
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 217 - 240 of 7442

What are the biggest food policy debates?

This week, Grist offered its opinion about the biggest debates in food policy. But many of the biggest kitchen-table issues weren't on the list, including climate change, farm pollution, food safety...

Insurance by Any Other Name…?

Like most Americans, I have firsthand experience on how insurance is supposed to work. I've had auto insurance since the end of high school when I got the keys to my first car. And I've paid for...

Obama Offers $18 Billion Fix to Bloated Crop Insurance Program

This week, President Obama released a 2017 fiscal year budget proposal that would save taxpayers more than $18 billion and better protect America's land and water.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

We're fooling ourselves if we think that voluntary conservation efforts are going to solve the Corn Belt's dirty water problems.

What the elephant knows about cancer prevention

Elephants are less likely to get cancer than humans, even though they have many more cells. Why? Teams of scientists from the University of Utah and the University of Chicago have separately concluded...

Cancer and the Environment: 10 Common Misconceptions Answered

As a cancer epidemiologist, I've spent a lot of time researching the links between environmental contaminants and cancer. One of the pitfalls of the Digital Age is that people come across a lot of...

Science For Sale: Ford Spends $40M to Discredit Danger of Asbestos Brakes

In 1971 Ford Motor Company decided that $1.25 per car was too much to spend on safer alternatives to asbestos brakes. Thirty years later, in the face of mounting lawsuits, Ford began spending millions...

Corn Lobby’s GMO Labeling Study “Preposterous”

Labeling food that contains genetically engineered, or “GMO,” ingredients will not cost the preposterous $81.9 billion that the corn industry claims. The new study – paid for by the Corn Refiners...


Is Federal Crop Insurance Policy Leading to Another Dust Bowl?

Is Federal Crop Insurance Policy Leading to Another Dust Bowl?

Rep. Pallone Seeks Answers on Alleged Hair Loss by Users of WEN Cleansing Conditioner

Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., of New Jersey, the highest-ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is seeking answers for why more than 17,000 Americans have complained of hair loss and...

GMO Lobster? GMO Bacon?

More meat and fish from genetically engineered animals could be coming to your dinner plate.

Environmental Defense Fund and Chemical Companies: Fool Me Twice?

It was abundantly clear at the recent Senate hearing that Democrats on the Environment and Public Works Committee have grave doubts about legislation the chemical industry has written to regulate...

Products that Contain Asbestos Should be Regulated and Labeled

If a product you were thinking of buying contained asbestos, chances are you'd want to know while you were in the store, say, by reading a warning on the item's label.

GMO Labeling Will Not Increase Food Prices

Tomorrow morning, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on the impact of GMO labeling on food prices.

Top 5 Reasons to Oppose the DARK Act

Americans overwhelmingly want the right to know whether the food they are purchasing has been made with genetically modified ingredients, a right that consumers in 64 other countries already have.

Preschoolers Face-to-Face with Asbestos

My four-year-old son Jack likes to play on the floor.

Reality Check: The Real Facts You Should Know About the FACT Act

Fact: Asbestos companies knew the dangers of asbestos for decades, but they put profits before people and continued to sell it.

How State Chemical Safety Policy Shapes The Consumer Market

States have been leading the way when it comes to protecting people from dangerous chemicals.

Opposition To Industry Chemical Bill Continues to Build

Medical professionals, scientists, states attorneys general, legal scholars, and public interest organizations are all speaking up against the Udall-Vitter Toxic Substances Control Act reform bill (S...

Top Problems with New House Chemical Proposal

Consumers rightly expect that the chemicals used in everyday products are safe.

Test Your Sun Safety Knowledge: EWG Tackles Five Popular Myths

I love this time of year. After a long, cold winter, how can you resist the sun when it beckons you to go outside?

GMO Labeling: What’s Good for Consumers Is Good for Business

At Ben & Jerry's, we're really proud of the ingredients we use in our ice cream and we've always been happy to tell our fans what's in the pint. We love talking about our long-term relationship with...

Congresswoman DeLauro Takes on Arsenic in Rice

Although scientists and government regulators have known about the ever-present threat of arsenic in drinking water, emerging evidence is showing that arsenic, a known human carcinogen, also...

Can We Really Count on the Cosmetics Industry to Keep Us Safe?

Right now, you can go online and buy GK Hair Taming System with Juvexin® “Curly” or “Resistant” products. You can do this although these products are only intended for use by salon professionals. Even...