
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 2185 - 2208 of 7441

Madonna's Plan for Neutralizing Dangerous Radioactive Waste

The London Sunday Times reports that Madonna has been "lobbying the government and nuclear industry over a scheme to clean up radioactive waste with a supposedly magic Kabbalah fluid." Both she and...

Has Coke Become the New McDonald's?

Coca-Cola is hit by a hunger strike and college boycotts prostesting environmental and human rights abuses. Coca-Cola says it is a target only because it is the market leader. Funny--that reminds me...

Baltimore Bans Toxic Jewelry Because Feds Won't

A survey this month by Baltimore City Health Commisioner, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, found that 4 out of 17 samples of children's jewelry sold at area stores had dangerously high levels of lead.

Greenpeace Ad

The City Gas Guzzler, which we linked to last week, is drawing lots of comments on the Autoblog.

Washington Post Series "Harvesting Cash" Continues

Today, the Post's farm policy investigators tell the story of a 2003 boondoggle in which massive stockpiles of powdered milk, intended for use as "drought relief," ended up being traded all over the U...

Washington Post Keeps Digging Up Dirt on Wasteful Farm Policies

The Post's Dan Morgan, Gilbert M. Gaul, and Sarah Cohen continue to expose some serious flaws with the 2002 Farm Bill today in three articles deatiling different aspects of farm subsidy waste. Today's...

Organic Fast Food Coming to NYC

Organic hot dogs, burgers, and milkshakes may soon be making their way to the streets of the Big Apple. According to Sustainable Industries Journal, activist Antonia Nagy is working on a business...

Update: More Venues Offer to Host Farm Policy Showdown

Purdue University has agreed to host one of a series of debates on farm subsidies and the next farm bill that EWG president Ken Cook has proposed to former House Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry...

Government Study Confirms Dangers of Dioxin

Today the National Academy of Sciences released a report confirming that dioxin, the byproduct of several industries, is a potent carcinogen. In a 2005 investigation, Environmental Working Group (EWG)...

WHO: Environment = Health

The World Health Organization has released a new report which strengthens the argument for increased controls on environmental pollution. Here are some of the key findings: 13 million deaths annually...

Vinegar for Whiter Whites?

Who'da thunk. Tossing some vinegar into your washer's rinse cycle whiten your whites without making your clothes smell like a salad. Throwing in some baking soda can strengthen your laundry detergent...

Soda Ban in Schools Does Not Protect Students From Benzene

The beverage industry has conceded to remove high-calorie soft drinks from schools. They will, however, be continuing to sell diet sodas and fruit drinks, which contain fewer calories and less sugar.

Nuclear energy not a clean, cheap answer

In today's Des Moines Register, Hope Burwell proposes that the nuclear energy industry use post-Chernobyl Belarus as a research opportunity for studying the long-term consequences of, and solutions to...

Is Your Cell Phone Being Recycled Responsibly?

As reported by Knight Ridder, a recent survey of leading U.S. wireless carriers (Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and Cingular) found these companies have cell phone recycling programs that are ineffectual...

House Threatens Food Safety Standards

No point rewriting Marian Burros' lead from Wednesday's New York Times: "The House is expected to vote Thursday on a bill that would pre-empt all state food safety regulations that are more stringent...

Pombo Operatives in Interior Department

The Hill reports that two staffers who work for the Department of Interior have spent almost three years pushing Rep. Richard Pombo's agenda, including controversial provisions for off shore drilling...

Let's Talk About Fuel

Whether or not you agree with the Bush Administration on energy policy, one thing is clear: when a President brings up the need to become energy independent in a State of the Union address, public...

Does 3M Run Minnesota Health Agency?

A legislative hearing last week revealed that 3M managers called the shots during a meeting at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). When state scientists laid out plans to study Scotchgard...

Green Hospitals

Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis, Ore., is leading the way in getting toxics out of hospital cleaning products – and finding, through the hospital's infection control department's...

EPA Goes Cuckoo for Cocoa Powder Puffs

There's no improving the headline of this Monday article from the Corvallis Gazette-Times in Oregon, or their lead: "Those who wondered where the EPA under the Bush administration draws the line on...

Avoiding Organic Milk Pitfalls

This New York Times article brings the tips on what to watch out for when buying organic milk. For example, while organic means that the cows weren't fed synthetic growth hormones, antibiotics or...

Toxic Nation: Canadian BodyBurden

Environmental Defence Canada has released "Toxic Nation" the first Canadian BodyBurden study, with 11 participants tested for 88 chemicals, including PCBs, fire retardants, PFOS (a chemical in the...

Pollution Costs Montana in Kids' Health Care

The University of Montana has put out its annual Kids Count report for 2005, addressing child mortality, uninsurance rates, economic status and, for the first time, health care costs from...

Industry Study Used by Feds Hid Evidence of Rocket Fuel's Effects

A major investigation by The Riverside Press-Enterprise finds that an industry-funded study, relied on by federal scientists to recommend drinking water standards for a toxic rocket fuel chemical...