed daily during the winter months to more

Report: Superbugs Found in More Than Three-Fourths of U.S. Supermarket Meat

The latest round of tests by federal scientists found antibiotic-resistant bacteria on nearly 80 percent of supermarket meat in 2015, according to a new analysis by the Environmental Working Group.

Top Chefs Urge Congress to Protect 40 Million Americans From Hunger

As Congress begins debate on food and farm policy, some of the nation's top chefs gathered on Capitol Hill today to urge lawmakers to protect the nation's most effective anti-hunger program from...

If Scott Pruitt Becomes Attorney General, Corporate Polluters Would Be Treated Like Jaywalkers

If Scott Pruitt becomes attorney general, he'd treat corporate criminal polluters like jaywalkers, said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook.

Toyota Tells EWG ‘No Plans’ to Help Scott Pruitt Gut EPA

Contrary to Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's testimony before a House committee, Toyota has no plans to partner with the agency, the company said in a letter to the Environmental...

EWG: Stop Rodan + Fields’ Misleading Claims

EWG urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and California's attorney general today to stop Rodan + Fields from making misleading claims about benzophenone, a chemical that has been linked to...

Almost Three-Fourths of California’s High-Risk Toddlers Miss Annual Lead Tests Required by Law

A new EWG analysis of state records shows that each year between 2012 and 2016, almost three-fourths of California toddlers enrolled in Medi-Cal, the state-run low-income health insurance program...

EPA Chief’s First-Class Travel in Crosshairs of GOP Investigation

The Republican chair of the House oversight committee is demanding the travel records of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.

In Pompeo, Trump Taps First Known Climate Denier For Secretary of State

If CIA Director Mike Pompeo becomes the next Secretary of State, he will be the first known climate denier to serve as the nation's chief diplomat Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore via

New study links microplastics to serious health harms in humans

A recent study suggests the presence of microplastics may increase the risk of heart attack or other cardiovascular problems among people with heart disease. The tiny plastics were found to double the...

Toxic Farm Fumigants Drifting Into California Neighborhoods

Testing of air in two California neighborhoods adjacent to agricultural fields receiving applications of the soil fumigant methyl bromide revealed high levels of this extremely toxic pesticide outside state mandated buffer zones. Buffer zones are recommended based on the size of the field and the rate of methyl bromide application and are intended to protect the public from exposure to unsafe

Groups Urge Immediate Action by EPA To Improve PFAS Disposal Guidance for Communities

The Environmental Protection Agency must take a series of steps to protect public health and the environment from the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from being incinerated or...

FDA Asks Women To Protect Themselves From Products The Agency Refused To Ban

Today, the Food and Drug Administration sent a special women's health alert and unveiled a new webpage urging caution for anyone using formaldehyde in hair-smoothing treatments, sometimes referred to...