
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2137 - 2160 of 7441

17 Principles of Environmental Justice

After writing this morning's post on the global environmental justice movement, I did a little digging and turned up the Principles of Environmental Justice. Drafted and adopted in 1991 at the...


In a May 16 blog post about the possibility of Dennis Paustenbach being appointed to a federal asbestos committee, we said that Paustenbach's firm ChemRisk "committed scientific fraud on behalf of a...

Rotten eggs in Versailles, PA

What would you rather have lurking underneath your hometown: highly explosive methane, or highly toxic hydrogen sulfide? Tough decision. How about both? In Versailles, PA, that's exactly the situation...

Ask EWG: Is there eco-friendly jewelry?

Question: I love jewelry, and have since I was a little girl. I don’t buy it often, and when I do I try to buy pieces that are made to last. I’m trying to be a responsible consumer. What should I...

Envirohealth News: Claims for antibacterial soap go down the drain

What's new in the world of environmental health. The federal government is setting itself up to violate its own water quality standards -- by not cutting CO2 emissions. Oceans absorb carbon dioxide...

EPA Slashes Cellulosic Biofuel Mandates. Again.

For the third consecutive year, the Environmental Protection Agency has drastically reduced cellulosic biofuel mandates, citing economic and technological hurdles. Even though industry officials...

Lunchroom Bullies

If you wanted an object lesson in how broken food politics are in America, you couldn't do better than to read how farm lobbyists, teamed up with big food companies and malleable friends in both...
A 2015 national survey found that nearly nine out of ten Americans—regardless of age, race, gender, income and party affiliation—support GMO food labeling.

The Not So Secret Farm Bill

It's been two weeks since EWG president Ken Cook first sounded the alarm that a “secret” farm bill was in the works. He called out the industrial agriculture lobby and a handful of their powerful...

Secret Farm Bill Should Focus on Healthy Food and Jobs

A secret farm bill will leave out healthy food and hurt California. Nearly 70 environmental, public health, nutrition, food and farm groups – including EWG – are calling on California's congressional...

Leading Scientists Rely on and Back EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides

Chensheng (Alex) Lu, Associate Professor of Environmental Exposure Biology at Harvard School of Public Health has advised parents and caregivers to use the Shopper's Guide to "keep nutritional foods...

Big Food Fights to Keep Kids Fat

Childhood obesity rates in the U.S. are at an all-time high, while the quality of our children's food has reached a new low.

Eating Less, Better Meat: Yes We Can

I'm a vegetarian. But my husband's not. And – go figure – my kids aren't either. Which is exactly why I care about the meat I buy.

Best Friends Forever? Produce Growers and Pesticide Makers Deepen their Bond

In nearly two decades of research and advocacy on pesticides and human health, Environmental Working Group has never before seen the produce industry take a high-profile role in debates over pesticide...
In 2014, Vermont became the first state to pass a standalone mandatory GMO labeling law, which will go into effect July 2016. Connecticut and Maine have also passed GMO labeling laws that will go into effect once neighboring states pass similar laws. Over 30 states have introduced similar GMO labeling legislation in the past three years. In response to these state efforts, legislation intended to preempt mandatory labeling at the state and federal level – dubbed the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK, Act - was passed by the House of Representatives in July 2015. Similar legislation was defeated in the Senate in March 2016. On July 7, 2016, the Senate passed compromise legislation introduced by Senators Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) that would preempt state labeling laws but create a national, mandatory GMO labeling standard for all GMO foods.

Ford under fire for concealing safety tests

As the Detroit News reports, Ford Motor Co. has again withheld evidence of safety problems with its SUVs and other vehicles. For Ford, it's hardly an isolated incident.

Study: American Pesticide Levels Are High

A new study by the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) found that a large percentage of people who had their blood and urine tested carried pesticides above levels considered safe by government health and...

Talks on Asbestos Bill End

The Republican Senate leadership's asbestos bailout bill appears dead for now, after negotiations stalled May 7. The bill would have denied thousands of Americans their day in court, reduced damage...

Study Links Teflon Chemical to Higher Cancer Rates

A new study presented at a meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists links the Teflon chemical C8 [also known as PFOA] to elevated cancer rates. Researchers found higher...

Corn Ethanol: Bad for Farmers, Consumers and the Environment

By driving up the price of food and gas and causing costly engine damage, corn ethanol has been bad news for consumers. And by driving up the price of food, corn ethanol is also costing all of us...

Calif. Boosts Funding Opportunities for a New Generation of Sustainable Farmers and Local, Healthy Food

It's a new day for those who have felt poorly served by California's chief food and agriculture agency.

Dairy’s Downward Spiral a Consequence of Broken Biofuels Policy

California dairymen are being regularly referred to suicide hotlines as many go broke from rising feed costs, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

Craft energy policy to protect fresh water

Guaranteeing a clean and ample supply of water should be at the core of our energy policy. Sometimes Washington seems to have forgotten that. But a recent survey shows that the American people have...

One-Year Extension or Trojan Horse?

Last fall, House and Senate Agriculture Committee leaders tried to insert a “secret farm bill” in the super committee's un-amendable deficit reduction package. They failed. Now some of those same...